19th March 2015, 10:23 AM
Posts: n/a

Where and how to join training school to become a crane operator?

Where and how to join training school to become a crane operator? Please inform about all details of this training school including its duration and fees. I am just looking for this to understand if I can set my career path with that, so please advice me on the same if I can go ahead. Thanks.

25th April 2015, 03:53 PM
chintu helper
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Join Date: Mar 2015
Location: Bhiwani
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Thumbs up Re: Where and how to join training school to become a crane operator?

You can join GULF TRAINING INSTITUTE in Jharkhand , Registered under public society act 21.1860 and govt. registration no.005469/1288.

Hostel facilities & mess facilities and English speaking Classes are provided in the institute

You can buy the Prospectus because all the details are mentioned in the prospectus and Prospectus fee :- Rs. 100/-

you can also apply online click here

Address: U- 10, 1st Floor, Akash Ganga Complex, Mango, Jamshedpur (TATA)Jharkhand, India
Phone No. : 0657-6457662
Mobile No. : +91-9334820330, 9471308285
email - [email protected]
website - www.gtitata.in
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