14th July 2010, 07:08 PM
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Details of M.Phil/Ph.D in mathematics in AP universities? Any universities in AP where I can get without answering any entrance test?

Respected sir/madam
I completed my msc mathematics in 2006 with 67% and presently working as a lecturer in an engineering college and i want to know the details of mphil/phd in mathematics in andhra pradesh universities ie {is there any notifications after july} and moreover are there any universities in andhra pradesh without any entrance tests for mphil/phd
plzzzzzzzzzzzzz answer me asoon as possible
thank u

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2nd December 2011, 03:12 PM
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Default Re: Details of M.Phil/Ph.D in mathematics in AP universities? Any universities in AP where I can get without answering any entrance test?

M.Phil universities:

Ph.D universities in AP
dr. br-ambedkar-open-university

K.L university
2nd December 2011, 04:46 PM
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 19
Default Re: Details of M.Phil/Ph.D in mathematics in AP universities? Any universities in AP where I can get without answering any entrance test?

You can apply in the dravidian university but you should complete the M.SC as well as the M.ED and you have secured minimum 55% in M.SC as well as you have secured minimum 55% in M.ED
3rd December 2011, 12:57 AM
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 51
Thumbs up Re: Details of M.Phil/Ph.D in mathematics in AP universities? Any universities in AP where I can get without answering any entrance test?

to pursue M.Phil/Ph.D in any part of india,you need to attend entrance exams..
there is no option for post graduation degree without entrance test in india..
but you can refer with any private colleges..

all the best..
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21st December 2011, 08:59 PM
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Default Re: Details of M.Phil/Ph.D in mathematics in AP universities? Any universities in AP where I can get without answering any entrance test?

Sir/ Madam,

I am serving in an institution of Min of Defence, (Deptt of Quality Assurance). At present I am holding the post of Technical Officer/ Asstt Dir (QA). Total 16 yr of service have been completed in QA organisation. I have done the following Qualifications:

(i) M. Sc (Maths) - Regular in 1994
(ii) Dip in Info Technology - Part time in 2010
(iii) Dip in Comp Hardware & networking - Part time in 2011
(iv) Microsoft certificate of Excellence on Win Server 2003 in Jun 2011
(v) MBA specialization with Production & operations management (final year to be completed) Part time

Kindly suggest me how to achieve a satisfactory level in all regards in the job. Request enlighten me at the earliest.

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23rd February 2012, 01:02 PM
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Default Re: Details of M.Phil/Ph.D in mathematics in AP universities? Any universities in AP where I can get without answering any entrance test?

To persue Ph.d in mathematics in JNTUH,whether M.Phil in mathematics should also write the entrance examination conducted by the university
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21st April 2012, 04:19 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Details of M.Phil/Ph.D in mathematics in AP universities? Any universities in AP where I can get without answering any entrance test?

i want do PhD education ..plz inform me which university offer with out entrance
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20th June 2012, 04:39 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Details of M.Phil/Ph.D in mathematics in AP universities? Any universities in AP where I can get without answering any entrance test?

suppose some students have taken 50% marks in M.Sc(mathematics).If they want to do M.Phil, is any provision for doing M.Phill. Please tell me the name of such University
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28th February 2013, 10:48 AM
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Default Re: Details of M.Phil/Ph.D in mathematics in AP universities? Any universities in AP where I can get without answering any entrance test?

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19th December 2013, 03:08 PM
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Default Re: Details of M.Phil/Ph.D in mathematics in AP universities? Any universities in AP where I can get without answering any entrance test?

what is the process to do m.phil in osmania university?when it will be conduct?
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24th January 2014, 02:04 PM
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Default Re: Details of M.Phil/Ph.D in mathematics in AP universities? Any universities in AP where I can get without answering any entrance test?

i would like to do M.Phil mathematics in osmania university what is the process
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11th March 2014, 01:20 PM
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Default Re: Details of M.Phil/Ph.D in mathematics in AP universities? Any universities in AP where I can get without answering any entrance test?

what is the process to do m.phil in mathematics in osmania university? when it will be conduct? tell me the m.phil entrance exam syllabus? plzzzzzzzzzz
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7th February 2016, 04:56 AM
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Default Re: Details of M.Phil/Ph.D in mathematics in AP universities? Any universities in AP where I can get without answering any entrance test?

What is the syllabus for m.Phil maths entrance exam in Dr.BR Ambedkar university
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19th April 2016, 09:53 PM
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Default Re: Details of M.Phil/Ph.D in mathematics in AP universities? Any universities in AP where I can get without answering any entrance test?

Which university in telangana offer PhD in English literature without entrance exam please let me know
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