Thread: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs? Reply to Thread

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4th September 2015 01:39 PM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

i completed my from NIT, Surat in the stream of electrical engineering. for Masters, i don't want to be in core but i want some courses which will lead me towards a good scope in almost every field. your reply is awaited.
10th June 2015 12:52 AM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

Which is the best specialization for high package if i talking about mechanical.
17th December 2014 12:17 PM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

guys salary totally depend upon ur performance in mtech while doing coarse..
vlsi have verry high packge opportunity for iit student..
4th June 2014 02:28 AM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

which stream is best studious hardest n most perfect for eee students of
4th May 2014 04:35 PM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

I am appearing for my final ETC exams. 2014 and would like to apply for mtec. i would like to know the date fr submitting application for mtec the details of best colleges and the procedure of submitting the application forms online.
2nd April 2014 09:42 PM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

sir,i have not get good marks in gate & little bit confuse in selcting pg subj.
28th September 2013 02:35 PM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

Salary is depends on you only. what's your ability or knowledge . it is very critical to say that which branch is high salary paid. every branch has same importance. But I think now a days there is a good
market of civil engg...
22nd September 2013 02:41 PM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

hello,sir,i have done my b tech in ECE with 72% from PTU jalander punjab.and now i want to do m tech.sir please suggest me for good branch.thank you very much.
7th September 2013 12:59 PM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

what are the job opertunities for mobile communication?????
7th June 2013 02:52 PM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

i am a biology student in the class 12. i have an interest in biotechnology.after completing biotechnology whether i will have a good much salary will be offered to i am not able to get an job in biotech companies is a professor is a best line plzz ans me
4th May 2013 10:05 PM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

I did my Ece in btech now I want to do mtech in media and printing technology in manipal is it a Gud option as I want to go into teaching profession or suggest me with options.

2nd January 2013 11:58 PM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

i am doing mtech(CNE branch) ....suggest me what and all job opportunities can i get apart from teaching field??
29th October 2012 01:48 AM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

what about wireless technology? Please reply
15th July 2012 04:29 PM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

what are the opportunities after M.Tech. in signal processing?
21st June 2012 07:20 PM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

hello dear
M.Tech specializations in Electronics and Communication Engineering (E&CE) and their order of preference

1. Advanced Communication Systems
2. VLSI System Design
3. Signal Processing
4. Electronic Instrumentation

Truly speaking, every specialization have good demand, If you don’t work hard even a good specialization don’t work for you, whereas with hard work any specialization can fetch what your are looking for.
Thank You
19th June 2012 04:58 PM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

is manipal university is good for mtech in ece stream..............please suggest anyone and also please tell me the job oppurtunities in mit???????????
19th June 2012 12:53 AM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

are there good job prospects for M tech from IIT delhi - Radio Frequency & Design technology
23rd April 2012 10:03 PM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

M.Tech specializations in Electronics and Communication Engineering (E&CE) and their order of preference

1. Advanced Communication Systems
2. VLSI System Design
3. Signal Processing
4. Electronic Instrumentation

Truly speaking, every specialization have good demand, If you don’t work hard even a good specialization don’t work for you, whereas with hard work any specialization can fetch what your are looking for.
Thank You
24th March 2012 11:58 PM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

sir i have completed my B.Tech in computer science and have cleared GATE ,2012 with 88 percentile.i just want to know which specializations in C.S are having good scope and more placement oppurtunities.pls provide me preference wise list.
29th February 2012 11:35 PM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

Hi dear,

M.Tech specializations in Electronics and Communication Engineering (E&CE) and their order of preference

1. Advanced Communication Systems
2. VLSI System Design
3. Signal Processing
4. Electronic Instrumentation

Truly speaking, every specialization have good demand, If you don’t work hard even a good specialization don’t work for you, whereas with hard work any specialization can fetch what your are looking for.

27th February 2012 04:08 AM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

My dear freind please mention that from which stream you are?every course has good future but you must workhard. If you are from maths group then you can apply for,merchant navy is good option.If you are from biology group then you can apply for mbbs,b.pharma and all medical lines.
26th February 2012 05:41 PM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

What are the job opportunities available for M.Tech in Communication Systems(ECE)?
17th February 2012 09:12 PM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

i am a student(civil department)
i want to pursue
so any one can explain me which subject in civil engineering( has high demand and high salary.
23rd January 2012 12:38 PM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

it is very critical to say that which branch is high salary paid.

every branch has same importance.

but in my view now a days there is a good market of civil engg.

so go for it. bcz software companies are suffering with recession.
19th January 2012 12:01 AM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

respected sir,
i m a ece btech passed candidate. n serving in Infosys at present n planning to go for GATE for my Mtech. kindly suggest
me accordingly for my future and salaru package.

19th December 2011 10:27 PM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

which Mtech stream should i choose Btech IT?
19th December 2011 10:23 PM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

which MTech stream should i choose after B.Tech in IT ?
15th December 2011 11:12 AM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

what kind of jobs in industry after completing electronic and drives)?
14th December 2011 12:33 AM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

m in final yr of msc...iwant to knw if m.c.a is better or mtech... or both equvalnt in term of pckgs.. and aftr mtch wht r d oppurtunitis?(other than techng)... help it out..!!!!!
28th November 2011 04:00 PM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

after B.Tech my son is doing his M.Tech in power electronics. is there good oppertunity in indusrial line.
13th November 2011 05:48 PM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

hello dear

there are some Mtech streams which give you high salary packages jobs

1.VLSI & Embeded systems.

2.robotics. communication.

4.nano technology.

5.power electronics.

all the best..........
14th October 2011 04:17 PM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

i m a student of student in civil engineering..can u tell me hw i could do in civil engineering at iit roorkee
9th October 2011 04:59 PM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

m.b.b.s is good course to get high salary and many other course also provide better job and salary but i ts depend on us how 2 get more salary
7th October 2011 11:28 PM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

19th May 2011, 01:53 PM

hi, I have completed my btech in electrical engg. right now i am pursuing in mtech in mechattronics engg.i would like to undergo a training in industrial automation.can u plz suggest me wheather i am choosing the right path?
29th September 2011 11:56 PM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

what is the salary paid for freshers in vlsi domain for completing mtech in that field?
22nd September 2011 08:12 PM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

2nd September 2011 07:25 PM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

i m a electrical student, what u suggest me to do specialisation in gate .
29th August 2011 04:00 PM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

I working in an automation firm since a year. I want to pursue in control and automation feild. would doing be good for me?? would it yield me btr package?
29th August 2011 03:54 PM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

i have completed my be. instrumentation 09. m working in an automation firm since 1 yr. i want to pursue in process automation field. will it reap good package to me?
25th August 2011 07:02 PM
completed in pe what i have to do

hi pls give me a oppt
Originally Posted by robart View Post
dear friend,

High salary depends upon the the one's talents.if you are hardworking and dedication towards your work then you can earn huge money.

you can do in following fields...

VLSI design.

EMBEDED system.



etc.after doing in above courses then you will get jobs in top companies.

all the best.
24th August 2011 01:16 PM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

i am doing my final year engineering and got gate score-519 .I Am from st category which would be better iisc or iit and which job fetches me more salary
20th August 2011 08:25 AM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

Well being as a ECE branch You can choose the embedded system in M.TECH since it is an software electronics it is also a male dominating one.Once you finished the couses you have to try for the MNC companies like TCS in the field of embedded and be strong in c,c while going to interview and in somespecific of your subject like RTOS or VX works or TCP/IP in detail.If once you got selected after 10 or 12 years experience you can get nearly 30Lakhs per year which is somewhat double than IT for the same experience and even you have the option to go to japan.But at the same time if you have not got selected don't waste the time join in the IT even if you have not selected after studing java or php or someother langauges from some insititution like NIIT or DOTS.Neverever try for a lecture job it will make you a poor man in society.
19th August 2011 03:28 PM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

im doing ME power systems.i m not interested with teaching .csn i get job in power sector in govt or private??what are t steps hve 2 take for tat?
18th August 2011 10:57 PM
Snehamay ganguly
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

Dear friend,
See, my friend it is very difficult to suggest you , because you have not mentioned your stream...
If you are from ECE stream then you can go for streams like -


Embedded system

Power electronics

Advance communication

these are the emerging streams in for a ECE student...
These streams are in huge demand...
After completion of your in any of these field you will get a huge scope to get a job in core sector..
All the best...
18th August 2011 08:17 PM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

every branch has same importance.
but in my view now a days there is a good market of civil engg.
and after it you have to go in which you rae intersted.
18th August 2011 08:05 PM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

many courses have good scope in


2.vlsi design

3.nano technology



6.embedded system


eligibility is or master degree in any stream

you must apply gate entrance exam

all the best
18th August 2011 05:49 PM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

sir, I am studying in final year ECE, which IIT is best for M.TECH in ECE....?
16th August 2011 12:16 AM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?


You can do nanotechnology it has a wide scope. It has good job opportunities. You can earn more. The salary package will be high. You will have a bright future. Mechanical is also has wide scope. So hope for the best. So work hard prepare yourself very well. Many companies are depending on fresher. so justdo it. You can get high salary of minimum 3-4 lakhs per year. your life will become bright.

Thank you
15th August 2011 10:46 PM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i am pursuing my btech ece and i have less percentage.i am not interested in software.i will do my mtech will u suggest me some goood specialisations with good package in india and abroad.
The highest salary in non-IT stream was at Rs 12.5 lakh a year.
15th August 2011 07:09 PM
Re: Which Mtech streams get high salary packages jobs?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i am pursuing my btech ece and i have less percentage.i am not interested in software.i will do my mtech will u suggest me some goood specialisations with good package in india and abroad.
Some of the best option for you is
embedded system
power system
power electronocs.
these courses are not related to software.
Good Luck.
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