13th July 2019, 03:23 PM
How many Grade-B Manager vacancies are available in NABARD?
Hi friends, can I know about the vacancies which are available in NABARD for Grade-B Manager? I just want to know that how many vacancies are there can you tell me? Please let me know as soon as possible. Thank you!
14th July 2019, 03:35 PM
Total no of vacancies are available in NABARD
for Grade -B Manager are : Total no of posts are - 87 Grade -B Manager -8 |
14th July 2019, 04:42 PM
There are total 8 vacancies available for Grade-B Manager in NABARD recruitment.
Candidates who are going to apply for the recruitment can visit the official website below and fill up the online application form. Web: https://www.nabard.org/ |
14th July 2019, 06:01 PM
Total 8 Grade-B Manager vacancies are available in NABARD.
Examination pattern :- Phase I Preliminary Examination (Online Exam) Objective Type: MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) i) Test of Reasoning 20 marks ii) English Language 40 marks iii) Computer Knowledge 20 marks iv) General Awareness 20 marks v) Quantitative Aptitude 20 marks vi) Economic & Social Issues (with focus on Rural India) 40 marks vii) Agriculture & Rural Development (with focus on Rural India) 40 marks Duration: 120 Minutes Composite Time Total 200 marks Phase II Main Examination will be online and will be a mix of MCQ and descriptive pattern. Phase III Interview Applicants qualifying in the Phase-II Examination and securing sufficiently high rank in merit shall be short-listed for interview. Marks for Interview : 40 Marks |
14th July 2019, 06:13 PM
As per the notification total vacancies for the post is 8 ( including reservation policy ).
The bank is authorized to either increase or decrease the vacancies as per the requirement. For more information visit at www.nabard.org. |
14th July 2019, 07:00 PM
Number of vacancies available in NABARD Grade-B Manager recruitment:
The detailed information about the number of vacancies available in NABARD Grade-B Manager recruitment is given below. Name of the Organization - NABARD Name of the Job Position - Grade-B >> Total Number of vacancies - 8 vacancies @ Division of above vacancies is as follows, * General Category - 4 vacancies * SC Category - 1 vacancy * OBC Category - 3 vacancies Click here for official notification |
14th July 2019, 07:10 PM
The number of Grade-B Manager Vacancies undee NABARD recruitment are 8.
Candidates who hold Bachelors degree in any discipline with minimum aggregate of 60% marks from a recognised college/ university are eligible to apply for NABARD Grade-B Manager recruitment. |
14th July 2019, 11:25 PM
There are total number of 08 Grade-B Manager vacancies available in NABARD.
Category wise break up vacancies are as follows; UR: 04 SC: 01 OBC: 03 Candidates can visit the below mentioned official notification attachment link for detailed information. |
15th July 2019, 10:42 AM
The total number of vacancies available in NABARD for recruitment of Grade B Manager is 08.
Distribution of total vacancies among different category candidates are as below :- * Unreserved : 04. * SC : 01. * OBC : 03. For detailed information regarding the above recruitment, you can refer to the link www.nabard.org. |