14th December 2017, 01:20 AM
Cut off marks to qualify NET/SLET for OBC category
Respected Sir, I am an OBC candidate. In set exam, I got 52 marks in 1st paper, 52 marks in 2nd paper and 74 marks in third paper but I am not qualified. How many marks should I get for passing UGC SLET and NET exam?
15th December 2017, 12:31 AM
The cut off marks cannot be estimated so easily, because the cut off's are set by the college itself and changes every year. The marks generally depends on the following factors:
> Number of candidates appearing for the examination > Number of seats available in the college > Difficulty level of the paper |
15th December 2017, 07:26 PM
Cut off marks vary every year and there is no fixed mark for clearing the NET/SLET. Hence, make sure that you have perform well according to the question paper.
If you can perform well according to the question paper, then surely you will be able to clear the cut off marks. |