18th July 2019, 12:29 AM
How many Electrician vacancies are available in Border Roads Organisation?
Hi friends, can I know about the vacancies which are available in Border Roads Organisation for Electrician? I just want to know that how many vacancies are there can you tell me? Please let me know as soon as possible. Thank you!
20th July 2019, 04:00 PM
Border Roads Organization Electrician recruitment -
* 101 posts of electrician is available under Border Roads Organization Electrician recruitment. |
20th July 2019, 07:03 PM
The number of Electrician vacancies available in Border Roads Organisation are 101. Details of vacancies according to category-wise are mentioned below:-
—> UR:- 42 —> SC:- 15 —> ST:- 7 —> OBC:- 27 —> EWS:- 10 |
20th July 2019, 07:04 PM
Number of vacancies available in Border Roads Organization Electrician recruitment:
The detailed information about the number of vacancies available in Border Roads Organization Electrician recruitment is given below. Name of the Organization - Border Roads Organization Name of the Job Position - Electrician Total Vacancies in this recruitment - 778 vacancies @ For Electrician - 101 total vacancies Division of vacancies according to category is as follows, * For UR Category - 42 vacancies * For SC category - 15 vacancies * For ST Category - 7 vacancies * For OBC Category - 27 vacancies * For EWSs Category - 10 vacancies >> Please refer the notification for more detailed information. Click here for details Click here for official notification |
20th July 2019, 09:09 PM
Vacancies are available in Border Roads Organisation Electrician recruitment is 101 posts.
For more information, you can visit their Official Website http://www.bro.gov.in. |
21st July 2019, 12:10 AM
There are 101 vacancies available for Electrician in the above mentioned recruitment.
Interested candidates can send their duly filled application form with the required documents at the given address: Commandant GREF Centre, Dighi camp, Pune- 411015. |
21st July 2019, 09:47 PM
Vacancies are available in Border Roads Organisation Electrician recruitment is:
~~ Number of Vacancies: 101 Nos. For more information about this recruitment you can visit their official website. |