13th January 2018, 05:26 PM
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Do I have to appear for CBSE practicals even if I appear as a private candidate?

Sir, I had failed in my board exams this year and my principle don't give me admission in school and I am a science student and she told me that you can gave exams by CBSE private candidate and you don't have to give practicals, but now CBSE told me that I have to give practicals again. Sir , what can I do for my practicals.

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14th January 2018, 02:30 PM
Join Date: Jan 2018
Posts: 130
Default Re: Do I have to appear for CBSE practicals even if I appear as a private candidate?

Yes, if your board asks you to appear for the practical examination, then you will have to appear for it be it as a private candidate or a regular.

You should start preparing for your practical examination and try to score well in it as your overall percentage will be hampered if you do not do well in it.

Theory and practicals should be given together and not separately, so start preparing.
Do you have any question? or have anything to say?

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Can I appear for 12th board exams(CBSE) as a private candidate without passing 11th? Is it possible to appear for NATA and AIEEE as a private candidate? Will being a private candidate affect my admission into universities in future? 55 16th April 2015 01:41 PM

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