23rd May 2011, 05:15 PM
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Any reference books for IIT JAM Chemistry according to the provided syllabus?

please suggest some reference books for iitjam chemistry according to the syllabus.

20th August 2011, 05:43 PM
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Default Re: Any reference books for IIT JAM Chemistry according to the provided syllabus?

Reference book for jam chemistry paper
30th August 2011, 11:34 AM
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Default Re: Any reference books for IIT JAM Chemistry according to the provided syllabus?

books for preparation of iit jam in chemistry.
16th January 2012, 09:34 PM
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Default Re: Any reference books for IIT JAM Chemistry according to the provided syllabus?

which reference book is better regarding iit chemistry
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17th January 2012, 07:46 AM
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Smile Re: Any reference books for IIT JAM Chemistry according to the provided syllabus?

Originally Posted by akumari871@gmail.com View Post
please suggest some reference books for iitjam chemistry according to the syllabus.

Reference Books For IIT JAM Chemistry

The IIT JAM (Joint Admission Test) is conducted every year for admissions to M.Sc. courses in IITs..

You can refer to the following books for your preparations..

I have also attached some of the previous year papers of IIT JAM Chemistry..

Just go through them and i hope they will help you out in your preparations..

Observe the pattern and the level of the questions asked..

all the best..

With Warm Regards
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17th January 2012, 11:09 AM
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Default Re: Any reference books for IIT JAM Chemistry according to the provided syllabus?

You can refer the following books for IIT-JAM chemistry as under-


2.S.Chand publications


4. For Inorganic Chemistry you can study J.D.Lee.

5. For Organic Chemistry you can take reference from Morrison/Boyd.

6. Ramesh IIT-JAM—M.Sc. (Chemistry) Previous Years Papers (Solved) by RPH Editorial Board.
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17th January 2012, 03:14 PM
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Default Re: Any reference books for IIT JAM Chemistry according to the provided syllabus?

Originally Posted by akumari871@gmail.com View Post
please suggest some reference books for iitjam chemistry according to the syllabus.
"Hello Dear,

Here are few books for [B]IIT JAM Chemistry Question Paper you can Prefer

IIT JAM Entrance Exam Mock Tests by Amit M Agarwal

IIT-JAM (MCA & Biotechnology ) Previous. & Practice Papers (Solved) by Editorialrph

for more Books you can simply go here

Also I have attached The Complete Collection of Last 5 Years all subjects question Paper. you can simply download them.

With Regard
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3rd November 2013, 12:01 PM
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Default Re: Any reference books for IIT JAM Chemistry according to the provided syllabus?

Basic Mathematical Concepts:
Functions, maxima and minima,
integrals, ordinary differential
equations, vectors and matrices,
determinants, elementary statistics
and probability theory.
Atomic and Molecular Structure:
Fundamental particles, Bohr's theory
of hydrogen-like atom; wave-particle
duality; Uncertainty principle;
Schrodinger's wave equation;
Quantum numbers, shapes of
orbitals; Hund's rule and Pauli's
exclusion principle, electronic
configuration of simple homonuclear
diatomic molecules.
Theory of Gases: Equation of state of
ideal and nonideal (van der Waals)
gases, Kinetic theory of gases.
Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution law;
equipartition of energy. Solid state:
Crystals, crystal systems, X-rays, NaCl
and Kcl structures, close packing,
atomic and ionic radii, radius ratio
rules, lattice energy, Born-Haber
cycle, isomorphism, heat capacity of
Chemical Thermodynamics:
Reversible and irreversible processes;
First law and its application to ideal
and nonideal gases;
Thermochemistry; Second law;
Entropy and free energy, Criteria for
Chemical and Phase Equilibria: Law of
mass action; K p , K c, Kx and K n;
Effect of temperature on K; Ionic
equilibria in solutions; pH and buffer
solutions; Hydrolysis; Solubility
product; Phase equilibria-Phase rule
and its application to one-
component and two-component
systems; Colligative properties.
Electrochemistry: Conductance and
its applications; Transport number;
Galvanic cells; EMF and Free energy;
Concentration cells with and without
transport; Polarography;
Concentration cells with and without
transport; Debey-Huckel-Onsagar
theory of strong electrolytes.
Chemical Kinetics: Reactions of
various order, Arrhenius equation,
Collision theory; Theory of absolute
reaction rate; Chain reactions -
Normal and branched chain
reactions; Enzyme kinetics;
photochemical processes; Catalysis.
Adsorption: Gibbs adsorption
equation, adsorption isotherm, types
of adsorption, surface area of
adsorbents, surface films on liquids.
Basic Concepts in Organic Chemistry
and Stereochemistry: Electronic effect
(resonance, inductive,
hyperconjugation) and steric effects
and its applications (acid/base
property). Optical isomerism in
compounds without any
stereocenters (allenes, biphenyls),
conformation of acyclic systems
(substituted ethane/n-propane/n-
butane) and cyclic systems (mono
and di substituted cyclohexanes).
Organic Reaction Mechanism and
Synthetic Applications: Chemistry
reactive intermediates, carbine,
nitrene, benzyne, Hofmann-Curtius-
Lossen rearrangement, Wolf
rearrangement, Simmons-Smith
reaction, Reimer- Tiemann reaction,
Michael reaction, Darzens reaction,
Witting reaction, McMurry reaction.
Pinacol-pinacolone, Favorskii, benzilic
acid rearrangement, dienonc-phenol
rearrangement, Bayer-Villeger
reaction). Oxidation and reduction
reactions in organic chemistry.
Organometallic reagents in organic
synthesis (Grignard and
organocopper). Diels-Alder reaction,
Sigmatropic reactions.
Qualitative Organic Analysis:
Functional group interconversions,
structural problems using chemical
reactions, identification of functional
groups by chemical tests, elementary
1H NMR and IR spectroscopy as a
tool for structural elucidation.
Natural Products Chemistry :
Introductory chemistry of alkaloids,
terpenes, carbohydrates, amino
acids, peptides and nucleic acids.
Heterocyclic Chemistry: Monocyclic
compounds with one hetero atom.
Periodic Table: Periodic classification
of elements and periodicity in
properties; general methods of
isolation and purification of
Chemical Bonding and Shapes of
Compounds: Types of bonding;
VSEPR theory and shapes of
molecules; hybridization; dipole
moment; ionic solids; structure of
NaCl, CsCl, diamond and graphite;
lattice energy.
Main Group Elements (s and p
blocks): Chemistry with emphasis on
group relationship and gradation in
properties; structure of electron
deficient compounds of main
groupelements and application of
main group elements.
Transition Metals (d block):
Characteristics of 3d elements; oxide,
hydroxide and salts of first row
metals; coordination complexes; VB
and Crystal Field theoretical
approaches for structure, colour and
magnetic properties of metal
complexes. Organometallic
compounds, metal carnonyls,
nitrosyls and metallocenes, ligands
with back bonding capabilities; MO
theory approaches to explain
bonding in metal-carbonyl, metal-
nitrosyl and metalphosphine
Bioinorganic Chemistry: Essentials
and trace elements of life, basic
reactions in the biological systems
and the role of metal ions especially
Fe2 , Fe3 , Cu2 and Zn2 , function
of hemoglobin and myoglobin.
Instrumental Methods of Analysis:
Basic principles, instrumentations
and simple applications of
conductometry, potentiometry, UV-
vis spectro-photometry, analysis of
water, air and soil samples.
Analytical Chemistry: Principles of
qualitative and quantitative analysis;
acid-base, oxidation-reduction and
EDTA and precipitation reactions; use
of indicators; use of organic reagents
in inorganic analysis; radioactivity;
nuclear reactions; applications of
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