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10th April 2018 10:30 AM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

Hi, at present i am working in bank as an IT officer. My age is 40yrs and qualification is BE electronic. Iam planning for M Tech IT and later on I want work as a lecturer. Is it ok to do M Tech at this stage. What are the job opportunities. Please guide me.
3rd February 2016 12:01 AM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

I completed my UG now I am pursuing MBA and i wrote NET exam in 27/12/2015 but I selected commerce.. so in case if I cleared net exam means it vl be help full or no sir,,,,,,,

My lectures are saying me that your mba so u have to write or take only management subject in net that is only help full .....But I did ug in sir ..

So plz clear this..

[email protected]
9th December 2015 07:55 PM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

What is the starting salary after clearing net exam.. No prior experience in lectureship
9th June 2015 01:24 PM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

my aim to bea part of organisation like BARC ISRO drdo or IGCAR wgat are the criteria for this organisation to enter this i m a student of in chemistry with 78% i m eligible or not plz sir kindly reply me
17th November 2014 05:35 PM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

hi all,

i have got my net score for june 2014. its 49.14%. I come under obc category. I have secured more than minimum score in all three papers(54/35,48/35,70/60). But not fulfilled the minimum cutoff for jrf/lectureship.
now what i can do with this net score?
please share your ideas with me?
will just getting minimum scores will help me in anyway?
6th September 2014 10:46 PM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

25th August 2014 02:01 AM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

What salary a person get in an aided college in Kerala who is not a net scholar ?
20th August 2014 04:57 PM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam? year M.Tech students are eligible to write NET exam...For attending NET master degree is compulsory and For those who prepared for GATE...NET is easy to clear...
19th July 2014 01:11 PM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
What are the uses of writing the NET exam? am i eligible for getting more pay as a lecturer in colleges? is BE graduate eligible to write NET exam?
no ur not you have to pass post graduation exam with minimum 55%.... of marks
8th February 2014 09:54 PM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

Sir myself service in government job and I have completed my P.G. Through private medium.sir I want to know what I have to do for doing net and after passing net exam is there training or study program for two to three years?And sir I also want to know that myself given my written exam in subject sociology but due to delay in viva date I am absent in this but in my marksheet shows passed and so am I eligible to take admission in net exam.please tell me sir.
8th July 2013 10:42 PM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

Hi Friends,
I did my M.Sc(Electronics) in 2007 and I am working in a Govt Sector. how is NET exam useful for me. Can Any one suggest me please.
28th June 2013 01:10 PM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

hi ,
Its true, after giving and qualifying NET, you do get more payment than usual.Since it is not an easy exam ,those who qualify it seems to posess extra potential and are more hardworking than the rest so they do deserve more than the rest .
You have to do a master degree first then NET.
27th June 2013 08:11 PM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

The National Eligibility Test is conducted for lectureship in government colleges. You can not become lecturer in government colleges without clearing the National Eligibility Test.

Even the state governments are required to conduct a test for their own colleges. This test is called State Eligibility Test which is conducted by each state separately.

This is the purpose of NET entrance exam. Coming to second part of your question, you can not appear for the National Eligibility Test unless complete post graduation course.

Since you have only completed B.E., it would not be possible. However some private engineering college may hire you but no government college will do until you clear the National Eligibility Test.

NET Eligibility

1. Only Indian citizens can appear for it.

2. Post graduation degree is the minimum requirement.

3. 55 percent or more marks in the PG.

4. SC/ST need only 50 percent marks.

5. Final year students are also eligible.

6. But will have to submit the degree in 2 years timeframe.

7. Subject for NET will depend on the PG course.

8. You can apply for JRF up to 28 years.

9. OBC can apply up to 31 years.

10. The limit is 33 years for SC/ST.

11. For lectureship you should be at least 19 years old.

12. There is no upper age limit.

13. No limit on number of attempts.
27th June 2013 03:22 AM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

do private college provide the same salary scale to net cleared candidate?
18th February 2013 03:22 PM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

can a B-tech graduate get teaching job without m-tech ,who qualified net exam?
5th February 2013 02:51 PM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

i completed my M.Sc(mathematics with computer science).Am I elegigbe to write NET exam.Plz tell me.
26th July 2012 06:01 PM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

Dear Sir / madam,
I have cleared NET exam on June 2011 in the field of management immediately after MBA.
What all are the colleges / university i can look for job.
Am holding 2 years of experience in an MNC. Please let me know if any opening available.

A.Mohammed Asif
24th June 2012 09:09 PM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

I am AshwiniKumar ,I have cleared my NET EXAM IN JUNE 2011. I not received my net certificate yet .
Can anybody told me how i received my net certificate .
please inform me any detail about this in my email id [email protected]
22nd June 2012 10:47 PM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

is it neccesary to do phd once you have cleared net exam... if not what extra pay scale do phd offers??????
1st May 2012 08:39 PM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

How can a Jr Lecturer be promoted to a Lecturer (UGC scale) having UGC-NET qualification ?
26th April 2012 01:07 PM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

If you clear the NET exam, you get more salary as it proves your determination,

your efficiency and your knowledge in the field. your income is substantially

increased by passing the exam. You are given recruitment in government

colleges where you are given pay according to the government pay scale.
23rd April 2012 10:21 PM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

what are the salary of lecturer in technical institution likely Rehabilitation Council of India. Please reply.
29th March 2012 11:09 PM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

i have done mathematics .
I want to know what is the chance for job ater
Passing national eligibility test and what will
Be salary about?
13th March 2012 12:55 PM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

18th February 2012 05:03 PM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

anybody know when will the result of dec 2011 NET exam will be announced
17th February 2012 12:29 AM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

Hello Sr, I have done M.C.A. What exam should i need to pass to be a lecturer ? .NET or M .tech
14th February 2012 04:19 PM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

Please tell me sir that, after i cleared UGC NET exam. again do i have to write any exam to get a govt lecturer or ass professor
jobs ?
2nd February 2012 09:59 PM
pankhuri bhagat
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
What are the uses of writing the NET exam? am i eligible for getting more pay as a lecturer in colleges? is BE graduate eligible to write NET exam?
yes, its simply a very good opportunity after clear net exam , u are same qualified as phd degree holders & about salary its just depend upon universities norms and rules because now they prefered only net qualified candidates .
if you are related with any private college then they wont make any increment in your salary but yes surely you get approval.
23rd January 2012 12:17 AM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

what shoul be the salary of a person having net ,ca,cs,mcom,mba.....plz do reply as soon
15th December 2011 10:29 PM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

sir i disqualify net exam by 2 marks.
what i do please sugest m.
13th December 2011 12:56 PM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

what is passing percentage of students out of the total students appear for management paper of NET exam.
please guide
2nd December 2011 05:23 PM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

At present I am working as Assistant Professor under sixth pay. Now I cleared NET Exam. Will they raise my salary? Am I eligible for promotion? Having 8 yrs of service. Am I eligible for Associate Professor?My qualification MBA,MA,M.Phil
30th November 2011 09:01 PM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

hi friend,

yes there is increment in salary not olny this but also you get lecturer job in universities.

Qualifying in net also get research fellowship in best institutions
29th November 2011 07:07 PM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

yes thats true, after giving and qualifying NET, you do get more payment than usual.Since it is not an easy exam ,those who qualify it seems to posess extra potential and are more hardworking than the rest so they do deserve more than the rest .
28th November 2011 04:12 PM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

correspondance MSc graduate is eligible for net exam?
9th November 2011 01:14 AM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

Salary of a hindi hons. Lecturer of d.u
4th November 2011 08:57 PM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

hi dear,
yes thats true, after giving and qualifying NET, you do get more payment than usual.Since it is not an easy exam ,those who qualify it seems to posess extra potential and are more hardworking than the rest so they do deserve more than the rest .
By the way eligibility for the exam is
available at

4th November 2011 02:00 PM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

B.E students are eligible for Net exam? To enter the govt polytechnic lecture
20th October 2011 02:15 AM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

i have qualified net exam in LS with 34th rank in life science . I am in 2nd year of M.Tech. from NIT SURATHKAL . i have qualified GATE also. can u inform me how much salary can i expect in starting for joining in any college in private sector.
18th October 2011 01:16 PM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

is there any crieteria for appointingin lecturers in aided colleges ini kerala other than caste and community?
17th October 2011 09:36 PM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

is it beneficial to go for net exam after MBA
17th September 2011 11:19 PM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

what is the maximum salary for a BE and MTECH STUDENT after clearing NET??????????
3rd August 2011 02:48 PM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

hello sir i m doing my mca in 4 sem now.... can i take up the net exam after 4th sem..???
17th July 2011 08:52 PM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

When a person clears the NET exam so will he join a government college as a permanent teacher or adhoc base.
Plz reply me as soon as possible.
7th July 2011 03:49 PM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

hi, am doing final year msc apparel production in nift tea college tirupur. now wat is the procedure for me to attend net exam?
21st May 2011 12:26 AM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

hello sir, i want to know that, how many days join college after qualify ugc net exam.
18th April 2011 09:59 PM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

I have done my B.D.S.(bachelor in dental surgery). I m presently working as a lecturer in a private dental college. Can NET be of any help to me?? please reply
6th April 2011 03:49 PM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

hello sir,I want to apply for ugc net exam in management subject.but i want to ask u something that my educational background is not gud,I done my and m.b.a through distance education.I want to know that is there any scope for me after cracking net exam.
3rd April 2011 09:23 PM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

after pass net exam what procedure.
27th March 2011 12:26 PM
Re: Do lecturers get more salary after passing NET exam?

hello sir ,im doing my msc and after tht would like to do i eligible to teach 11and 12 class chemistry den.or is it neccessary to give net set exam.....
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