17th June 2019, 02:23 AM
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Course structure and fee expenses of BTech(Civil Engineering) in IITRAM-Ahmedabad?

Respected Sir, I am going to secure admission in IITRAM-Ahmedabad for studying BTech(Civil Engineering). I would like to know about the course structure of this course as well as the fee expenses. Can you please let me know about both asap?

19th June 2019, 12:04 AM
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Default Re: Course structure and fee expenses of BTech(Civil Engineering) in IITRAM-Ahmedabad?

Course structure and fee expenses of B.Tech(Civil Engineering) in Institute of Infrastructure Technology Research and Management is shared below:

The course of (B.Tech.) in Civil Engineering is an undergraduate engineering degree of four year duration and will include the study of following subjects in detail:

=)Fluid Mechanics
=)Strength of Materials
=)Building Materials and Construction
=)Structural Analysis
=)Geotechnical Engineering
=)Transportation Engineering
=)Environmental Engineering
=)Design of Steel Structure
=)Water Resources Engineering
=)Construction Technology & Management

The fee expenses of B.Tech(Civil Engineering) in Institute of Infrastructure Technology Research and Management would be Rs.72, 500 per year.

You can check the detailed fee structure on https://iitram.ac.in/btechFeesStructure.php.
19th June 2019, 01:31 AM
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Default Re: Course structure and fee expenses of BTech(Civil Engineering) in IITRAM-Ahmedabad?

The fee expenses to study BTech in Civil Engineering at IITRAM (Institute of Infrastructure Technology Research and Management), Ahmedabad is given below.

Year I

Tuition Fee - Rs.72500
Other Fee - Rs.3365
Total - Rs.75865

Year II

Tuition Fee - Rs.72500
Other Fee - Rs.1865
Total - Rs.74365

Year III

Tuition Fee - Rs.72500
Other Fee - Rs.1865
Total - Rs.74365

Year IV

Tuition Fee - Rs.72500
Other Fee - Rs.1865
Total - Rs.74365

Grand Total - Rs.2.99 Lakhs

BTech in Civil Engineering is a 4 year duration course and is divided into 8 semesters. It deals with the design, construction and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment including works like bridges, roads, canals, dams and buildings.

The detailed syllabus is given below.

Semester I

Engineering Mathematics I
Engineering Chemistry
Material Science
Basic Electronics
Basic Thermodynamics
Engineering Graphics
Engineering Chemistry Lab
Material Science Lab
Basic Electronics Engineering Lab
Workshop Practice II

Semester II

Engineering Physics
Engineering Mathematics II
Engineering Mechanics
Basic Electrical Engineering
Communication Skills
Computer Fundamental and Programming Engineering Physics Lab
Basic Electrical Engineering Lab
Communication Skills Lab
Computer Fundamental and Programming Lab, Workshop Practice I

Semester III

Differential Equations, Probability and Statistics
Engineering Economics
Strength of Material
Fluid Mechanics
Civil Engineering Materials and Building Construction
Fluid Mechanics Lab
Civil Engineering Material and Building Construction Lab
Extra Curricular Activity I

Semester IV

Numerical Analysis
Theory of Structure
Soil Mechanics
Engineering Geology
Soil Mechanics Lab
Surveying Lab
Extra Curricular Activity II

Semester V

Dynamics of Behavioral Science in Industries
Open Elective I
Concrete Structure Design
Transportation Engineering I
Theory of Structure Lab
Survey Camp
Transportation Engineering Lab

Semester VI

Steel Structure Design
Environment Engineering I
Transportation Engineering II
Irrigation Engineering and Hydrology
Structural Drawing
Minor Project
Environment Engineering Lab

Semester VII

Foundation Engineering
Project Management and Quantity Surveying
Solid Wastes and Environmental Pollution
Departmental Elective I
Industrial training Viva
Major Project 1

Semester VIII

Design of Hydraulic Structure
Departmental Elective II
Departmental Elective III
Departmental Elective IV
Major Project II
19th June 2019, 10:38 AM
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Default Re: Course structure and fee expenses of BTech(Civil Engineering) in IITRAM-Ahmedabad?

Course structure and fee expenses of BTech(Civil Engineering) in IITRAM-Ahmedabad is given below:-

Course Structure :-

1st Semester:-
Mathematics (Calculus)
Indian English Literature & Language / Functional
English & Comprehension
Physics Laboratory
Engineering Graphics
Chemistry Laboratory

2nd Semester:-

Mathematics (ODE+Linear Algebra with V. calculus)
Basic Electrical And Electronics Engineering
Computer Science
Manufacturing Science and Workshop

3rd Semester:-

Introduction to Sociology
Mathematics III (Complex Analysis and Differential Equations II)
Mechanics of Solids
Fluid Mechanics
Introduction to Analog & Digital Electronics
Electronics Engineering lab

4th Semester :-
Engineering Geoscience
Structural Analysis
Construction Material Lab
Material Science & Engineering
Mathematics IV: Introduction to Numerical Methods

5th Semester:-

Matrix Analysis of Structures
Soil Mechanics
Design of R.C.C. Structures
Environmental Engineering
Hydrology and Hydraulic Structures
Transportation Engineering

6th Semester:-

Design of Steel Structures
Design of Masonry Structures
Irrigation & Water Supply Engineering
Foundation Engineering
Construction Management & Costing

7th Semester:-

Infrastructure Planning and Management
Building Design Project
Urban Planning
Open Electives - I
Open Electives - II

8th Semester:-

Engineering Ethics
B.Tech. Project
Open Electives - III
Open Electives - IV

Duration of the course is of 4 years (8 Semesters)

YEAR 1 Rs.75,865
YEAR 2 Rs.74,365
YEAR 3 Rs.74,365
YEAR 4 Rs.74,365
TOTAL Rs.298,960


Hostel Caution Money (One Time, Refundable) Rs.5,000
Mess Caution Money (One Time, Refundable) Rs.4,000
Hostel Fees (per Semester) Rs.6,000
Mess Charges Rs.19,734
Total Rs.34,734
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19th June 2019, 01:24 PM
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Default Re: Course structure and fee expenses of BTech(Civil Engineering) in IITRAM-Ahmedabad?

Course structure :-
The duration of BTech(Civil Engineering) in IITRAM-Ahmedabad is 4 years. Each year has divided into two semesters.

The course structure are as follows.

In the 1st semester the subjects are as follows :-

* Mathematics (Calculus)
* Physics-I
* Indian English Literature & Language / Functional English &
* I to I civil/Elec/Mech
* Physics Laboratory
* Chemistry
* Engineering Graphics
* Chemistry Laboratory
* Computer Science
* Manufacturing Science and Workshop

In the 2nd semester the subjects are as follows :-

* Mathematics (ODE+Linear Algebra with V. calculus)
* Physics-II
* Basic Electrical And Electronics Engineering
* Computer Science
* Manufacturing Science and Workshop
* Chemistry
* Engineering Graphics
* Chemistry Laboratory

In the 3rd semester the subjects are as follows :-

* Introduction to Sociology
* Mathematics III (Complex Analysis and Differential Equations II)
* Mechanics of Solids
* Fluid Mechanics
* Introduction to Analog & Digital Electronics
* Electronics Engineering lab

In the 4th semester the subjects are as follows :-

* Engineering Geoscience
* Surveying
* Structural Analysis
* Construction Material Lab
* Material Science & Engineering
* Mathematics IV: Introduction to Numerical Methods

In the 5th semester the subjects are as follows :-

* Matrix Analysis of Structures
* Soil Mechanics
* Design of R.C.C. Structures
* Environmental Engineering
* Hydrology and Hydraulic Structures
* Transportation Engineering

In the 6th semester the subjects are as follows :-

* Economics
* Design of Steel Structures
* Design of Masonry Structures
* Irrigation & Water Supply Engineering
* Foundation Engineering
* Construction Management & Costing

In the 7th semester the subjects are as follows :-

* Infrastructure Planning and Management
* Building Design Project
* Urban Planning

Elective subjects are as follows :-

* Disaster Management
* Transportation System Management
* Advanced Foundation Engineering
* Environmental Geotechnology
* Basics of Remote Sensing, GIS and GNSS

In the 8th semester the subjects are as follows :-

* Engineering Ethics
* B.Tech. Project

Elective subjects are as follows :-

* Reinforced Soil Structure
* Bridge and Tunnel Engineering
* Geosynthetics for Infrastructure Applications
* Prestressed Concrete
* Pavement Design and Evaluation

Fee expenses :-

The Fee structure of BTech(Civil Engineering) in IITRAM-Ahmedabad are described below.

Fees that will be paid in only one time are listed below :-

Institute Caution Money (Refundable at end of Program) : Rs. 1500/-
Hostel Caution Money (Refundable at end of Program) : Rs. 5000/-
Mess Caution Money (Refundable at end of Program) : Rs. 4000/-

Semester Fees are listed below :-

Tuition Fees : Rs. 72500/-

If student belongs to gujarat domicile boy, his semester fees will be 42,500/-

If student belongs to gujarat domicile girl, her semester fees will be 35,000/-

Hostel Fees : Rs. 6000/-

Mess Fees (For Lunch, Dinner, Snacks)
(Rs.143/- per day. Adjusted at end of Semester) : Rs. 19734/-

Yearly Fees that will be paid in only one time is listed below

Insurance charges – Rs. 1365/-

Total Fee expenses of this course will be approximately Rs. 2.99 Lakhs
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19th June 2019, 01:51 PM
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Default Re: Course structure and fee expenses of BTech(Civil Engineering) in IITRAM-Ahmedabad?

In order to pursue BTech(Civil Engineering) in IITRAM-Ahmedabad, candidates have to pay around Rs. 4 lacs as course fee.
BTech(Civil Engineering) in IITRAM-Ahmedabad is full time 4 years long duration course and it runs over 8 semesters.
Candidates are admitted into BTech programs on the basis of JEE main score.

More info, just visit;
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20th June 2019, 07:36 PM
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 207
Default Re: Course structure and fee expenses of BTech(Civil Engineering) in IITRAM-Ahmedabad?

The Total time period of Btech (civil Engineering) is 4 year(i.e. 8 semester).
And it will include the study of these mentioned subjects:-
1) Strength of Materials
2) Structural Analysis
3)Fluid Mechanics
5) Geotechincal Engineering
6)Transportation Engineering
7)Environmental Engineering
8) Building Materials and Construction
9)Design of Steel Structure
10)Water Resources Engineering
11) Construction Technology & Management
Fee expanses of Btech (civil Engineering) in IITRAM is 72,500 per year. And Grand total is 2.99 lakhs
for more information you can visit on given link www.iitram.ac.in
and you can also contact at this address:-
Near Khokhara circle , Maningar(East) Ahmedabaad, Gujarat 380026, India.
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