21st July 2018, 08:03 PM
Fee expenses of ME(Electronics & Communication) in Birla Institute of Technology, Extension Centre Patna?
Dear friends, I would like to know about the course expenses of ME(Electronics & Communication) course of Birla Institute of Technology, Extension Centre Patna. Can anyone of you let me know about the expenses of this course. Please tell me asap.
24th July 2018, 10:46 PM
As far as you are concerned about the fee structure for pursuing ME ( Master of Engineering ) in ECE ( Electrical and Communication Engineering ) from Birla Institute of Technology (BIT), extension centre Patna then for exact and detailed information regarding the same you need to refer to the link www.bitmesra.ac.in/UploadedDocuments/admadmission/files/PG%202018%20-%20Fee%20Structures.pdf.
For any queries related to admission in BIT for pursuing M.E. degree course, you can refer to the link www.bitmesra.ac.in. |
25th July 2018, 12:05 AM
Fee expenses of ME(Electronics & Communication) in Birla Institute of Technology, Extension Centre Patna are given below.
First year = ₹185,000 Second year = ₹205,000 PROGRAM GRAND TOTAL = ₹390,000 For more information you can contact at given below address. Address: Bihar Veterinary College, Near Patna Airport, Patna, Bihar 800014 |