20th June 2020, 01:24 PM
What should a Commerce student do after completing 12th?
Sir, what should a Commerce student do after completing his 12th? Or rather what should be the aim of a Commerce student after completing his 12th? I am doing 12th Commerce from Maharashtra Board and I am worried about my future.
22nd June 2020, 02:42 PM
••••Class 12th Commerce opens up a wide gate for many courses in India.
The CEO and CXO of many blue chip companies like ONGC, Bharti Airtel and Bloomberg, have done Bachelor of Commerce, are very successful in their respective fields. 1. Bachleors in Commerce: BCom is an undergraduate course that is 3 years long. 2. Chartered Accountant: Completion of Chartered Accountancy usually takes 5 years wherein the student can pursue while doing their bachelors. They have three stages: -CA CPT -CA IPCC -CA Final 3. Company Secretary A company secretary is a financially rewarding job. The preparation for the exam starts after 10 + 2. The three parts are foundational program, executive program and professional program. |
22nd June 2020, 07:59 PM
There are numerous available courses for higher studies after 12th in commerce stream from a recognised board.
The available options are :- B.Com/ B.Com ( Honors ). Economics honors. B.Des. BBA/BMS/ BCA. |