3rd July 2019, 01:54 AM
How many vacancies are available for Software Engineer post in General Electric-Hyderabad?
Hi friends, I am preparing for the interview which General Electric-Hyderabad is scheduled for the post of Software Engineer. I want to know that how many vacancies are there for this particular post in General Electric-Hyderabad? Please tell me asap.
6th July 2019, 09:47 PM
The number of vacancies for Software Engineer in General Electric-Hyderabad is 7.
The salary package that would be offered to the Software Engineer in General Electric-Hyderabad would be from Rs.2,00,000 to Rs.4,00,000 per year. The candidates having work experience will get higher package on the basis of their experience and last withdrawn salary. The candidates must have masters degree in Electrical Engineering to be eligible to apply for Software Engineer in General Electric-Hyderabad. The last date to apply for the Software Engineer in General Electric-Hyderabad is 30/07/2019. You can check the website https://www.ge.com/in for more details. |
7th July 2019, 07:32 AM
The number of vacancies for Software Engineer in General Electric-Hyderabad is 15.
The minimum eligibility required to apply for Software Engineer in General Electric-Hyderabad is that you must have bachelor Degree in Computer Science or in “STEM” Majors like, Science, Technology, Math and Engineering with minimum 60% marks from a recognized university. You must have minimum of 3-6 years of professional experience in ave experience working on the Java Front-end technologies to be eligible to apply for Software Engineer in General Electric-Hyderabad. You can visit the website https://www.ge.com/in for more information. |
8th July 2019, 07:07 PM
There are multiple vacancies for different locations at the GE for different posts. You can check at the website of GE for open positions regularly.
As you are looking for software developer positions you can check in this section regularly which is given below : Check this section in the career pages of GE:- https://jobs.gecareers.com/global/en/information-technology |