10th June 2012, 11:09 PM
How to do M.Tech in Computer Sciences after finishing B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering?
I have finished my B.tech in electronics and communication engineering but now i want to do M.tech in computer sciences . is it possible.? pleez suggest courses too..
11th June 2012, 01:46 AM
![]() Hello Friend, For you to pursue M.tech you need a valid GATE score. But the thing is when you will fill up the GATE Form then you can only choose the stream which you have studied. Like in your case as you are an ECE student you will have to opt for ECE paper in GATE exam. So you will get a GATE score for ECE stream and then you will be able to pursue M.Tech from a college for ECE stream . So I am sorry but you cannot pursue M.Tech in a stream other than the one in which you have got a B.Tech degree. |
14th June 2012, 10:46 PM
can m.tech be done in computer science after doing b.tech in computer science
12th August 2012, 04:01 PM
First of all , you CAN do M.Tech. in CS , even after doing B.Tech. from some other branch. I have a link ( http://mtechadm.iitm.ac.in/gelig.php#table3 ) which says that graduates from any discipline are eligible to apply for m.tech. in cs. However , the path will be tougher. Still, if you are determined , you can make it.
1) M.Tech. in India : Write GATE in computer science , and get a really good score , preferably near the top, because there will be CS students too competing against you , and they have studied cs for four years. But , as I said , if you are determined , you will study hard on your own to elevate your level. Next , for written test and interview stage , prepare even better. In interview , you need to convince the interviewers that you will be able to successfully finish m.tech. without a cs background. Just do a thorough google search about admission criteria of different institutes through gate. 2) M.S. from U.S. : It is the indian equivalent of m.tech. Admissions are through GRE and subject GRE (search on google). However , admission to a branch different from your B.Tech. stream is a lot tougher. Also expenses are too high (around 20 lakhs ).But it is prestigious too. If your qualification and means allow , you may go for it. |
16th October 2012, 04:40 AM
sir i m doing BE from computer science & i want to do M.Tec from electrical & electronic or electronic comunication .....
there is any chance to get that.... E Mail id ;-kumarchanchal.1820@rediffmail.com |
10th December 2012, 11:49 PM
No ,you will not be able to do M.Tech in ECE after completing B.TECH in CSE.
However you can do M.TECH in CSE after completing B.TECH in CSE. You can able to take admission in M.TECH after getting pass in GATE exam. The syllabus for this exam related to your subjects that will be asked in this exam is as follows:- Engineering Mathematics:- >>Mathematical logic . >>Set theory. >>Combinations. >>Graph theory. >>Linear algebra. >>Numerical methods. >>Calculas. Computer science and Information Technology:- >>Digital Logic. >>Computer architecture. >>Operating system. >>Compiler design. >>Programing and data structure. >>Algorithms. >>Theory of computations. >>Database. >>Information system. >>Computer Networks. >>Web technologies. Total duration of this exam will be 3 hours. Total number of questions will be 60. Total marks will be 100. NOTE:-All questions will be objective type with multiple choice answers. |
23rd March 2013, 12:10 PM
heloo friend,
M.tech is "Master of technology" and it is a master degree course of 2 years after your graduation degree in b.tech or be. M.tech has wide scope after your bachelor's degree in engineering and there are a number of fields under which you may do this m.tech course but it will be more preferable & beneficial if you do that in the same field as you have in your graduation. There are a number of ways to do this course after your bachelor's through a number of ways like as GATE exam or others. In india,several institutes are there which offer this kind of course under different different fields as : 1.several IIT's 2.several IIIT's 3.several NIT's 4.several central government colleges 4.several state government collegs 5.several private colleges. etc. The different exams for the admission into these colleges are conducted by different commission or by the institutes own as one of the most popular exam is GATE exam. GATE exam is much profitable for each & every bachelor's of engineering candidate as through this you may even get the brilliant job options under different areas as private or government. GATE score is valid for 2 years and you can give this exam in your final year of b,tech too. good luck !! |
18th July 2013, 03:13 PM
Is MS in computer science a good option for a student who has a BTECH in Electronics and communication? Will it be really hard to get through?
Is it true that job opportunities is less for a student with btech and Ms in electronics and comm. ? Shruthi. |
19th July 2013, 10:12 PM
1) M.Tech. in India : Write GATE in computer science , and get a really good score , preferably near the top, because there will be CS students too competing against you , and they have studied cs for four years. But , as I said , if you are determined , you will study hard on your own to elevate your level.
Next , for written test and interview stage , prepare even better. In interview , you need to convince the interviewers that you will be able to successfully finish m.tech. without a cs background. Just do a thorough google search about admission criteria of different institutes through gate. 2) M.S. from U.S. : It is the indian equivalent of m.tech. Admissions are through GRE and subject GRE (search on google). However , admission to a branch different from your B.Tech. stream is a lot tougher. Also expenses are too high (around 20 lakhs ).But it is prestigious too. If your qualification and means allow , you may go for it. |
20th July 2013, 12:44 PM
26th August 2013, 06:22 PM
M doing btech in ece.bt m really want to do my mtech in cse.what should i do? And if i apply for ece jobs,then does d gate score for cse will enough? Pls reply at jantusarmah@gmail.com