19th January 2016, 02:52 AM
What is the benefit of doing ICWA course after graduation?
Please I confused because i complete my graduation but now i confused so plz said me that complete graduation, how this cource will benifit me? give me some details about this question and give me strcture of fee details, also give me sallary details when i complate icwa.
Jigar Makwana |
19th January 2016, 10:32 PM
Candidates after passing ICWAI can work in top management positions such as;
> Managing director > Financial controller > Finance manager > Auditor > Finance Director > Accountant > Cost controller > Chief Internal Auditor, etc They can also option for self entrepreneurship in following areas : > manadatory cost audit > certification under export & import policy > certification of manufacturing account > Consultancy assignments > excise audit, etc. |