Thread: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers? Reply to Thread

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7th December 2013 08:10 PM
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

haloo sir please send me...sample paper..plzzz....plzzzz.....
my email id : [email protected]
8th November 2012 12:38 PM
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

i have apply for FCI Grade III Accounts

so please send last five year question papers oc fci gr.III
and syllabus paper
my email id : [email protected]
16th October 2012 06:35 PM
[email protected]
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

sir give me 10 years previous paper for fci in english by this mail id:: [email protected]
29th September 2012 12:26 PM
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

sir give me 10 years previous paper for fci in hindi [email protected]
28th September 2012 04:39 PM
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

Please give syllabus and suggest me a website for previous year question papers.

[email protected]
27th September 2012 12:15 PM
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

please send me the model test paper or previous years question paper of fci grade 3rd ,, my email id is
[email protected]
23rd September 2012 05:37 PM
[email protected]
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
plz tell me about fci
hello sir a student of msc food sc n technology plese provide me last year sample q.papers
29th August 2012 10:16 PM
ishu jindal
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

i urgently need previous year question papers of FCI grade plz send it as soon as email Id is [email protected]
5th April 2012 09:41 AM
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

Please send me sample question paper of FCI paper 2 for Genral,Depot,A/c i.e for A,B.D
13th March 2012 02:43 PM
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

hello sir,
please send me study material for fci paper third exam for the post of technical assitant(Biological science)
my email id id:[email protected]
thanks sir
3rd February 2012 01:03 AM
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

please send questions / model paper for FCI EXAM 2012 at [email protected]
1st February 2012 07:41 PM
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

dear sir i also want to know the account paper syllabus plz provide me details of it on my email

my emailid : [email protected]
29th January 2012 04:06 PM
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

plz send me fci model paper for 3 gread
23rd January 2012 04:02 PM
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

Pls give syllabus and previous model papers.
my mail id: [email protected]
29th December 2011 09:59 PM
sunny khanna
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

i have applied for grade lll and i am literally confused wht to study so can u please send me the previous year question paper
my id is [email protected]
27th December 2011 08:07 PM
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Plz tell me the syllabus of FCI exam 2010 for assistance grade III(general)
tell me which type question will arise in question paper
14th December 2011 08:10 PM
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

i have applied for fci grade 3 (general &depot). plese send me previous year question papers & any mock test papers u have. plese send me as soon as possible.

my email _id:[email protected].
12th December 2011 04:20 PM
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

please send me previous year paper( ACCOUNT) food corporation of india
my email id is [email protected]
8th December 2011 10:43 PM
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

Hello sir,

i have applied for FCI Account post
kindly please send me previous year question papers and syllabus paper.
please the need full.
[email protected]
8th December 2011 01:44 PM
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

dear sir
i have applied for FCI Management Trainee ( accounts), can you send me previous question papers.

my mail id [email protected]
7th December 2011 05:13 PM
satyabrata mohapatra
Re: FCI Grade III(general): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

sir i am satyabrata mohapatra & i have completed graduation in Bsc and i am eligible for fci assistant grade3(GENERL) , so
plz send me previous papers.[/QUOTE]
29th November 2011 05:50 PM
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

Respected Sir,
I am a student I had Applied for the Food Corporation of India(bangalore south) AG (Accounts) III please suggest me for the exam.

Which is the best book for the exam assistant grade III (accounts)
please say me the name of the author & book.
please send me previous 5 years question papers to
My mail ID: [email protected]

25th November 2011 11:50 AM
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

Hello Sir,

Please give syllabus and previous model papers.
my mail id: [email protected]
24th November 2011 05:04 PM
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

i applied fci grade 3(technical) if u hav any previous papers plz forward to my [email protected]
23rd November 2011 04:56 PM
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

sir i am applying for fci, iam done my hsc biology group. but in online application biology groups is not there . now which subject can i choose
21st November 2011 04:50 PM
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

Dear Sir,
I have completed Graduation B.COM (pass) from Kolkata University. i have applied for FCI Grade 111 (Accounts), i want to know which type of question asked in Written Test. plz suggested me book & Guideline for good preparation
20th November 2011 06:59 PM
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

i have applied for FCI south(general),but i don't know what are the topics that comes in the written exam.i have completed my
please suggest me so that i may able to qualify the written exam.

so please send last five year question papers and syllabus paper
please do the needful
my [email protected]
20th November 2011 04:58 PM
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

hi sir, i want previous model paper in accounts in gradeiii
15th November 2011 01:43 PM
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

i have applied for FCI (III) accounts EXAM for south zone i want to know what type of question coming in exam and also send previous year question papers of this..

my email id is : [email protected]
thanking you
12th November 2011 06:17 PM
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

Idont have DOEACC 'O' LEVEL certificate,how can i get the certificate pls send me [email protected]
9th November 2011 11:44 AM
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

i have applied for fci grade 3 assistant my qualification is biotechnology can u please suggest me how to prepare and reference books to follow
6th April 2011 12:20 PM
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

kindly send sample paper for MT(account) in [email protected]
thanks 4 d same
17th March 2011 03:28 AM
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

FCI written test will be in English only and in two parts.
Part I will consist of 60 multiple choice question of the relevant technical discipline and
Part II will consist of 60 multiple choice questions on general
aptitude consisting of Reasoning, Data Analysis, Computer Awareness, General Awareness and Current

As you can clearly see that you will need to emphasis only to english verbal-nonverbal , quantitative maths, general knowledge of current affairs and computer only. Purchase RS Aggrawal for quant. math and english verbal/nonverbal from arihant's publ. book, GK and computer can be updated by daily practise.
24th February 2011 01:29 PM
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

i have a short list fci. please send merit of fci.
16th February 2011 02:36 PM
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

Sir, pls send me FCI Management trainee(General/Accounts) question paper. "[email protected]" its my id....
11th February 2011 03:49 PM
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

Please let me know the syllabus for FCI Grade III(Accounts) and also the papper pattern.
28th January 2011 02:32 PM
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

Respected Sir
sir i have completed graduation (B.TECH) in com. sc. and i am eligible for godown, so
plz send me previous papers.
Kindlly Sir send the previous paper
My Email ID== [email protected]
21st January 2011 02:40 PM
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

Dear sirdear sir,
i am applying for FCI south(accounts),but i don't know what are the topics that comes in the written exam.i have completed MBA.
please suggest me so that i may able to qulify the written exam.

so please send last five year question papers and syllabus paper
please the need full
my email id : [email protected]
14th December 2010 07:08 PM
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

dear sir,
Is B.Sc(Computer Science) is different from Computer Science and Engineering?

so please reply me at [email protected]
18th November 2010 07:00 PM
FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

Respected Sir,
I have applied for FCI east(general) and (account),but i don't know what are the topics that comes in the written exam.i have continue M.COM.
please suggest me so that i may able to qualify the written exam.
&written exam books name will be sent in my email id
[email protected]
31st October 2010 11:31 PM
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

I have applied for FCI north east(general) and (account),but i don't know what are the topics that comes in the written exam.i am continue McA.
please send me previous year question papers so that i may able to qualify the written exam.
thank you
my id is :[email protected]
18th October 2010 09:42 AM
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

pls sir give me
FCI Grade III(general): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?
mail [email protected]
16th October 2010 01:52 PM
dhanajayarao datti
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Respected Sir,
I have applied for FCI east(general) and (account),but i don't know what are the topics that comes in the written exam.i have continue MBA and i am a B.Sc(computer science)student.
please suggest me so that i may able to qualify the written exam.
thank you
rtergatgatatatartattetetstRespected Sir,
I have applied for FCI east(general) and (account),but i don't know what are the topics that comes in the written exam.i have continue MBA and i am a B.Sc(computer science)student.
please suggest me so that i may able to qualify the written exam.
thank you
13th October 2010 05:54 PM
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?


FCI Grade III(Accounts) paper pattern,
types of questions and
previous year question papers can be downloaded
from the below mentioned website:
The paper will be objective type.

all the best
13th October 2010 04:40 PM
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

12th October 2010 08:58 PM
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

i have applied for FCI AG-III(ACCOUNTS),& AG-III(GENERAL). I AM A MCA final year student and i am graduate in and BCA both.
so please send last five year question papers and syllabus papers.
my email id: [email protected]
7th October 2010 12:02 AM
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

dear sir,
i am applied for the post of FCI north(GODOWN) sir please give some impiortant notes and papers.

so sir please send last ten years or five years question papers and syllabus.
MY MAIL ID IS:[email protected]
5th October 2010 01:57 PM
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

hello sir i completed Bsc maths 2007 and MCA (master of computer application) 2010..i have applied for fci assist grede 3(technical & depot)...pls tell me sir i am elligible or not sir..and also i want previsous year question papers sir pls send to my mail id [email protected]
2nd October 2010 04:46 PM
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

Plz sir,send me question paper of fci-assistant grade3 general and godown keepar.and if not available tell me any web site where i can get free study material for it.
2nd October 2010 01:57 PM
Re: FCI Grade III(Accounts): paper pattern and types of questions? previous year question papers?

Plz Give me the syllabus of FCI exam 2010 for assistance grade III(general)
Account and Godown and last year model question paper for the grade III ( general)
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