26th December 2018, 07:07 PM
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Detailed information about National Investigation Agency Sub Inspector recruitment 2018?

Respected Sir, I am going to apply for National Investigation Agency Sub Inspector recruitment of this year, 2018. I want to know each and everything regarding this Technical Entry Scheme. Please tell me asap.

6th January 2019, 11:10 PM
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Default Re: Detailed information about National Investigation Agency Sub Inspector recruitment 2018?

Detailed Information about National Investigation Agency Sub Inspector recruitment 2018:

The detailed information about the National Investigation Agency Sub Inspector recruitment 2018 is given below,

Name of the Organization - National Investigation Agency

Name of the Job Position - Sub Inspector

>> Maximum age should not exceed 56 years in order to be eligible as per the rules.

>> You must have completed your Bachelor's Degree from a recognized university or institution to be eligible.

>> Pay Matrix Level - 6

>> Selection Process consists of Written Test and Interview.
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