21st April 2018, 02:11 PM
Date of AFCAT Indian Army Technical Entry Scheme written test?
I have already applied in AFCAT Ground Duty recruitment and waiting for the announcement of written exam. If anyone of you know that when they are going to conduct written test then please let me know.
26th May 2018, 01:54 PM
Sorry, to say that the AFCAT Indian Army Technical Entry Scheme examination date has not yet released. The applications for AFCAT Indian Army Technical Entry recruitment 2018 starts from 16th May 2018 and ends on 14th June 2018. The course will commence on 1st January 2019.
27th May 2018, 07:07 PM
AFCAT Recruitment 2018 :
A candidate willing to prepare for AFCAT Examination should remember following dates : Last date to apply online - 23rd Jan 2018 Date for downloading admit card for exam : 09th Feb 2018 Date of Examination of AFCAT - 25th Feb 2018 Declaration of Result of AFCAT - March/April 2018 As you can see that dates are over but if you have filled up this application form and appeared for the exam then you must know the result of this test because the commission publishes everything related to recruitment on its official website therefore you should visit at the official website of the AFCAT and get more details. You also should know about the important dates of physical test, interview process, medical test etc. through any special notice issued by AFCAT so only the official website may give you updated information regarding this exam so keep visiting regularly and check more updates. Website link - http://careerairforce.nic.in/ |