Thread: Career opportunities after completing MA in Economics(Equities Research)? Reply to Thread

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17th July 2013 06:40 PM
Re: Career opportunities after completing MA in Economics(Equities Research)?

As you have done MA with economics you are post graduate so you can appear for the state public services exam or the UPSC exam and grab a good job in the government sector .

Or you can apply for any administrative job in the private firms
26th August 2012 09:20 PM
Re: Career opportunities after completing MA in Economics(Equities Research)?

why MA eco after BBA and not MBA finance?
25th June 2012 12:25 AM
Re: Career opportunities after completing MA in Economics(Equities Research)?

i want to know job opportunities after doing ph.d. in economics..................thnk u
26th June 2011 07:26 PM
Re: Career opportunities after completing MA in Economics(Equities Research)?

may i know which one to choose after MA economics either MBA or research???
8th June 2011 12:29 PM
Re: Career opportunities after completing MA in Economics(Equities Research)?

i had done my bba in finance specilisation and now i decided to do m.a. in economics. so, how far this will help me to get a desirable position. is this a good opportunity for me in future
13th March 2011 04:55 PM
Re: Career opportunities after completing MA in Economics(Equities Research)?

what are career opportunities in after doing BA prog?
19th January 2011 12:34 PM
Re: Career opportunities after completing MA in Economics(Equities Research)?

You can become teacher after this. Since you have done it in Equity Research you can join Broking firms like religare, sharekhan etc or in rating firms like CRISIL.
26th December 2010 01:13 AM
Re: Career opportunities after completing MA in Economics(Equities Research)?

hello friend.........
there are many career opportunities after completing MA in economics like you can get into the teaching job or you can be a professor in the college or you can apply for the upsc exams.......and many more......

so best do luck
16th December 2010 05:48 PM
Career opportunities after completing MA in Economics(Equities Research)?

Dear Team,

Please let me know that what are the career opportunities after completing MA in Economics?
And specially if l am willing to join the Equities Research?

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