Thread: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training? Reply to Thread

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14th May 2015 12:52 PM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

i want to do summer internship of microbiology in any company aur institute can u pls suggst me i m dung bsc microbiology 2nd yr
3rd March 2015 12:46 PM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

Kindly in form you we have opening for summer training ,so, if you are intersted please contact us.

Thanks & Regards

24th February 2015 10:41 PM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

i am ABHISHEK PANDEY . My branch is elctrical engg. I Want to know such information about summer training after 2nd year
21st February 2015 01:23 PM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

Sir, I am MD Danish, b tech (mechanical) 6th sem I wana training 60days from Kolkata please tell me options and company list provide training
18th October 2013 02:04 AM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

Which is the best company for summer training after 3rd year?
24th May 2013 01:01 PM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

hello sir...i m gaurav sharma doing be 5th sem in EE...i want to know about the companies offering vocational training in june onwards,.
20th May 2013 11:54 PM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

i want to 6 week tarining in btech in ece branch
15th May 2013 06:24 PM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?


Summer training is designed after 3rd year by college and companies so that candidates acquire good core knowledge.
Try to push your CV through person/contacts/relative working with computer companies. However dont expect any stipend.

If you dont succed in finding good training, then better do some useful software course.
you should utilize this time.

All the best
1st April 2013 01:24 PM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

hi i want to do 1 month summer training in food technology .plz give me the details.
12th March 2013 12:24 AM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

hello sir,
i m currently studying in 2nd year of bba and i want to do summer training and so i request to send names of some of the companies in surat which allows me and my 5 other members for summer training of 2 months.
i expect a prompt reply from ur side.

thanking you,
31st January 2013 08:43 PM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

hello sir.. i am madhuri jain from CSE branch, 2nd year, in NIT, Patna.
I want to go for summer training this year in any of the high profiled companies like IBM and all the rest. Kindly guide me for the proper procedure to be followed. I would much prefer the training venue to be near Delhi or rather Meerut (U.P.). I will be highly obliged for your assistance!
15th January 2013 07:02 PM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

sir i am doing B.Sc. Biotechnology and i want to do summer training after 4ith sem so can u plz help
21st June 2012 07:07 PM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

1.take a good advice from your teachers and join that company or institute which they suggest.
2.otherwise according to my point of view,you have no need to take a training from any company. should join the best institute for 6 week training.
4.join some best institute and go for certification.
5.certification is vary much important and helpful to you for your future.
6.if you are a cse student then go for java,dot net,php or oracle.
7.these are the best options for you for the 6 week training.
3rd June 2012 10:45 PM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

Originally Posted by sandipk View Post
hello friend,

yes it's the right time for summer training. As you are a cse student you can go through all the big compainies.but the fact is that different compainies have different criteria , you have to fullfill it as per your interested compainies.

good luck.....
procedure of summer training:

if you want to do training then you must contact training & placement officer of your college regarding Training and through your college you may contact to the personnel department OR HR department of that COMPANY in which you are interested....

Send one letter from your college to the HR department of that company. They will mail you regarding that information.

seat is limited there that's why you must apply quickly..........

with best wishes

3rd June 2012 10:44 PM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

There are various companies in delhi in which you can apply for your summer training course. You can do the course like c/c++, java, php, embedded systems and all in your summer training course.

How to apply for summer training course

To apply for the summer training course you have to send a application at the company address. You have to also attach your resume along with your application. If the company selects you for the summer training course they will send you an acknowledgment regarding the summer training program. After that you have to submit a no objection certificate which you will get from your college.

Companies in which you can apply

The list of companies in which you can apply for your summer training course is listed below:

Cisco Systems India Pvt Ltd
Barakhambha RoadBirla House, East Tower,
7th, 8th and 9th Floor, 25, Barakhamba Road, Delhi

Bharat Software Solutions
1st Floor, 4 Vaishali Enclave, Delhi

Genetic Infosoft Pvt Ltd
301-B, 3rd Floor, Triveni Complex, 2 V.S. Block,
Shakarpur, Delhi

MAA Infotainment
15 F, PKT-4, New Kondli,
Mayur Vihar Phase 3, Delhi

Design Mantras
Mu-38 A, Pitampura, Delhi

Sky Info Tech
D-6/3 Industrial Area,
Phase-1,Okhla, Delhi

Ace Data Devices Pvt Ltd
I-132, Kirti Nagar, Delhi

3rd June 2012 10:40 PM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

hi friend,

Firstly i want to ask you that whether you just want to get a training from a good company or a good training from a company??

If your answer is second one then i can help you. I am also from this stream , I took , in my time, training from TICO institute of Embedded Technology. It is not just an advertising and profitable firm but it is a academic institute which provide embedded system knowledge right from the beginning. I found very strong fundamentals of electronics there. They not only just teach but provide a practical knowledge. Unlike from the other institute who charge a huge amont for a same type of training they charge 3/4th of them. Also you will get a familiar atmosphere there. PG facility is also satisfactory.

I would not recommend you any other institute because i have my good project experiences shared with them. They equally help me in making of my project at the same time.

Rest of the thing depends upon you . Please choose your training institute after asking the other students who have already chose that one.
3rd June 2012 10:38 PM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

Originally Posted by manya View Post
Hello sir,
I am manya shukla, doing B.Tech in CSE(IInd yr). after my 4th sem i am having holidays for around two months.if you can please provide me with news for summer training in high profiled companies like HCL,TCS,INFOSYS,etc i vil b highly obliged. please give priority to those near lucknow.

Yours faithfully,
hello dear

you can do Summer training from given below companies:





5.tata motors.



all the best...........
1st May 2012 11:01 AM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

Sir, I m a 2nd year student in CSE. i m planning to do summer training programme this vacation.. Can i know the companies which offer these programmes..?
27th April 2012 03:00 PM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

I am going to appear 6th sem exam of B.E.
I want to take summer training in summer.
So can u please tell me the companies which provides training for E & TC branch.
30th March 2012 10:14 AM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

i want to know contact number of dell for summer training after 6 sem
28th March 2012 05:43 PM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

I am in 4th sem of BBA and have summer training from April. So please suggest some good companies from Surat to Vapi that can provide training.
6th March 2012 11:17 AM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

hi i am priyanka
i have completed my btech 2nd year i hve to go for intenship program i want the details details abt the companies wh where offring intenship in andhrapradesh
4th March 2012 03:04 PM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

hii sir i m in my 4th sem btech cse...want to b a part of summer training programme in dese holidays...which language shud i prefer.....n i want to knw dname of sum gud companies offering summer training in delhi....i wil b obliged...:)
manshul gupta
19th February 2012 09:43 AM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?
3rd February 2012 05:18 PM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

hello sir,
I m in 4th sem. Sir, i wan to so summer training in ethical hacking. Is this opt is benifical for me? Which company can provide me training for this? Plese reply...

Your's Faithfully,
3rd February 2012 12:34 AM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

I am attaching a document, which gives an idea about how MTNL is imparting training of duration from six weeks to six months for students of B.Tech/ BCA/ MBA/ICWA/ICSI.

The charges range from Rs. 3,000 to 12,000 for dependents of MTNL/BSNL/DoT employess and from Rs. 5,000/- to 12,000/- for others after a 50% discount over approved amount. Service tax will be extra.

Training at MTNL will certainly enhance the knowledge of the students. So, please avail the offer.

All the best.
1st February 2012 09:48 PM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

Respected sir,
I am vikash chauhan pursuing 3rd year.I want to know about the companies which are offering summer training program.
I will be highly obliged to you..
19th January 2012 11:32 AM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

Originally Posted by manya View Post
Hello sir,
I am manya shukla, doing B.Tech in CSE(IInd yr). after my 4th sem i am having holidays for around two months.if you can please provide me with news for summer training in high profiled companies like HCL,TCS,INFOSYS,etc i vil b highly obliged. please give priority to those near lucknow.

Yours faithfully,
Well you go for Industrial Kind of Training in big companies like Big Software Companies, BHEL, HAL, Tata Motors, DLW, Bel, ISRO, BSNL and many more

Either you can learn few job oriented technologies like .NET, JAVA, PHP, ORACLE, Embedded, VHDL, MATLAB from good & reputed institutes like CETPA, Vector, Sandeepani School of VLSI Design, RL-VLSI & many others.
Take your technology training frm above mentioned institues only as they exist from a very long time, their teaching methodology is far better than others & their Certificate (which you will get after completion of your training) is of great importance

Thanks & all d best
15th October 2011 08:36 AM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

first you collect information about
which company going to organize this type of training programme
then you write a letter to that company forwarded by your principle ...
then you register your course like(c,c++,jave,oracle,DBMS,.net,visual basics,NET,)in that company ...
i suggest you take subject javaa in your training ...
and take summer trainin

14th October 2011 08:25 PM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

Hello sir,
I am kishan huidrom, doing B.Tech in CSE(IInd yr). after my 4th sem i am having holidays for around two months.if you can please provide me with news for summer training in high profiled companies. i will b highly obliged. please give priority to those near kolkata.

Yours faithfully,
15th August 2011 11:09 PM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

There are 3 ways for this
first is RL. it stands for request letter you can take it from your college and by filling it you can send it to company according to this letter your college send you for training in bhel and if company reply in yes than you can do training from there

second way is OL it stands for open letter in it you get a letter from your college and you can fill it and send it to company if the answer of RL is no than you get OL and you can send it anywhere in more than one company

third way is CL it stands for close letter in it college send you for training it happens when your RL and OL cant solve the matter of your training

in this way you can do training.
15th August 2011 08:33 PM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

Hi dear,

first you collect information about
which company going to organize this type of training programme
then you write a letter to that company forwarded by your principle ...
then you register your course like(c,c++,jave,oracle,DBMS,.net,visual basics,NET,)in that company ...
i suggest you take subject javaa in your training ...
and take summer training ....
go fast ..

8th August 2011 09:44 PM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

am doing MCA 2nd year, i hav to do my project for next year as intern, and i wish to join some project in 5th sem for one month so can i know what measures to be taken???
15th July 2011 07:27 PM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

Hello sir,
I am Neha, i completed my BCA this year and now i am looking for the summer training in highly profiled companies.please guide me.

yours faithfully,
15th June 2011 04:29 PM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

I'm a second year student I.T. branch. I want to get a training in summer vacations of two months. I also want to know that what are the benefits of this training as we also have to undergo a project training after third year. Please tell me that how can I apply for this training.
14th June 2011 08:30 PM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

sir i m btech ece students n hv just completed my 4th sem.....i need to ask for the companies providing trainning in embedded system and vlsi
11th June 2011 08:10 PM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

requested sir,
i am student of 3year diploma in your summer training course/apprentise give knowledge
11th June 2011 11:46 AM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

i m rishi verma doing btech 2nd year with ec branch.
i want to do summer training.
plz tell me about good companies in delhi.
9th June 2011 10:17 AM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

sir ,iam a student of civil engg of nit agartla iwant to attend summer training programme of any multinational construction company,so please provide me contact adress of such company's.
4th June 2011 12:29 AM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

I am the student of the 2nd year in diploma .and i want to summer training in your company.and i want to know your biodata oa fees.
18th May 2011 08:50 PM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

I am in 6th semester ,wanna to do in infosys for 6 week summer training. please tell me in detail how to get in?
18th May 2011 02:27 PM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

Look different companies conduct summer training camps in different areas and they also have different criterias for getting into them and they have alternate timings so chech it out on and give the necessary details that is asked for and you will land upin getting the exact answer you want but do 1 more thing just keep an eye on the local newspapers either hindi or english there are timely ads about them so check that out it may help... all the best

17th May 2011 05:46 PM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

I would like to know if there are any IT companies near Surat here i can do my summer training?
thanking you
10th May 2011 10:23 AM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

Hello sir,
I am ankit agrawal, doing B.Tech in ECE(IInd yr). after my 4th sem i am having holidays for around two months.if you can please provide me with news for summer training in high profiled companies like HCL,TCS,INFOSYS,etc i vil b highly obliged. please give priority to those near agra and delhi.

Yours faithfully,
29th April 2011 09:56 AM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

I am Deepika final year student i want to get some computer training pls suggest me which course wii be good for me.
28th April 2011 01:58 PM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

[QUOTE=manya;27553]Hello sir,
I am anzar anwar, doing B.Tech in electrical & electronics (IInd yr). after my 4th sem i am having holidays for around two months.if you can please provide me with news for summer training in high profiled companies like HCL,TCS,INFOSYS,etc i vil b highly obliged. please give priority to those near lucknow.

Yours faithfully,
anzar anwar.
23rd April 2011 09:38 AM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

myself devvrat tiwari,student of BE.3rd yr (IT brnch)......i want to avail vocational training frm a gud n repuatated IT company of india like tcs,hcl,hp,wipro or infosys.
please do inform me the procedure or any contact details in my mail [email protected]
20th April 2011 04:31 PM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

Hello sir,
i m 2nd year student ( (me). i want to under go training for 45 days in the month of i would like u to help me by telling me the names of the companies that provide training for the same .
and i also want to know which course would be suitable for me to do training as i m in 2ndyr(4th sem).

Yours faithfully,
12th April 2011 08:41 PM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

I am doing BBA(BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION) (IInd yr), after my 4th sem(may 2011) i am having holidays for around two months(june,july 2011).if you can please provide me e-mail; and phone nos. of differnt companies providing summer internship in delhi ..i'll be obliged...
plz mail me at [email protected]

Thank you,
12th April 2011 07:46 PM
Re: Summer training after 2nd year, which companies offer this training?

Hello sir,
I am Lokesh Goyal, doing B.Tech in ECE(IInd yr). after my 4th sem i am having holidays for around two months.if you can please provide me with news for summer training in high profiled companies like HCL,TCS,INFOSYS,etc i vil b highly obliged. please give priority to those near lucknow.

Yours faithfully,
Lokesh Goyal
[email protected]
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