5th November 2014, 07:00 PM
Model question papers of NTSE for 10th standard
i need model question papers and answers of class 10 NTSE exam that will be held on thodupuzha,kerala. please give me i need papers immediately waiting for your reply |
7th November 2014, 02:48 AM
National Talent Search Examination(NTSE) is a national level scholarship program organized by NCERT. Its main aim is to deliver financial assistance to the talented and creamy students. NTSE is consist of two stages. Stage-I is a State Level stage. Once a candidate qualify and secured 80% in stage-I will eligible to participate in Stage-II i.e; National Level exam. I have attached Model question papers of NTSE. Hoping you will get benefit.
28th October 2015, 02:20 PM
I have applied for ntse in October for the fist time I don't know when the exam is going to be held and which stage