30th January 2015, 12:39 AM
Possibility to get direct admission in any government college of West Bengal to study BCA course to a candidate who has secured 49% in 12th Science?
can i get direct addmision in bca in any goverment westbengal collages..? I got 49% in 12th bioscience frm wbchse board. Am i eligible for this course? |
1st February 2015, 09:54 AM
You can do BCA from 12th Bio-science. BCA stands for Bachelor in Computer Application.
During Admission Period of BCA, You have to fill admission form of BCA in any Government college of West Bengal. But you have got 49% in 12th, therefore you cannot take admission in BCA Course. Minimum percentage for BCA Course is at least 50% in 12th standard. Best BCA College in West Bengal Accord School of Business, Kolkata ABS Academy, Durgapur Advanced Institute of Modern Management & Technology Asansol Engineering College Bankura Unnayani Institute of Engineering Bengal College of Engineering and Technology |
27th April 2016, 09:27 PM
I got 82 %marks in madhyamik examination from West Bengal board and now I am a HS student with physics, chemistry, mathematics, biological science, English and bengali. I want to know how marks I have to get to admit a good government collage of BCA in West bengal.
Your early replay is highly helpful to me. E-mail :[email protected] |