11th February 2019, 12:50 PM
Course structure of BTech(Civil Engineering) in AIEM-Hooghly?
Hi friends, I just want to know about the structure of BTech(Civil Engineering) course which is available in AIEM-Hooghly. Can you please provide me the course structure for this course in this institute? Kindly let me know as soon as possible.
15th February 2019, 10:15 AM
The course structure of BTech(Civil Engineering) in AIEM-Hooghly is given below.
The duration of B.Tech Civil Engineering course is four years i.e 8 semesters FIRST SEMESTER => Engineering Maths I => Engineering Chemistry => Material Science => Basic Electronics => Basic Thermodynamics => Engineering Graphics => Engineering Chemistry Lab => Material Science Lab => Workshop Practice II SECOND SEMESTER => Engineering Physics => Engineering Maths II => Engineering Mechanics => Basic Electrical Engg => Communication Skills => Basic Electrical Engg Lab => Communication Skills Lab THIRD SEMESTER => Probability and Statistics => Engineering Economics => Strength of Material => Fluid Mechanics => Civil Engineering Materials and Building Construction => Fluid Mechanics Lab => Civil Engineering Material and Building Construction Lab => Extra Curricular Activity I FOURTH SEMESTER => Numerical Analysis => Theory of Structure => Soil Mechanics => Surveying => Engineering Geology => Soil Mechanics Lab => Surveying Lab => Extra Curricular Activity II FIFTH SEMESTER => Dynamics of Behavioural Science in Industries => Open elective I => Concrete Structure Design => Transportation Engg. I => Theory of Structure Lab => Survey Camp => Transportation Engg. Lab SIXTH SEMESTER => Steel Structure Design => Environment Engg. I => Transportation Engg. II => Irrigation Engg. and Hydrology => Structural Drawing => Minor Project => Environment. Engg. Lab SEVENTH SEMESTER => Foundation Engineering => Project Management and Quantity Surveying => Solid Wastes and Environmental Pollution => Departmental Elective I => Industrial training Viva => Major Project 1 => Seminar EIGHTH SEMESTER => Design of Hydraulic Structure => Departmental Elective II => Departmental Elective III => Departmental Elective IV => Major Project II |