22nd June 2020, 05:26 PM
Procedure to secure PhD(Education) admission in Bhagwant University?
I want to apply for a PhD course in Education subject at Bhagwant University. I would like to know about the procedure through which I can get admission for this PhD in this university. Kindly tell me about the admission procedure asap.
28th June 2020, 12:50 PM
The procedure to secure PhD education admission in bhagwan university is given below: ●The University will invite applications from the candidates through advertisement in the press and or on the website. ●Candidates, who intend to register for Ph.D. have to apply in a prescribed proforma. On the receipt of applications, an entrance test will be conducted for the eligible candidates irrespective of number of applications received, which will be followed by an interview by a committee consisting of the Director, Doctoral Studies & Research, Dean of the faculty concerned, Head of the Department(s) and a domain expert. ●The component weightage of the selection will be as under, while making the selection. Academic Record: 40% | Admission Weightage for Entrance Test: 40% | process ●The list for candidates selected for admission will be prepared on the basis of aggregate marks of both the components (i) academic record and (ii) entrance test. After admission, the candidate will be required to make research plan presentation carrying a weightage of 20%. Weightage for Research Plan Interview : 20% The candidate who does not meet the minimum 40% marks in written test, 40% marks in personal interview and 50% marks in aggregate will not be considered for Ph.D. Registration and their admission may be cancelled. ●Provided however that the candidates who have passed the National Level Test like UGC/CSIR(JRF) examination / NET / SLET / GATE/teacher fellowship holder, M.Phil etc or its equivalent (GRE/ GMAT) shall be exempted from appearing in the test. On the recommendation of the committee, admission will be made on payment of prescribed fees. The Committee will also assign guide to each candidate selected. |