12th February 2020, 06:37 PM
Procedure to apply for All India Bar Examination 2020
Hi everyone, I have heard that the All India Bar Examination application is already published. I want to apply for the examination so that I can get a practice certificate. Can any of you kindly let me know about the procedure for applying in this examination this year?
13th February 2020, 07:18 PM
Procedure to apply for All India Bar Examination 2020:-
Candidates who want to apply for AIBE 2020 exam will have to submit their application form with all the required documents and filled in completed details. Before the candidates apply for AIBE 2020, they must check if they match the eligibility requirements or not. AIBE 2020 is applicable only for enrolled advocates. |
13th February 2020, 09:43 PM
Steps to fill the application form:
The aspirant have to fill the application form through online website i.e. www.allindiabarexamination.com You will have to register yourself then login and fill the application form after you will have to upload documents like photograph and signature. Application fee payment can be done through online aur SBI challan. The application fee is rupees 3560 for general category and 2560 for reserved category. Take the printout of the application form. |