rch91 rch91 is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 17
  1. 9780055804
    27th April 2013 10:24 PM - permalink
    option in m.tech in ece
  2. Support
    22nd April 2013 12:04 AM - permalink
    One more message regarding points and you will receive a 7 days ban from the forum.
  3. Support
    21st April 2013 02:05 AM - permalink
    Increment is not done based upon just one day's answers. You need to perform well consistency.
  4. Support
    20th April 2013 01:20 AM - permalink
    Apart from multiple posting the reason is posting useless answers.
    Too short useless answers are deleted directly without any delay. There are dozens of such answers from you.

    Few examples are -
    > entrance-exam.net/forum/general-discussion/46886-any-bank-jobs-after-completing-12th-2.html#post3403762
    > entrance-exam.net/forum/general-discussion/52854-how-apply-ms-2.html#post3403771
    > entrance-exam.net/forum/general-discussion/how-get-admission-class-11th-commerce-stream-1139823.html#post3403776

    Didn't deleted them just to show you. Otherwise they would have been deleted.
  5. Support
    7th October 2012 02:32 PM - permalink
    It depends upon quality of the answer. Greater the quality of your answer will be, more point you will be awarded.
  6. Support
    1st October 2012 10:18 PM - permalink
    All of your useless one liner answers are being deleted.
  7. Support
    25th September 2012 08:11 PM - permalink
    7 working days is not completed yet. It will complete on 28th.
  8. Support
    20th September 2012 01:13 AM - permalink
    Cheque (s) for August session have already been dispatched. You will be receiving it any day now. Expect it within 7 working days.
  9. Support
    15th September 2012 08:13 PM - permalink
    Dispatched today.
  10. Support
    27th August 2012 04:40 PM - permalink
    It will get dispatched around mid-September.

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