Thread: What kind of job is provided in Intelligence Bureau Recruitment of Security Assistant? How to get assurance for the same? Reply to Thread

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10th February 2014 11:55 PM
Re: What kind of job is provided in Intelligence Bureau Recruitment of Security Assistant? How to get assurance for the same?

please let me know,is sa/executive in ib will b suitable for graduation candidates?
email at:[email protected]
29th January 2014 02:23 PM
Re: What kind of job is provided in Intelligence Bureau Recruitment of Security Assistant? How to get assurance for the same?

what type of job provided as security assistance under intelligence bureau?
31st August 2012 06:12 PM
Re: What kind of job is provided in Intelligence Bureau Recruitment of Security Assistant? How to get assurance for the same?

(1) what is the qualification needed for security asstt and field asstt? (2) and can a female Candidate apply in it?
2nd June 2012 11:57 PM
Re: What kind of job is provided in Intelligence Bureau Recruitment of Security Assistant? How to get assurance for the same?

it would be of great help if you can say something about the work of a security assistant (executive) IB...
30th March 2012 04:35 PM
Re: What kind of job is provided in Intelligence Bureau Recruitment of Security Assistant? How to get assurance for the same?

25th March 2012 03:00 PM
Re: What kind of job is provided in Intelligence Bureau Recruitment of Security Assistant? How to get assurance for the same?

which type of work/ job for SA/ executive in IB ? PLease suggest me.
[email protected]
24th March 2012 09:19 PM
Re: What kind of job is provided in Intelligence Bureau Recruitment of Security Assistant? How to get assurance for the same?

what is the eligibility required to do for I.B Security assistant?what task we will hv to perform for this & also exam dates?
27th February 2012 08:22 PM
Re: What kind of job is provided in Intelligence Bureau Recruitment of Security Assistant? How to get assurance for the same?

what are the challenges in intelligence bureau
25th January 2012 06:42 PM
Re: What kind of job is provided in Intelligence Bureau Recruitment of Security Assistant? How to get assurance for the same?

Results of Security Assistant in Intelligence Bureau?
14th December 2011 09:11 PM
Re: What kind of job is provided in Intelligence Bureau Recruitment of Security Assistant? How to get assurance for the same?

I'm Modhpatel Ravindra .
When a exam start date of this IB?
14th December 2011 05:21 PM
Re: What kind of job is provided in Intelligence Bureau Recruitment of Security Assistant? How to get assurance for the same?

sir, please send me previous question papers od sa as soon as possible my e-mail id is

[email protected]
11th December 2011 11:21 PM
Re: What kind of job is provided in Intelligence Bureau Recruitment of Security Assistant? How to get assurance for the same?

my name is rahul mishra iplz send me details of ib job like what they are going to ask in wriiten exam some sample paper u give .. and dates of admit how can we ask our douts i have experience thats y i aaplied and i got 54.4@marks in 10 from cbse in 12th igot 56 and now i m studing in 2nd year so tell how we gett the information aboutt is it im eligble for this post plz replyy in my id its [email protected]
26th November 2011 11:40 AM
Re: What kind of job is provided in Intelligence Bureau Recruitment of Security Assistant? How to get assurance for the same?

please send I.B. security assistant question paper i need please send my id
[email protected]
26th November 2011 11:38 AM
Re: What kind of job is provided in Intelligence Bureau Recruitment of Security Assistant? How to get assurance for the same?

please send I.B. security assistant question paper please i need my email id
[email protected]
25th November 2011 09:33 PM
Jithin Nath
Re: What kind of job is provided in Intelligence Bureau Recruitment of Security Assistant? How to get assurance for the same?

i hope IB will ask us to perform any job after they realize that we have the ability to do the work... don't worry!
25th November 2011 09:27 PM
Re: What kind of job is provided in Intelligence Bureau Recruitment of Security Assistant? How to get assurance for the same?

i hope IB will ask us to perform any job after they realize that we have the Ability to do the job... Don't worry! be proud.
21st November 2011 11:28 AM
Re: What kind of job is provided in Intelligence Bureau Recruitment of Security Assistant? How to get assurance for the same?

Please send exam written test for the post of security assistant 2011-12 for this email id [email protected]
18th November 2011 09:54 PM
Re: What kind of job is provided in Intelligence Bureau Recruitment of Security Assistant? How to get assurance for the same?

I too have the Same doubt. What is the type of job for SA Executive? I am an Engineering Grad. Really like to know the job type and the career improvement possibilities before i apply....PLese someone respond
17th November 2011 10:50 AM
Re: What kind of job is provided in Intelligence Bureau Recruitment of Security Assistant? How to get assurance for the same?

I am plus two can i get a job in ib? [email protected]
9th November 2011 08:50 PM
What kind of job is provided in Intelligence Bureau Recruitment of Security Assistant? How to get assurance for the same?

Intelligence Bureau Recruitment of Security Assistant (Executive WHAT IS EXACTLY THE JOB IN IT , HOW MAY I GET THE ASSURANCE THAT I WILL BE DOING THE SAME ?
[email protected]

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