12th July 2022, 12:25 AM
Confirmation regarding age for 10th class in CBSE board
Sir,my daughter,s DOB is 20-05-2009 & she is studying in 6th class in session 2019-20.She will complete her 14th yr on 20-05-2023.Can she appear 10th class CBSE board exam in session 2023-24.
12th July 2022, 09:38 AM
As per the guidelines of central board of secondary education the minimum age criteria to appear in the 10th class board examination is 14 years as of 31st December of the year of examination. In your case, your daughter will be 14 years old as on 20.05.2023, hence she is eligible to appear in the 10th standard CBSE board examinations subjected to fulfillment of other eligibility criteria.
12th July 2022, 12:46 PM
CBSE is Central Board of Secondary Education. It is a recognised board and affiliated to Ministry of Education.
There is no official notification with respect to age limit and it is the responsibility of Directorate of State Education which decides the age limit criteria for students of the respective state. So, you can visit the concerned office for the detail information about the age limit criteria. |
12th July 2022, 03:03 PM
The minimum age to appear in class 10th exam in cbse is 14 years as of December of the year of exam.
However there is no upper age limit to appear in the exam. Student should complete 14 years of age by the end of December in that academic year in which student is attending the 10th exam. |
13th July 2022, 01:26 AM
The minimum age limit for the class 10th exam should be 14 years 6 months to 15 years of age as on 31st March of the respective year.
So, as per guidelines, your daughter is eligible to give the 10th board exam. |
13th July 2022, 10:00 AM
CBSE is Central Board of Secondary Education.
No such limitation on age limit to appear for the board examination. The age limit criteria is decided by the Directorate of State Education Department to appear for the examination. So, visit the concerned office for the detail information regarding the age criteria. |
13th July 2022, 10:27 AM
Confirmation regarding age for 10th class in CBSE board:-
The minimum age criteria to be appear in 10th board exam is at least 14 years 6 months. The maximum age limit is not set yet. But when your age is less than 14 years 6 month you are not allowed to appear in 10th board. For more information visit at www.cbse.nic.in. |
13th July 2022, 03:37 PM
The minimum age to appear for class 10th exams in cbse is 14years of age as of 31 December of the year of the exam. For further more details regarding this ,you can visit the official website of CBSE board.
14th July 2022, 12:22 AM
As per the guidlines of central board of secondary education (CBSE) the minimum age to appear in the 10th board exam is 14 years , as of 31st december of the year of examination . However , there is no upper limit of age to appear in the exam.
14th July 2022, 01:37 AM
The minimum age to sit for CBSE class 10th exams is 14 years old as of December 31st of the respective year.
As a result, she is qualified to appear for the CBSE class 10 board test in 2023-24. |
15th July 2022, 10:00 AM
Usually, CBSE has no criteria of minimum age requirement for appearing in the Class 10th board examination for students of all CBSE regions rather it follows the minimum criteria as set by concerned state board of examination in which school is located to decide whether a particular student is eligible for appearing in CBSE Class 10th board examination as per the age criteria set by concerned state examination board.
In general, the age criteria set by various board of examination asks for a minimum age of 14 years or 14 years and 6 months by the time of appearing in the Class 10th board examination. So, being born on 20.05.2009 and currently a student of Class 6th, you are expected to appear in your Class 10th board examination in March 2024 and by that time you will be more than 14 years and 6 months old and hence will be eligible for appearing in CBSE Class 10th board examination from any state. For FAQs related to CBSE board examinations, you can refer to the link www.cbse.nic.in. |