Thread: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths Reply to Thread

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8th September 2016 09:07 PM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

NCERT IS THE BEST BOOK FOR EXAMS!!You don't have to be confused as you mentioned that your teacher was telling to do maths from other book not from NCERT,but you don't need to be get worried about books.Believe me if you do NCERT and if your all the concepts are clear from NCERT then you can answer any question from any other book .Only the thing is that in examination,you have to just use your logic to that question and if your concepts of NCERTis clear,then you can answer that question.



29th February 2016 06:16 PM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

So I have left 8 days for maths paper sa2 xth CBSE board so which book should prepared so as to get 70 marks above in maths board paper
27th October 2015 01:49 PM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
plz say from where the cbse board is putting questions for board exams????? for maths ,science etc?? plz say
For mathematics-------- A text book of mathematics authored by Monika Capoor, publisher: Ratna Sagar is one of the best option in every manner for the students of class 9,10. CBSE
19th March 2015 09:26 PM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

I would suggest you to solve all the questions from the NCERT textbook first and then you can go on to other books.
By all questions I also mean the miscellaneous problems that are there at the end of the book.

After that you can go on to R D Sharma.
I would suggest that you use it only as a reference book and not as a book from which you solve each and every question.
28th February 2014 12:01 PM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

Originally Posted by Vidushi Mishra View Post
Where from the board maths examination comes,from NCERT text book or from any other book? My school's maths teacher is asking me to practice from other books except NCERT maths text book.But students who have passed class 10th have advised me to practice only NCERT maths text book. I am really confused and depressed about what to do. Please ,please sort out my this confusion.Please,please,please,please.............
I would recommend
for Maths RD sharma
for chemistry s chand
for physics s chand
for biology s chand
1st June 2013 09:22 AM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

from shubham chauhan i am very much worried about board exam . i know that ncert is the best book but still i want 1 more book for my full revision of maths and science . please help me which book is the best for both .
22nd March 2013 07:42 PM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

"Actually,NCERT books are more than enough for the students upto class X".These are not my words,a very experienced retired teacher told on T.V.
If you want to succeed,just do what I say.If you are preparing for engineering,then go for 'Mathematics by R.D Sharma' and 'Pearsons science book' and Arihant's 'first step towards IIT' and if you want o prepare for medical,then pearson's book is needed.
Now,if you want not to think much about future and prepare for 10th exams,read following books:

(i)R.S Agrawal for maths
(ii) Me n Mine,evergreen for english.
(iii)NCERT text book alongwith exempeler problem for science(must read book).
(iv)No book for S.St,language(hindi or sanskrit),just read the book thoroughly.
25th February 2013 03:54 PM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths



NOTE : Refer your own NCERT book , then go

for other books that i have mentioned for you . Because questions will be

coning from your own book only , only the digits and diagram will be changed

, so don't be panic just solve the question i relax mind .

24th February 2013 09:44 PM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

do u thnk we should colve only solved examples of rd or go for the unsolved questions too?
4th September 2012 10:04 PM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

according to me if u focus on marks u can opt 4 ncert maths book,,
bt if u really want to study maths ,then r.d.sharma is best
1st August 2012 12:21 AM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

Dear friend,

There is no need to confuse or depressed.
Though your School Teacher is advising you to practice more from Reference Books. She is not telling you wrong. If you practice from Reference books, you will be capable of doing different types of questions.

But since you are in 10th standard, focusing on NCERT Textbooks is must. If your basics is clear from NCERT Textbooks, then you can do each and every question very easily. Your friends are giving you the right advice.

After Class 10th, you will surely need Reference Books.
6th June 2012 02:33 PM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

Close to 90% of the questions are from the NCERT text book or of the same models given in the text book, so practicing the text thoroughly will give you a very good score in the exam. Usually teachers ask students to practice the reference books because 1-2 questions every year are of new models and the teachers hope that different models given in the reference books may help you solve these new ones in the exam.
So although they ask you to practice the reference books, you need not get stressed out with it.
Hope this answer helped you.
All the best
5th June 2012 10:53 PM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

HI dear,

you can refer to other books too for concept clearity

NCERT books explain the concepts in brief, so to get

better hold of concepts you should read other books

ex. R.S.Aggarwal
S.chand P/C/B

however questions generally appear form NCERT and

for exam time NCERT are the best book, you will get maximum marks by following



24th May 2012 11:09 AM
ranjeet kumar sanjeet
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

dear friend.
if you want to prepare only for the exam point of view then ncert is the best book for you because all the questions are asked from that, bit if you want to enhance your mathematics knowledge and practice more and different types of problems then you can also read mathematics by r.d.sharma and mathematics by r.s.agarwal along with your ncert books, both these books are very good in every aspects, theory, illustrations and problems. it will give you a lot of confidence to solve any problems of mathematics at your level, and in future if you will go for the maths or commerce.
all the best.
21st May 2012 06:22 PM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

Dear confused student,

Don't be confused...!!
The questions generally comes from the NCERT just the digits are changed.
If you want to do some extra work in mathematics then you can go for the following books:

1) Mathematics by R.D. Sharma
2) Together With Mathematics

These tow books if followed thoroughly wil help you a lot in boards...

RD Sharma will help you in solving different types of problems and together with will help you in getting the idea of the types of questions that come in the examination...

Thank You...
17th April 2012 12:56 AM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

NCERT books is the best book for reference. basic knowledge present in NCERT books.
I think it is the best book for all classes.
6th April 2012 08:09 PM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

A textBook Of Mathematics by monica capoor . best for entrances exams.
4th April 2012 01:29 PM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

from where question will be ask on jharkhand upgrade high school teacher there is no syallabus
25th March 2012 08:56 PM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

how many did we spent on our study for 90%above in a year
7th March 2012 12:57 PM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

pls solve this q for me.
if the price of a book is reduce by rs5,a person can buy 5 more books for rs 300 find the orginal price of the book.
21st February 2012 10:55 AM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

Originally Posted by bond007 View Post
hey CBSE books are the best book for the preparation if you read i i am also a CBSE student i suggest you to read the CBSE books only dont go for any other books otherwise you will be confused,but you can download some of the study material and papers published by CBSE from the, this will definitely help you a lot.
hmmm, thanks a lot.......i was really confused what to practise r d sharma ya ncert!!!!!!...........
1st February 2012 06:15 PM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

(27)2n/3 maltiply (8)-n/3 /(18)-n/2
31st January 2012 12:42 PM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

No other book is as best as NCERT for preparation of class 10 maths.

However,if still you are not satisfied then opt for R.S.Agarwal for maths.

best of luck
31st January 2012 03:22 AM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

my maths exam is tomorrow a in have completed only 2 chapters plz suggest me how to pass?
16th January 2012 08:15 PM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

For the best results in board first of all you should practice from ncert after which you should refer the following books-sci-s.chand,maths-r.d sharma,sst-mbd refresher
30th December 2011 10:27 AM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

Ncert is the best of all . Many other reference book also comes like rd sharma, pk garg but for board every thing comes from ncert .
19th December 2011 09:33 PM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

HI!!!!!!!!I want to know that is maths paper come from any other book or from NCERT book ?Which book i should most probabily read
2nd October 2011 10:03 PM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

Dear friend,
Try to solve NCERT books.
other good books are
1. r.d sharma

Good luck
2nd October 2011 09:34 PM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

Originally Posted by Vidushi Mishra View Post
Where from the board maths examination comes,from NCERT text book or from any other book? My school's maths teacher is asking me to practice from other books except NCERT maths text book.But students who have passed class 10th have advised me to practice only NCERT maths text book. I am really confused and depressed about what to do. Please ,please sort out my this confusion.Please,please,please,please.............

Reference Books Apart from NCERT

Apart from the NCERT can go for the U-LIKE which contains almost 10 solved sample papers and around 20 unsolved papers..

If you practice all these papers then you can be assured of scoring very high marks in your 10th boards..

But,first of all do all questions of your NCERT thoroughly and only then..go to the U-LIKE..

all the best..

~Hope this helps.. ~

With Warm Regards
2nd October 2011 04:57 PM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

how to bring good marks in maths class 10
7th September 2011 02:51 PM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

plz say which type of question will come no ncrt question? Of MATHS. Of 10.
25th August 2011 09:54 AM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

when we are having very less time for exam can we directly go through ncert and write our exam.
16th August 2011 11:26 PM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

plz say from where the cbse board is putting questions for board exams????? for maths ,science etc?? plz say
14th August 2011 12:56 AM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

No other book is as best as NCERT for preparation of class 10 maths.

However,if still you are not satisfied then opt for rd sharma for maths.

good luck................
7th August 2011 02:54 PM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

NCERT books are a great help for any kind of examinations or test ...thus for any kind of preparation be sure that you have gone through the NCERT books first !
6th August 2011 07:10 PM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

Please sent me reference books of maths and science for class10 in hindi on my email-sharmayaman10@rediff with in 24hours because i need .
1st August 2011 06:08 PM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

You can get information about books on the site:

Connect with us on:
1st August 2011 09:18 AM
Archishmati Dwivedi
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

NCERT books are the best one but for the practice and to become perfect in solving the questions reference books are must like RD Sharma
27th July 2011 09:13 PM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

how to prepared for board exam and how to get good marks
23rd July 2011 04:31 PM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

suggest a refrence book for English communicative , class Xth !!
20th July 2011 10:50 PM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

I am having problem in solving NCERT books topics like PER&COMB, PROBABLITY Plz suggest the basic books
15th July 2011 09:06 PM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

maths ouestion class 10th ncert rd sharma
7th July 2011 12:03 PM
shubhangi shree
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

is ncert book is enough for preparing science for 10th board exam if not then which book we should refer
15th June 2011 11:05 PM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

Hi dear,

generally the method given in a reference books are lengthy and are bit tricky and so takes more time to understand.....the ncert books re the best for the board preparation.....
but if you have completed your text book more than three time then probably you can go for reference books to get more practice ...........
11th June 2011 07:21 PM
amit gaur054
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

My dear friend......No other book is as best as NCERT for preparation of class 10 maths.

However,if still you are not satisfied then opt for R.S.Agarwal for maths.

best of luck
10th June 2011 03:34 PM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

[no doubt NCERT is the best is not only for 88 or 90% marks.u can even get 100% marks.other referance books r only for practice.
9th June 2011 11:01 PM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

Originally Posted by Vidushi Mishra View Post
Where from the board maths examination comes,from NCERT text book or from any other book? My school's maths teacher is asking me to practice from other books except NCERT maths text book.But students who have passed class 10th have advised me to practice only NCERT maths text book. I am really confused and depressed about what to do. Please ,please sort out my this confusion.Please,please,please,please.............
Dear friend,
Practice questions from NCERT books.It is sufficient for your boards.Your teacher seems to be more cautious in case the paper comes tough.But that is a rare case..
So go on with your NCERT.

All the best..
9th June 2011 02:32 PM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
are board papers very much tough
No my dear friend,
None of the boards question paper is tough.
In fact they are much easier than your school exam question paper.
So just control your nerve,and give your boards with full confiedence.
9th June 2011 02:27 PM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
can i have notes of ncrt 10 th class
Dear friend,
No one would like to post their NCERT notes.
I would suggest you join a coaching institutes if you really want them.

With regards,
9th June 2011 02:23 PM
Re: NCERT books or reference books? for class 10th maths

Originally Posted by Vidushi Mishra View Post
Where from the board maths examination comes,from NCERT text book or from any other book? My school's maths teacher is asking me to practice from other books except NCERT maths text book.But students who have passed class 10th have advised me to practice only NCERT maths text book. I am really confused and depressed about what to do. Please ,please sort out my this confusion.Please,please,please,please.............
Dear friend,
You must be aware of the fact that almost 93% of your boards questions are either taken directly or referred to your NCERT book.

So I would suggest you to read thoroughly your NCERT book and solve each and every questions of it.

however if you left with some extra time then you may for refrence book like that of R.S.Agarwal
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