3rd October 2019, 07:35 PM
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Course syllabus of BTech(Electrical and Electronics Engineering) in Bansal Institute of Research and Technology?

Dear friends, I just want to know about the course pattern of BTech(Electrical and Electronics Engineering) which is available in Bansal Institute of Research and Technology. Can anyone of you know about the course syllabus? If you know then please share it with me. Thank you!

6th October 2019, 12:06 AM
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Default Re: Course syllabus of BTech(Electrical and Electronics Engineering) in Bansal Institute of Research and Technology?

BTech in Electrical and Electronics Engineering is a 4 year duration course and is divided into 8 semesters. The electrical engineers are responsible for the generation, transfer and conversion of electrical power, while electronic engineers are concerned with the transfer of information using radio waves. The detailed syllabus is given below.

Complex Numbers and Infinite Series
Interference of Light
Fuels Environmental Pollution Control Solutions
Casting Processes Smithy and Forging Metal Joining Sheet Metal Work
Introduction to Computer
Force System Friction Distributed Force
Circuit Analysis
Laplace Transform Elements of Network Synthesis
Atomic Bonding
Principles of EMEC D.C. Machines
Analog & Digital Signals
Power System Components
Input/Output Relationship Time
Electromagnetic Theory Electrostatic
Power Plant Economics and Tariffs
Power Converter Components
Controlled Rectifiers Inverters Choppers
Electric Drives Electric Heating
Permanent Magnet Machines
7th October 2019, 03:08 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 192
Default Re: Course syllabus of BTech(Electrical and Electronics Engineering) in Bansal Institute of Research and Technology?

The course syllabus of Bachelor of Technology(Electrical and Electronics Engineering) in Bansal Institute of Research and Technology will include the study of following subjects:-

Electromagnetic Theory Electrostatic
Programming using C Iterations and Subprograms Pointers and Strings
Power plant Economics and Tariffs
Force system Friction Distributed Force
Power Converter Components
Complex numbers and infinite series
Principles of EMEC D. C. Machines
Interference of Light.
Analog & Digital signals
Fuels Environmental Pollution control Solutions
Power System Components
Casting Processes Smithy and Forging Metal joining Sheet Metal Work
Input / Output Relationship Time
Introduction to Computer
Circuit Analysis
Controlled Rectifiers Inverters Choppers
Laplace Transform Elements of Network Synthesis
Electric Drives Electric Heating
Atomic Bonding
Permanent Magnet Machines

For more information, you can refer to the website http://www.birtsbpl.in/.
Do you have any question? or have anything to say?

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