3rd May 2023, 02:16 AM
Can I Admission class 9 to WBBSE?
Sir my age 16 year. Can I admission in class 9 to WBBSE?
5th May 2023, 01:33 AM
A self attested photocopy of the Class 8 Half Yearly Result* Marksheet. * Confirmation of Admission is subject to the final result of Class 8 and submission of the Final Result Marksheet.
Eligibility - Successful completion of Class 8, Minimum Age - Only 13 Years. |
13th May 2023, 04:34 PM
Yes, you get admission in class 9th, you just need a class 8th marksheet or passed result to get admission in class 9th. Minimum qualification is, you just need to pass class 8th in all the subjects. Confirmation of admission is on the basis of class 8th result and documents. |