12th May 2015, 12:15 AM
What is the procedure to give improvement exam after passing graduation?
Hello Sir/Mam,
I have got less than 45% in graduation in B.Sc, physics, can i give improvement now for increasing my percentage? What would be the procedure to be followed for the same? Can someone please guide me with the information on the same? Thank you! |
12th May 2015, 08:08 PM
No,you cannot improve your marks after guaduation if you want to improve your marks then you have to study again graduation,so it is better you to join for further studies instead of wasting time..As there is no opportunities to improve marks continue with further studies....all the best
12th May 2015, 08:52 PM
Sorry, you are not eligible to give improvement exam after passing graduation with 45%.
If you have got less than 40%, you are eligible to appear for improvement examination only once, at the immediate subsequent examination on foregoing in writing her/his previous performance in the concerned paper, within the prescribed span period. Anyhow, you may check this issue with the controller of examination in your college. |
12th May 2015, 08:54 PM
Once the certificate or consolidated memo is prepared,then its not possible to appear for improvement exam.if the results are declared.then you can try for improvenment exam. The best of two results would be consider and written on consolidated memo.its a 2nd chance to score better than the first attempt.
13th May 2015, 05:50 PM
No you will not be able to do so as once you have been awarded the degree there will be no scope for improvement.
That you have already passed is going against you here as once a candidate has passed there is no scope for any student to be able to appear in any Improvement Examination as there is no Improvement Examination that is conducted by the Universities for the students. So you will not be able to appear for any Improvement Examination. |
13th May 2015, 06:27 PM
I am sorry to say that there is no provision in graduation to appear for improvement examination unless and until you have had a backlog in any of your paper or you must have scored below 40%, and as in your case you have scored 45%, therefore you are not eligible for improvement examination.
Therefore, if you don't have any backlog paper to clear, then I am sorry to say that you are not at all eligible to give any improvement paper. |