26th July 2015, 01:38 AM
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Percentage required to appear in IAS 2016 exam? Tips to prepare for preliminary and main exam?

sir i m doing m tech now , my BE percentage was just 63.6 , i have a intrested for to participate in the IAS exam in 2016, this percent is enough to appear in the exam .If possible give the tips to how to prepare for preliminary and main exam.

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26th July 2015, 08:55 AM
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Default Re: Percentage required to appear in IAS 2016 exam? Tips to prepare for preliminary and main exam?

Yes, you are eligible to appear in the I.A.S examination. I.A.S stands for the Indian Administrative Services and to become an I.A.S the aspirants need to qualify in the Civil Services Examination conducted by the UPSC every year.

The examination is common examination for the IAS/IPS/IFS etc. The eligibility to appear in the examination is :-
* Candidate must have passed the graduation from the recognized university.
* Candidate age must be between 21-30 years and there are relaxation of three years for the OBC and five for the SC/ST candidates.

There is no limitation on the discipline and the aggregate of the graduation as only passing percentage is required.

The examination is conducted in the three stage and the candidates need to qualify in all the three stages for the final selection in the jobs:-
* Preliminary.
* Mains.
* Interview.

The examination is among the toughest of all other examination. So you have to work hard along with the determination and dedication to get the success. The first most thing to start the preparation for the examination is go through the NCERT books from the Class VII-XII and keep on going through the events taking place around the world.

To get the syllabus and any other information about the examination click on the www.upsc.gov.in
26th July 2015, 09:59 AM
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* IAS :- Indian Administrative service .
It is conducted by UPSC .
* UPSC:- Union Public Service Commission.

Tips to crack IAS preliminary test and written test :-
* Syllabus is the main important key of any examination if you are fully aware of IAS exam exactly then the chances are more .
* You have to get perfect in the general study's syllabus .
* Always choose your favourite optional subjects
* you should select the subjects on which you have command and you can go through it easily .

** Be aware of current affairs
-> There are many ways that you can improve your knowledge in current affairs * Go through newspaper , T.V , knowledge books everyday.

* If you are qualified in both exams , then get ready to crack interview .
--> For this lot of coaching centres are giving perfect training to crack interview .

Study materials --->
a) Public Administration :-
* Books by Laxmikanth and majeswari
* journals on the topics of RTI and civil society .

b) Law:-
* constitution by jai narayan pandey and jain
* contracts by avatar Singh
* international law by kapoor and agarwal.

c) Indian economy :-
* Tutorials by Dutt and sundaram .

d) Indian polity :-
* DD vasu, NCERT
* science And technology
* spectrum NCERT .

e) Indian history :-
* NCERT , bipin Chandra
* Geography
* NCERT Atlas .

f) current affairs :-
* The Hindu , fortline
26th July 2015, 10:34 AM
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Default Re: Percentage required to appear in IAS 2016 exam? Tips to prepare for preliminary and main exam?

# Of course, you will be surely eligible for Civil Service Examination for IAS next year.

# You should not worried over the percentage marks obtained by you. Actually, only the required thing that candidate must possess any bachelor degree. IAS Examination does not required any percentage marks.

# Only a valid bachelor degree from recognised university required. Candidate having pass percentage marks in bachelor degree are eligible.

# UPSC conducts Civil Service Examination (CSE) every year in order to make combined recruitment for followings:

* Indian Administrative Service (IAS)
* Indian Police Service (IPS)
* Indian Revenue Service (IRS)
* Indian Forest Service (IFS)
* and Many Group B and Group C posts

# The important dates regarding IAS Examination 2015 are as follows:

* 23.08.2015 is fixed for Preliminary Examination
* 18.12.2015 is fixed for Mains Examination

# Prescribed age limit for IAS Examination is as follows:

* 21 years of age is fixed as minimum age for candidates belonging to any category.
* 30 years of age is fixed as maximum age for General category.
* 33 years of age is fixed as maximum age for OBC category.
* 35 years of age is fixed as maximum age for SC/ST category.

# Tips which are quite useful in the preparation for Civil Service Examination are:

* Time management is most importantly required here. As candidate has to cover a vast syllabus in a limited amount of time. Here required that candidate must concentrates more on topics of higher weightage.

* It is quite essential that candidate should have standard books on all subjects before start preparation of civil service examination.

* You should keep focussing few topics throughout the year in point of view of civil service examination. These topics are current affairs, mental ability, general knowledge, general studies, maps, etc.

* Candidate should make small notes simultaneously while preparing for civil service examination. These small notes will be helpful in quick revision just before the examination.

* Importance of mock test cannot be ignored. As it helps in making the candidate familiar with trend and pattern of examination. Moreover, it also helps in judging the preparation of candidate for examination.

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26th July 2015, 11:04 AM
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Default Re: Percentage required to appear in IAS 2016 exam? Tips to prepare for preliminary and main exam?

IAS i.e Indian Administrative Service Examination is conducted by Union Public Service Commission one in a year. This year notification has been already completed. Next notification will be published in the month of April or May in the official website of UPSC as well as Employment Newspaper.


-You should have completed degree course in any discipline from a recognized university or equivalent qualification.
-No percentage bar are required.
-Final year of degree course may also apply.
-Your age should be between 21-32 years as on 1st August of the year of examination.
-Age relaxation are applicable for reserved categories.

Tips for IAS Exam:

-Minimum 4-5 months proper prepared need to appear for IAS examination.
-Prepare the examination as per pattern.
-Try to appear different mock test.
-Collect all the previous year question papers and try to solve the maximum question papers.
-Even, you can go for the coaching class as well.
-Try to read three or four different news papers.
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26th July 2015, 11:05 AM
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IAS exam stands for Indian Administrative Service which is conducted by UPSC every year.

There is no percentage requirement to apply IAS exam.

You should have passed graduation from a recognized university to apply IAS exam.

Your age should be between 21-30 years. Age relaxation is given to reserved category students.

You must be citizen of India.

Preparation tips for Civil services Prelims exam:

At first see exam pattern very well

Start your preparation according to exam pattern

Follow best standard books to clear concept.

Look past papers helps get an idea about the kind of questions that are asked.

It may be advisable to join a coaching institute.
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26th July 2015, 11:08 AM
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Default Re: Percentage required to appear in IAS 2016 exam? Tips to prepare for preliminary and main exam?

I.A.S stands for the Indian Administrative Services and it is one of the higher jobs in the India. The aspirants need to qualify in the Civil Services examination conducted by the UPSC to become an IAS officer.

Yes, with the 63.6% you are eligible to appear for the IAS examination but you have to wait for the next year as the application for the 2015 is closed. The eligibility to appear in the examination is :-
> Candidate must have passed the graduation in any discipline from the recognized university with at least passing.
> Candidate age must be between 21-30 years and special relaxation for the OBC and the SC/ST according to the government rules.

The examination are conducted in the three stages and the candidate need to qualify in all the stages for the final selection in the Civil services but the designation are offered on the basis of the performance in the last two stage as in the Mains and the Interview.

You need to work hard to get the success with proper strategy. So you need to first get the syllabus and start the preparation according to it.

To get the any details about the examination visit at the www.upsc.gov.in
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26th July 2015, 11:51 AM
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Default Re: Percentage required to appear in IAS 2016 exam? Tips to prepare for preliminary and main exam?

IAS stands for the Indian Administrative Services. IAS comes under the Civil Services of Indian government. Union Public Service Commission conducts Civil Services examination for services like IAS, IPS, IRS etc.

Eligibility criteria for the Civil Services exam:

>>Candidate must have done bachelor's degree from a recognized university. Final year candidate of bachelor's degree can also appear for the exam.

Even if you have secured passing percentage marks in bachelor's degree then also you can appear for the exam.So you are eligible for the Civil Services exam with 63.6% marks in bachelor of engineering.

The age limit is 21-32 years for candidates of general category. Upper age relaxed upto three years to OBC candidate and five years for SC/ST candidates.

This exam has three stages:

>>Preliminary examination.

>>Mains examination

>>Personal interview.

Preparation Strategy for the Civil Services exam:

>>Step one for preparation is to read the NCERT books of subjects like civics, economics, geography, history from class sixth to 10+2. General science NCERT books from sixth to 10th.

>>After finishing all these, refer to standard books of different subjects like Economics by Ramesh Singh, Indian polity by Laxmikant etc.

>>Be updated with the current affairs, read newspapers like the Hindu.

>>Follow a time schedule and work on it. It requires hard labour along with dedication and determination to crack this exam.
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26th July 2015, 12:18 PM
ranjan Ayush
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Default Re: Percentage required to appear in IAS 2016 exam? Tips to prepare for preliminary and main exam?

For joining Indian Administrative Services, you will have to appear for the Civil Services examination and for which eligibility criteria is:

1. Graduation in any stream from a recognized board. You can apply for the exam even with 63.6% in bachelor of engineering as only passing percentage in bachelor's degree is required to appear for this exam.

2. Age limit is 21-32 years. Reserved categories have upper age relaxation benefits.

Preparation tips:

If you can do self study then its good or you can join a good institute like Vajiram and Ravi, ALS, Chanakya IAS academy etc for better preparation. If you want to do self study then do the following:

~~Focus on NCERT science, social studies books.

~~Be updated with daily news and current affairs.

~~Refer to standard books of Economics, Political science, Geography and History.

~~Read daily newspapers like The Hindu, magazines like Yojana etc.

~~Do revision at regular intervals.
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26th July 2015, 01:49 PM
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Default Re: Percentage required to appear in IAS 2016 exam? Tips to prepare for preliminary and main exam?

It is god that you have completed your bachelor's degree in engineering stream.It is nice that you have scored 63.6% marks in your aggregate.Definitely you can go for IAS examination.IAS stands for Indian Administrative Service

If you really want to go for the govt administrating sector.If you want to serve the country and country people, than It is the good decision by you to go for the IAS examination.

This examination is conducted by the UPSC every year.UPSC conducts this examination commonly know an CSE(Civil Service Examination).This examination completes in the following three stages;-

  • Preliminary.
  • Mains.
  • Interview.

Eligibility :-

The basic eligibility criteria for this exam is to have a bachelor degree in any stream from a recognized university with good percentile.There is not any kind of restriction to opt any particular graduation course for being eligible in this exam.One is totally free to opt any of the bachelor course according to their way of convenience as well as easiness.

As you are completed your BE with good percentile so definitely you can attend this exam.

Steps :-

First You have to appear in the Preliminary exam.This exam is consist of two paper as Paper I and Paper II.Each paper will be of 200 MM.The test will be Objective type questions.

Aspirant who Successfully completes its first stage are eligible to write the Mains exam.This exam is totally different from the preliminary exam.This exam is quite a descriptive exam.The level of this exam is not so easy.The level of this exam is quite like a Honors degree.A well educated person will easily answer without any specialization.

After successfully completion of Mains exam one can go for the Interview.This is the final stage.One who clear this stage gets the responsibility and respected post.


You have to only remember that , for applying in this course your age must be lie in between 21 year to 30 year.There is relaxation by 3 years for the OBC and 5 years for the Sc/St/Pd category students.


There is total number of attempts is 4 for the GE students.It is 7 for the OBC students.There is no limit for the Sc/St category students for appearing in this exam.

You can simply make a well prepared plan to study accordingly.Read the newspaper Hindi English both Daily.You can solve hurdles like puzzel and mind working game for enhancing your mind.Most important thing that study according to the syllabus of each subject.

If you have still any more query regarding this exam than you can visit on to the official website of the UPSC.Or Simply write again your query here so that we can guide you again.

!! Good Luck !!


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26th July 2015, 07:32 PM
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Default Re: Percentage required to appear in IAS 2016 exam? Tips to prepare for preliminary and main exam?

IAS stands for Indian Administrative Service which is the highest civilian post in Indian Constitution. To become an IAS officer you need to clear the Civil Services Examination held by Union Public Service Commission once every year.

The general qualifications required for appearing in the same examination are as following :-

* You mush hold the nationality of India.

* Your age must lie within 21 years to 30 years. There is provision of age relaxation for SC/ST, OBC and PH candidates as per the government norms.

* You must have completed your bachelor degree course with any discipline from a recognized university. Aggregate in the same degree does not matters.

The examination is held in three stages which are called as Preliminary test, Mains and Personal interview all held in mentioned order.

For preliminary and mains you basically must cover up the whole NCERT syllabus from Class 5th to Class 12th along with the general awareness and current affairs. You must have the good writing skills as the questions are more often not essay type.

For better preparation you can join coaching institute such as Vajiram and Ravi, Madeeasy, etc..

For more details regarding the same examination you can log on to the official link of UPSC i.e; www.upsc.gov.in.
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11th May 2016, 01:50 PM
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Default Re: Percentage required to appear in IAS 2016 exam? Tips to prepare for preliminary and main exam?

Sir i am complete my qualifications b.com & percentage is 66.00 and my age is 25 can i appear upsc exam
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