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18th June 2014 12:29 AM
Re: Scope of doing Biotechnology in India? Job opportunities after M.Sc Biotechnology?

sir i have copleted bsc fROm environment science now every one is Saying there no scope of this subject take biotecnology in Msc so please tell which subject has more scope and which one will good sir please tell me sir
29th July 2013 05:31 PM
Re: Scope of doing Biotechnology in India? Job opportunities after M.Sc Biotechnology?

respected sir,
what about scope & job oppurtunities in agribiotechnology
31st October 2012 10:07 PM
Re: Scope of doing Biotechnology in India? Job opportunities after M.Sc Biotechnology?

Hello Dear Friend .....

There are so many various opportunities for you ..

You can work in the Fields like ....










19th October 2012 08:22 PM
Re: Scope of doing Biotechnology in India? Job opportunities after M.Sc Biotechnology?

Hi Friend ...

How about you ???

There is a large scope for BIOTECHNOLOGY India ..

>> You can apply for the Companies like ...











19th October 2012 04:14 PM
Re: Scope of doing Biotechnology in India? Job opportunities after M.Sc Biotechnology?

without doing Msc bio-tech their is any job opportunity for Bsc biotech ? please suggest me
2nd July 2012 08:23 PM
Re: Scope of doing Biotechnology in India? Job opportunities after M.Sc Biotechnology?

if i am doing simple bsc from bhu,then msc biotech..............does it matters less eligible than bsc biotech & then msc biotech?
will this effect my importance than those..........................plz guide me its important
18th June 2012 03:08 PM
Re: Scope of doing Biotechnology in India? Job opportunities after M.Sc Biotechnology?

what are the scope of botany and biotechnology in kerala? whatb are the job opertunities here?
15th June 2012 10:41 PM
Re: Scope of doing Biotechnology in India? Job opportunities after M.Sc Biotechnology?

Hi dear,

As per the official information, Biotechnology is growing more rapidly in India. As per employment point, it has occupied second position in providing employment after multi media.

Candidates with post graduate degree in Biotechnology are being absorbed into
-Pharmaceutical companies
-Chemical industries
-Bio processing industries
-Agriculture related industries
-Pollution control activities and other major industries.

They can even join
-Government organizations
-Research organizations
-Developments organizations.

But in reality, the number of candidates who are going to join Biotechnology are very less.

But to have a good career through Biotechnology, you should be good enough in subject knowledge and practical aspects too.
13th June 2012 09:46 PM
Re: Scope of doing Biotechnology in India? Job opportunities after M.Sc Biotechnology?

i am a 12th pass student intrested in biotech is there any opportunity to fetch a good job with a healthy salary in mumbai pls reply
30th May 2012 01:18 AM
Re: Scope of doing Biotechnology in India? Job opportunities after M.Sc Biotechnology?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i have just completed my 12th std thinking of doing B.E in bio technology....??? will it fetch me a good job in my future........??? please answer sir (it's urgent) (bangalore)
hi dear

yes dear surely you can fetch a good job if you fetch a good seats from nits and iits or bits. bachelor degrees employbility are strong just have commant on your basics and subjects. depends on your interest goa ahead best of luck
30th May 2012 12:31 AM
Re: Scope of doing Biotechnology in India? Job opportunities after M.Sc Biotechnology?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
respeced sir
i m in this is my 6 sem and im very comfused what should i do after it?
i m very confused that i should do Msc or Mba.pls give me appropriate answer.
hi dear'

after bsc you can opt for as marketing executive in pharmaceuticals like lupin ranbaxy, glenmark etc, just go through ur regional media like newspaper, magazines, internet, some industry conduct campus seminars just prepare for that GD PI and selection procedure and after some experience ur mba degree will be worth more.
and if you interest in research then go for msc. best of luck
30th May 2012 12:23 AM
Re: Scope of doing Biotechnology in India? Job opportunities after M.Sc Biotechnology?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
dear sir
i m in 10th to 11th moving student and i want to opt for biotechnology
please suggest me how i can proceed?
adding to this my parents are saying that biotech does'nt have scope in india and there are many know people who have good degrees for biotech but dont have any job
please guide me
hi dear,

you can opt particularly in ur field of subjects, plz opt for moreover technical degrees like pharmacy, food technology diploma, genetic enginering diploma with good institutes these are interrelated courses as u know biotechnology is vast. depends on ur interest such as after pharmacy a candidate can switch to pharmaceutical biotechnology. so dont worry about your scope just go thrugh which field in biotechnology u r interested and then you specialise in that later on like bioprocess technology, biomedical engineering, etc have some options for you just dont stick to biotechnology as subject. best of luck go ahead
30th May 2012 12:10 AM
Re: Scope of doing Biotechnology in India? Job opportunities after M.Sc Biotechnology?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
dear sir,i have completed my M.Sc Biotechnology and i am looking for a job..
are there any oppurtunities for freshers in this field now?
hi dear

just go through your surroundings did u have any industry related to ur subjects like food,pharmaceuticals n all. ofiicially or physically search for them and ask them personally whether they are willing to keep as trainee even without stipend, once u got experience then u can switch over easily for betterment. best of luck go ahead
30th May 2012 12:04 AM
Re: Scope of doing Biotechnology in India? Job opportunities after M.Sc Biotechnology?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Ihave completed MSc biotech
But I m workless to one year I want to join any onroll job
I don't know how
hi dear,

job searching includes many things even physical touch up just try go through ur surroundings, did u have any industry related to ur field like most probably food industry, pharmaceuticals and many more. just ask them or apply officially through application for training first try to learn as trainee for some periods like 4 or 6 months free or on stipend then later on u can switch to better options. best of luck
29th May 2012 11:49 PM
Re: Scope of doing Biotechnology in India? Job opportunities after M.Sc Biotechnology?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
sir,I am doing[biotechnology],what r d scope available for after completing
hi dear,

just prepare for jnu cbee and several msc entrances at university level like bhu, pune, and iit jam then your probability of scope will be wide in biotechnology you can exercise enterpreneurship if u not insist to work anyons under. go ahead best of luck
29th May 2012 11:45 PM
Re: Scope of doing Biotechnology in India? Job opportunities after M.Sc Biotechnology?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
sir,M doing my final year r d scope available for aftr complating i gng 2 medical field means which one i can prefer!!will yo give some ideas about jobs/study??
hi dear,

after btech you can specialise in medical field that is biomedical engineering, bioengineering on the basis of your GATE percentile cut off llike several institutes nit surathkal, nit tiruchira[palli, nit puducherry, etc jobs are great and package also particularly in biomedical engineering which deals with biomedical instruments like ct scan , polygraph, x- ray machines, etc just go thrugh ur interest go ahead best of luck
29th May 2012 11:38 PM
Re: Scope of doing Biotechnology in India? Job opportunities after M.Sc Biotechnology?

Originally Posted by sujithreddym View Post
By the way, is it possible to enter the IT Field, after completing the Btech wid BioTech?
Is it optable?
hi dear,

yes you can if you have a strong background in c, c++ or in any computer applications like java, unix databases then many of the it consultancy can opt you beside your bioinformatics interest go ahead best of luck
29th May 2012 11:33 PM
Re: Scope of doing Biotechnology in India? Job opportunities after M.Sc Biotechnology?

Originally Posted by Aradhana jha View Post
is there any scope to done biotechnology in india????????
What jobs are available after M.Sc. Biotechnology?
hi dear,

there are scope in biotechnology depends on your interest and calibre if u r more intrested towards research protocols and projects then this is your field and have a strong will to self sustain then u can become a good enterpreneur,
because field is vast like food technology, pharmaceutical, genetic engineering , bioprocessing technology, bio pharmaceutical industrys. the necessary of all is it demands experience, if u have experience initially then it will be little easy for you go ahead best of luck
28th May 2012 06:40 PM
Re: Scope of doing Biotechnology in India? Job opportunities after M.Sc Biotechnology?

i have completed my 12th what is the scope of doing bsc biotechnology will it fetch me job oppurtunities in india cold u pls help me out with ur answers
26th May 2012 06:45 PM
Re: Scope of doing Biotechnology in India? Job opportunities after M.Sc Biotechnology?

sir , have completed my 12th thinking of joining b.e in bio technology am worried that i am not get a job in india as i have got negative feeling from people who have studied that
26th May 2012 06:38 PM
Re: Scope of doing Biotechnology in India? Job opportunities after M.Sc Biotechnology?

i have just completed my 12th std thinking of doing B.E in bio technology....??? will it fetch me a good job in my future........??? please answer sir (it's urgent) (bangalore)
24th May 2012 11:10 AM
Re: Scope of doing Biotechnology in India? Job opportunities after M.Sc Biotechnology?

i have just completed my 12th std so i opt to study biotech. i wanted to know whether is there is any scope for biotech in coimbatore
17th May 2012 06:14 PM
Re: Scope of doing Biotechnology in India? Job opportunities after M.Sc Biotechnology?

Are most peaple whose completed their masters in biotechnology employed?
27th April 2012 12:12 PM
Re: Scope of doing Biotechnology in India? Job opportunities after M.Sc Biotechnology?

respeced sir
i m in this is my 6 sem and im very comfused what should i do after it?
i m very confused that i should do Msc or Mba.pls give me appropriate answer.
22nd March 2012 12:47 PM
Re: Scope of doing Biotechnology in India? Job opportunities after M.Sc Biotechnology?

dear sir
i m in 10th to 11th moving student and i want to opt for biotechnology
please suggest me how i can proceed?
adding to this my parents are saying that biotech does'nt have scope in india and there are many know people who have good degrees for biotech but dont have any job
please guide me
20th December 2011 08:24 PM
Re: Scope of doing Biotechnology in India? Job opportunities after M.Sc Biotechnology?

Below is the most recent list of Top 35 Biotech Institutes offering M.Sc Biotech in India. have a look

Name of the Institute


Rajiv Gandhi Center for Biotechnology, Trivandrum

Trivandrum, Kerala

School of Life Sciences, University of Hyderabad

Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal

Karnal, Haryana

Institute of Chemical Technology, University of Mumbai

Mumbai, Maharashtra

Department of Biochemical Engineering & Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology

New Delhi

University School of Biotechnology, Guru Govind Singh Indraprasths University

New Delhi

Department of Microbiology & Biotechnology Centre, Faculty of Science, The Maharaja Sayaji Rao University of Baroda

Vadodra, Gujarat

Department of Animal Biotechnology, Madras Veterinary College, Tamilnadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University

Chennai, Tamil Nadu

University Institute of Engineering & Technology, Punjab University


Department of Plant Molecular Biology & Biotechnology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University

Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

Bioinformatics Centre, University of Pune

Pune, Maharashtra

Avinashilinagam University for Women

Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

Center for Biotechnology, Anna University

Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Dr BC Guha Center for Engineering & Biotechnology, University of Calcutta

Kolkata, West Bengal

Department of Biotechnology, University of Kashmir

Hazratbal, Jammu & Kashmir

Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar

Hisar, Hariyana

School of Biotechnology, Maduari Kamraj University

Maduari, Tamil Nadu

Department of Biochemistry, University of Lucknow

Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

Department of Biotechnology, Cochin University of Science & Technology

Cochin, Kerala

Department of Microbiology, Bangalore University

Bangalore, Karnataka

National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research

Mohali, Punjab

Department of Biotechnology, Bharathiar University

Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

Department of Biotechnology, Himachal Pradesh University

Shimla, Himachal Pradesh

Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore

Indore Madhya Pradesh

Aligarh Muslim University

Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh

Department of Biotechnology, Karnataka University Dharwad

Dharwad, Karnataka

Department of Biotechnology, Punjab University


School of Biotechnology, Banaras Hindu University

Varansi, Uttar Pradesh

Sri Krishnadevaraya University

Anantpur, Andhra Pradesh

Department of Biological Sciences & Bioengineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh

Department of Biotechnology, University of Calicut

Calicut, Kerala

Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, MS University of Baroda

Varodara, Gujarat

Department of Biotechnology, Government Science College

Bangalore, Karnataka

Department of Biotechnology, Gulbarga University

Gulbarga, Karnataka

Jamia Millia Islamia

New Delhi

Sree Chitra Thirunal College of Engineering

Thiruvanthapuram, Kerala

Deptt. of Studies in Applied Botany and Biotechnology, University of Mysore

Mysore, Karnataka

Biotechnology is a vast area where one can find various career opportunities. M. Sc course in Biotechnology helps the candidate to get in to a promising career with lucrative salary packages. The growing field of Biotechnology offer job opportunities both in public as well as private sector enterprises. Food processing industries and Bio-processing industries are areas where biotechnology graduates are demanded highly. The candidate can search for job vacancies in organizations dealing with food processing and pharmaceutics.

M. Sc graduates in Biotechnology are needed in research laboratories in order to carry out research (in developing innovative elements). Post graduation in Biotechnology helps the candidates to apply for designated job positions like Research scientist, Quality Controller, etc. Academics are other area where these candidates can get in to and can have rewarding compensation packages. The salary packages offered to the aspirant increases with adequate work experience and expertise in the job.

Salaries after M. Sc Biotechnology in Government Organizations

M. Sc Biotechnology graduates can expect initial level salary with in the range of Rs. 10,000/- to Rs. 20,000/- per month in government organizations. Those who can get in the role of researcher in governmental firms can expect a salary package with in Rs. 20,000/- to Rs. 40,000 per month. The candidates who have NET qualification can apply for lecturer jobs in colleges offering Biotechnology course. Such candidates can expect a salary of Rs.30, 000- Rs.40, 000/- per month. Others working in hospitals and pharmaceutical firms under public sector can also expect reasonable level of salary.

Salaries after M. Sc Biotechnology in Private Institutions

M. Sc Biotechnology graduates can expect good remuneration packages in private sector also. Those who are placed in reputed pharmaceutical firms can expect salary with in the range of Rs. 15,000/- to Rs. 20,000/- per month. One can earn entry level salary with in the range of Rs. 8000/- to Rs. 16,000/- per month in other firms operating in biotechnology. This may vary according to the skill and performance of the individual in the job. Those who had completed the course from reputed institutions like IIT can expect more salary packages. In the long run the candidate can expect high salary (with growing experience).

Remuneration after M.Sc Biotechnology Abroad

The scope of Biotechnology in foreign nations is much wide when compared to that in India. Experienced candidates can get in to pharmaceutical, biotech, or research and developmental firms outside the country. These candidates can earn remuneration with in the range of Rs.1 lakh- Rs.3 lakh per month. This may differ according to the responsibility assigned with the job and the reputation of the organization.
26th September 2011 12:50 AM
Re: Scope of doing Biotechnology in India? Job opportunities after M.Sc Biotechnology?

dear sir,i have completed my M.Sc Biotechnology and i am looking for a job..
are there any oppurtunities for freshers in this field now?
16th September 2011 12:26 AM
Bishwajit Giri
Re: Scope of doing Biotechnology in India? Job opportunities after M.Sc Biotechnology?

There are so many opportunities after getting the biotechnology degree

1) Biochemistry and Biophysics :-
These fields are similar in that they involve applying principles of other sciences to Biology. Biochemistry is concerned with the chemical makeup of different types of living organisms.
Biophysics explores physical aspects of items ranging from cells to whole ecosystems.

2) Microbiology :-
Another main field of Biology is microbiology. Microbiology deals with microscopic organisms, some of which consist of only one cell.

3) Zoology :-
Zoology is the branch of Biology concerned with studying all types of characteristics of all types of animals.

There are more fields apart from the main field in biology like :-
Entomology, Cell Biology, Environmental Sciences, Marine Biology, Herpatology.
15th September 2011 11:55 AM
Re: Scope of doing Biotechnology in India? Job opportunities after M.Sc Biotechnology?

Ihave completed MSc biotech
But I m workless to one year I want to join any onroll job
I don't know how
8th September 2011 11:31 PM
Re: Scope of doing Biotechnology in India? Job opportunities after M.Sc Biotechnology?

sir, i have completed my m.s.c in my dream to get jb in bio con is there any possibility
20th August 2011 06:45 PM
Re: Scope of doing Biotechnology in India? Job opportunities after M.Sc Biotechnology?

sir,I doing B.Tech[BIOTECHNOLOGY].Is there any scope in india?
16th July 2011 08:21 PM
Re: Scope of doing Biotechnology in India? Job opportunities after M.Sc Biotechnology?

sir,I am doing[biotechnology],what r d scope available for after completing
2nd July 2011 01:22 PM
Re: Scope of doing Biotechnology in India? Job opportunities after M.Sc Biotechnology?

sir,M doing my final year r d scope available for aftr complating i gng 2 medical field means which one i can prefer!!will yo give some ideas about jobs/study??
27th June 2011 12:48 PM
Re: Scope of doing Biotechnology in India? Job opportunities after M.Sc Biotechnology?

Originally Posted by Aradhana jha View Post
is there any scope to done biotechnology in india????????
What jobs are available after M.Sc. Biotechnology?
dear friend,

biotech is a very good career prospect specially keeping in mind its scope in the future.

i would definately encourage you to go fot MTech in the subject
after completing MTech you can even go abroad and do your own research.

in india there are so many company for biotechnology.

so you can apply for those company.

all the best
26th June 2011 06:53 PM
Re: Scope of doing Biotechnology in India? Job opportunities after M.Sc Biotechnology?

By the way, is it possible to enter the IT Field, after completing the Btech wid BioTech?
Is it optable?
26th June 2011 06:45 PM
pabolu pradeep
Re: Scope of doing Biotechnology in India? Job opportunities after M.Sc Biotechnology?

job opportunities for biotechnology in indian

Research & Development
Clinical Research
Finance & Administration
Biotech Pharmaceutical Jobs
biotech Sales Jobs

Major Biotechnology Companies in India

All India Biotech Association (AIBA), New Delhi
Biotech Consortium India Limited, New Delhi
Rajiv Gandhi Center for Biotechnology, Kerala (RGCB)
Amersham Pharmacia Biotech Asia Pacific Ltd., Chennai
BrainWave Bioinformatics Ltd., Chennai
Aristo Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Mumbai
Catalyst Pharma Consulting , Mumbai
Excel Industries Limited, Mumbai
Sisco Research Laboratories Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai
Hi Tech Bio Laboratories, Pune

Biotechnology Colleges in India
26th June 2011 06:43 PM
pabolu pradeep
Re: Scope of doing Biotechnology in India? Job opportunities after M.Sc Biotechnology?

job opportunities for biotechnology in indian

Research & Development
Clinical Research
Finance & Administration
Biotech Pharmaceutical Jobs
biotech Sales Jobs

Major Biotechnology Companies in India

All India Biotech Association (AIBA), New Delhi
Biotech Consortium India Limited, New Delhi
Rajiv Gandhi Center for Biotechnology, Kerala (RGCB)
Amersham Pharmacia Biotech Asia Pacific Ltd., Chennai
BrainWave Bioinformatics Ltd., Chennai
Aristo Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Mumbai
Catalyst Pharma Consulting , Mumbai
Excel Industries Limited, Mumbai
Sisco Research Laboratories Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai
Hi Tech Bio Laboratories, Pune
26th June 2011 06:25 PM
Re: Scope of doing Biotechnology in India? Job opportunities after M.Sc Biotechnology?

As per the official information, Biotechnology is growing more rapidly in India. As per employment point, it has occupied second position in providing employment after multi media.

Candidates with post graduate degree in Biotechnology are being absorbed into
-Pharmaceutical companies
-Chemical industries
-Bio processing industries
-Agriculture related industries
-Pollution control activities and other major industries.

They can even join
-Government organizations
-Research organizations
-Developments organizations.

But in reality, the number of candidates who are going to join Biotechnology are very less.

But to have a good career through Biotechnology, you should be good enough in subject knowledge and practical aspects too.
24th June 2011 10:25 PM
Aradhana jha
Scope of doing Biotechnology in India? Job opportunities after M.Sc Biotechnology?

is there any scope to done biotechnology in india????????
What jobs are available after M.Sc. Biotechnology?

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