Thread: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics? Reply to Thread

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13th April 2016 11:44 AM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

Sir I have completed my HSC.I would like to know about colleges offering integrated course in physics in Coimbatore
28th May 2014 04:25 PM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

I am a student of std 12 .l secured 92% in ICSE 2013 and aim to secure 95% in CBSE 2015 .I wish to do my integrated MSc in physics from US topmost 5 best universities but I belong from a below average middle class family.l am the eldest girl of my family and I have two siblings.My parents have great dreams for me in their eyes and i am responsible to secure the future of my siblings. Please direct me.
1st October 2013 09:54 PM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

i want to do integrated phd in physiology or anatomy after bhms...from where can i do??...what is the age limit???after that what job can i do???plzz tell me....
28th May 2013 07:30 PM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

i have bsc zbc in 2000 can i do msc in zoology/chemistry
14th May 2013 08:27 AM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

dear friend,,,,

Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics

1.University of Mysore
2.IIT Kharagpur
3.Aligarh Muslim University
4.Amity University
5.BHU, Varanasi.
6.Anna University.
7.chennai university
8.Jadavpur University
9.University of Hyderabad
11.University of Pune
12.Pandit Ravishankar Shukla University
13.Indian School of Mines University
14.Veer Narmad South Gujarat University
15.All India Institute of Local Self Government
16.Nehru Memorial College
17.Aligarh Muslim University
18.Bharat University.
19.University of Mysore
20.NISER, Bhubaneshwar
21.Veer Narmad South Gujarat University
22.Indian Institute of Technology
30th January 2013 08:29 PM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

Wants to know colleges offering integrated Msc in physics under University of Mysore

Francis Kannur
26th July 2012 06:16 PM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

list of some of the good colleges offering integrated Msc in physics are:
Delhi university
Pune university
Jadavpur University
chennai university
and many more colleges in india.
26th July 2012 01:56 AM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics :

Dear friend,
here are some colleges which you can get Integrated M.Sc in physics
So please follow these colleges
I think these are good in quality








Delhi University


University of Hyderabad

University of Pune

Anna University

Chennai University


All the best................
25th July 2012 11:55 PM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

The following Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics as under-

1. Indian School of Mines University - Dhanbad, Jharkhand

2. Pandit Ravishankar Shukla University - Raipur, Chhattisgarh

3. Nehru Memorial College - Tiruchchirappalli, Tamil Nadu

4. Veer Narmad South Gujarat University - Surat, Gujarat

5. All India Institute of Local Self Government - Mumbai, Maharashtra

6. Saurashtra University ;Gujarat

7. Dibrugarh University, Assam

8. Integral University ; Uttar Pradesh

9. Sri Sankara Arts And Science College , Tamil Nadu

10. The Institute of Integral Technology, Uttar Pradesh

11. Bharat University

12. Amity University
25th July 2012 07:46 PM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

How good is 5 years integrated M.Sc Physics program in NIT Rourkela?
23rd July 2012 06:29 PM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

Integrated M.SC. in Physics is a five years duration Post Graduation Course and canbe pursed after 10+2 with PCM subjects.


23rd July 2012 02:46 PM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

please tell me the name of universities offering integrated msc.course inside kerala.I get 92.3% in bsc physics .Do ihave thge eligibility to join this integrated msc
29th May 2012 11:44 AM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

Kindly let me know colleges offering 5yr integrated Physics in D.U. and selection criteria.
Thannks and Regards
A.R. Das
29th May 2012 11:42 AM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

Kindly let me know colleges offering 5yr integrated Physics in D.U. and selection criteria.
Thannks and Regards
A.R. Das
5th May 2012 12:35 AM
rachender singh
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

Originally Posted by anitha merin View Post
I would like to know about colleges in India that offer 5year integrated
Msc course in physics.
hello dear,
nowadays integerted in physic is a comman trend. i am giving you the complete details of the colleges/university in india.

Calicut University Kerala
Calicut University Kerala
Bengal Engineering and Science University
Bharathidasan University Tamil Nadu
Magadh University Bihar
Madurai Kamaraj University Tamil Nadu

Anna University Chennai Tamil Nadu
Madurai Kamaraj University Tamil Nadu
Banasthali University
Banasthali Vidhyapith Rajasthan
Baselius College
Mahatma Gandhi University
Periyar University Tamil Nadu

University of Delhi Delhi

thanks. Andhra University

22nd April 2012 11:12 PM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
This would sound strange, however this is what posibility I have created for myself. I am a 40 year young guy and all of a sudden I have gathered all my courage to persue my childhood
dream and do integrated Msc in physics. I have had science education only till 10 2 and there after I did my post graduation in Art. I want to know if my age would be and hinderance if
i want to appeare in IIT entrance or do it through IGNOU.
I suggest you try BSc and MSc in Physics through distance learning.Many Universities offer these courses namely Madurai Kamraj University, Vidyasagar University to name a few.This will also take 5 years.
9th April 2012 08:39 PM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

Why does all our institutes go by the entrance test of the IIT? Are the IIts really good? I have not heard of any IITinan getting a nobel prize. So why?
Originally Posted by faiyaz View Post
Sorry dear now its not possible for for you to do so.

Your age does not allows you to appear for any of IIT entrance. Weather it is IITJEE, IITJAM or else.

For persuing IITJAM is required are limit for which is 30, years. Where as for IITJEE which can fetch you in integrated in reputed institutes like- IISER, IISC etc. maximum 2 attempts are permissible for that. First time when you have appeared for your +2 and second the next year.

IGNOU have integrated + P.hd in Physics program but I dont know if it has also Integrated + in Physics.
1st April 2012 08:17 PM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

i want to know abt the job opputunities and salary i can expect for integrated 5yrs course computer science..
plz reply meh..
15th February 2012 11:54 PM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

IIT's offer a 5 year integrated Msc course in Physics. They are mostly aborbed in to either research organisations or organisations like VSSC. Some of the other universities which offer this program include Anna university, Delhi university, Aligarh and Banares Hindu university.
3rd February 2012 11:24 AM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

Followings are the some of the best Instuttes in India for that porpose:-

IIT's among them IIT,kanpur is considered no.1 in India for studing Physics.

IISC, Banglore.


BHU, Varanasi.

Delhi University

Jadavpur University

University of Pune

Amity University.

Anna University.

And Many more.........
12th December 2011 12:56 PM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

how we have to apply entrance for integrated pg in maths and physics
15th October 2011 12:05 AM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

The colleges in India that offer 5year integrated
Msc course in physics are-

Aligarh Muslim University

delhi university

University of Mysore

University of Hyderabad

IIT Kharagpur

14th October 2011 01:44 PM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

eripadmavathi university is avilble this course and what fees,about kanpur
Originally Posted by faiyaz View Post
Followings are the some of the best Instuttes in India for that porpose:-

IIT's among them IIT,kanpur is considered no.1 in India for studing Physics.

IISC, Banglore.


BHU, Varanasi.

Delhi University

Jadavpur University

University of Pune

Amity University.

Anna University.

And Many more.........
25th September 2011 08:48 AM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

Hi. I am doing my 11th std. I want to know about the eligibility reqd. and also info about the entrance exam conducted by IISC and IITs for integrated B.Sc M.Sc course in physics.
6th August 2011 11:56 PM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

Originally Posted by anitha merin View Post
I would like to know about colleges in India that offer 5year integrated
Msc course in physics.
List of college offering 5 year Integrated MSc in physics:-

Anna university
PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore
Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar
SRM Engineering College
Karpagam Arts and Science College, Coimbatore
Noorul Islam College of Engineering, Kumaracoil.

All the best.
6th August 2011 10:09 PM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

Originally Posted by phuchi View Post
best colleges offering integrated M.Sc in physivs are
calcutta university
aligarh muslim university
pune university
anna university
Not Calcutta University Ok
26th June 2011 02:28 AM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

I got admission for an integrated Msc physics course in NIT Rourkela...............Should I go ther or look for a B.S seat in IIsc?????????
21st June 2011 06:58 PM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

I have secured 73% in B.Sc. (Hons.) Physics from Delhi University.
I also attempted JAM Physics as well as Geophysics.
My Physics AIR in JAM is 357 in Physics and in Geophysics is 65.
Where can I get admission.
My first preferance would be M.Sc./M.Tech/M.Sc.(Tech.) Geophysics and Physics would be my second preferance.
I also gave the ISM Dhanbad entrance this year. My name appears on the Extended Merit List. What should I do?
Is M.Sc. Applied Physics from ISM a good course? Are there good placements for this course?
18th June 2011 11:33 AM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

What is the eligibility criteria to join M.Sc integrated course in Physics at Mysore University?
18th May 2011 09:27 PM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

how is national institute of technology which is also offering msc physics integrated :-D
1st May 2011 03:05 PM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

selection critiiria for Msc ( Physics @ Mysore University) integrated course,what type of exam to pass ,when it wiil be conducted pls any one tell me.
Email address:[email protected]
15th April 2011 07:28 PM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

which colleges offer integrated MSC in physics at andhra pradesh?
14th April 2011 08:39 PM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

This is the list of the colleges:
1.Pondicherry University,Kerala.
2.Indian Institute of Technology,Kanpur.
3.Indian Institute of Technology,Kharagpur.
4.Annamalai University,Chidambaram.
5.Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University,Nagpur.
6.Indian Institute of Technology,Guwahati.
7.Kishinchand Chellaram College,Mumbai.
8.Karunya University,Coimbatore.
9.Indian Institute of Technology,New Delhi.
10.Indian Institute of Technology,Chennai.
14th April 2011 06:47 PM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

dear friend,
The colleges in India that offer 5year integrated
Msc course in physics are-

Aligarh Muslim University

delhi university

University of Mysore

University of Hyderabad

IIT Kharagpur


good luck
13th April 2011 10:06 PM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

I hav cmpltd my 2 this year.many choices bfore me 4 higher stdies include integrated Msc.physics or chemistry,chemical engg., engg.physics with specialisation in nanoscienc etc...
Which is most suited...??plz reply 4 my query!!!!
18th March 2011 02:37 AM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

Hello! this is an interesting and helpful service.
i would like to find out which universities offer masters, (Msc), in Nuclear Physics the whole world
19th January 2011 08:16 PM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

what are the job opppurtunities once you finish MSc. integrated physics..???Is it worth doing..??
11th November 2010 02:01 PM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

tell me some top government colleges in india offering 5 years integrated courses in astrnomy and astrophysics
6th November 2010 02:06 PM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

during which month the university offers course
30th August 2010 04:30 PM
rajesh gupta 1
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

Dear friend;

Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics:

Saurashtra University ;Gujarat

Dibrugarh University, Assam

Integral University ; Uttar Pradesh

Sri Sankara Arts And Science College , Tamil Nadu

The Institute of Integral Technology, Uttar Pradesh

Bharat University

Amity University

University of Mysore

Indian School of Mines University - Dhanbad

Indian Institute of Technology - Kharagpur

Indian Institute of Technology - Mumbai; Etc..........
19th August 2010 03:05 AM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

dear friend
there are many colleges which is offering integrated Msc in physics in india. name of some colleges are
1 All India Institute of Local Self Government - Mumbai, Maharashtra
2 Indian School of Mines University - Dhanbad, Jharkhand
3 Indian Institute of Technology - Kharagpur, West Bengal
4 Indian Institute of Technology - Mumbai, Maharashtra
5 Pondicherry University - Pondicherry (Mahe), Kerala
6 Pandit Ravishankar Shukla University - Raipur, Chhattisgarh
7 Integral University - Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
8 Nehru Memorial College - Tiruchchirappalli, Tamil Nadu
9 Veer Narmad South Gujarat University - Surat, Gujarat

Colleges Abroad
Harvard University - United States
McGill University - Canada
The University of Auckland - Newzealand
Yale University - United States

best of luck
19th August 2010 01:18 AM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

Originally Posted by anitha merin View Post
I would like to know about colleges in India that offer 5year integrated
Msc course in physics.
colleges are dear
Delhi university
Pune university
Jadavpur University
chennai university
for more detail search on internet.
19th August 2010 12:51 AM
[email protected]
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

Integrated Msc course in physics COLLEGES

Pandit Ravishankar Shukla University - Raipur, Chhattisgarh

Pondicherry University - Pondicherry (Mahe), Kerala

S N Bose National Centre For Basic Sciences - Kolkata, West Bengal

The Indira Gandhi National Open University - New Delhi, Delhi

Saurashtra University - Rajkot, Gujarat

Dibrugarh University - Dibrugarh, Assam

Integral University - Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

Sri Sankara Arts And Science College - Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu

The Institute of Integral Technology
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

Global Institute Of Integrated Training
Pune, Maharashtra

Indian Integrated Acupuncture Association
Nagpur, Maharashtra
18th August 2010 11:01 PM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

Hello Friend
Here are some of the top ranked universities o institution that offer 5 years integrated course in MSC-PHYSICS,

1.IIT, Kanpur

2.Amity University

3.Indian School of Mines University - Dhanbad, Jharkhand

4.University of Mysore

5.Jadavpur university

6.Shibpur university.. etc..........
18th August 2010 09:56 PM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

you can refer anna university for the subject matter you are searching for. is the website address
18th August 2010 08:50 PM
prerna giri
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

You can appear in iit jam..and ism dhanbad..they run dual degree courses also..
18th August 2010 01:16 PM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
top 10 universities for integrated msc physics

IIT, Kanpur


IIT, Delhi

IIT, Kharaghpur

IIT, Bombay

ISM Dhanbad

Bharat University

Amity University

University of Mysore

Aliah University
18th August 2010 04:45 AM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

University of Mysore.

Amity University.

BPCAS College of Physical Education

Aliah University, west Bengal

Integral University - Lucknow,

Delhi University.

Veer Narmad South Gujarat University - Surat, Gujarat

Bharat University.

Sir J.J. Institute Of Applied Art
17th August 2010 05:59 PM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

top 10 universities for integrated msc physics
15th August 2010 08:12 PM
Re: Colleges offering integrated Msc in physics?

Dear friend,
List of Colleges offering integrated Master of Science - Applied Physics is as...

Indian School of Mines University - Dhanbad, Jharkhand

Indian Institute of Technology - Kharagpur, West Bengal

Indian Institute of Technology - Mumbai, Maharashtra

Pandit Ravishankar Shukla University - Raipur, Chhattisgarh

Integral University - Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

Nehru Memorial College - Tiruchchirappalli, Tamil Nadu

Veer Narmad South Gujarat University - Surat, Gujarat

Pondicherry University - Pondicherry (Mahe), Kerala

Sir J.J. Institute Of Applied Art

Mulund Gymkhana`s College of Physical Education

BPCAS College of Physical Education

All the best!
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