5th September 2013, 02:55 PM
How to take admission in government college in India for Hotel Management?
How take admision in goverment colleg in india for hotel managmebt nd how many year it complet
26th August 2017, 12:32 PM
Hotel Management and Technology, Admission will be available based on final merit which is prepared on the basis of score obtained in qualifying exam and entrance exam. Course Duration can be of one year to three years, a certificate course of 1 year, diploma and master of 2 years, a degree of 3 years. Fee structure of government institute may range from Rs.12,000/- to Rs.30,000/- per annum.
Top Government Institutes Offering Courses In Hotel Management In India - Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology and Nutrition, New Delhi/Mumbai/Ahemdabad/Bangalore/Gandhinagar/Jaipur/Goa/Hyderabad/Patna/Trivendrum - Delhi Institute of Hotel Management, New Delhi - Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Hotel Management, Chandigarh - Army Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology, Bangalore - Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow - National Council of Hotel Management and Catering Technology, Noida - State Institute of Hotel Management, Bolangir (Orissa) - State Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology and Applied Nutrition, Jodhpur - University of Calcutta - Osmania University - Jamia Millia Islamia University - Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar - University of Calicut - Veer Kunwar Singh University, Arrah (Bihar) Employment Sectors - Catering Departments of Railways, Shipping Companies, Banks etc. - Service Keeping - Foods and Beverages - Front Offices - Accounting - Hotels/Resorts/Restaurants - Airlines/Cruise Ships - Kitchen Management - Sales and Management - Educational Institutions |