29th July 2015, 09:17 PM
Detailed list of schools with no school fee or other expenses like Amravati school in Ahmadabad?
At present my daughter studying 6'th std. In English name hollycross english convent at amravati Maharashtra where she studying full English .as per my knowledge from this year school committee started cbse pattern too along with 10 2 now last 3 Month i shifted myself at Ahmadabad as a business purpose i want to shifted my family too from may 2015. I am new here i d't know whole area of city I got confused were to studying my Daughter from 7 Th i want to know is there any school where this type of education she get &at affordable expenses because in amravati there is no school fee or other expenses & high education she got at present i need this type of school here Ahmadabad at present i stay at nikol of a'bad so help me find such type of school here.thanks.
30th April 2019, 08:18 AM
There are lots of schools in ahmadabad which contains no fee just as to give financial support to the students belonging to poor family and who wants to pursue education.