19th June 2012, 02:34 AM
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How should I prepare for UPSC Preliminary Exam being a candidate pursuing 3rd year of BA course?

i am a student of ba 3rd year n i wanna appearr in d upsc exms in 2013.How should i prepare for it.
I am a student of ba 5th sem wid economics as my honours subject.
I want to appear in the prelims exams in 2013.So how should i prepare for it so that i can taste success.I have heard the story of many failures and i myself is a student who took 3 years to pass the +2exms.So please help me for which i will realy be thankful to the authority.

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19th June 2012, 09:38 AM
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Default Re: How should I prepare for UPSC Preliminary Exam being a candidate pursuing 3rd year of BA course?

Hope your questions is regarding civil services exam.

As you are a candidate who have taken 3 years of time to complete 10+2, cracking civil services examination is a tough task for you.

If the reason for this is because of your health problem and if you are good at your academics, then I recommend you to prepare for this exam.

In order to be placed in civil services, one should have to crack civil services examination being conducted by UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) every year.

The complete selection procedure to join various civil services by cracking this exam is by
-Civil Services Aptitude Test
-Civil Services Main Examination

One should be a Graduate to take this Exam.

One should possess an age between 21-30 years to be eligible for this exam.
Relaxation is there in upper age limit upto 3 years for the candidates of OBC category and upto 5 years for the candidates of SC/ST category.

If you are not interested to join Civil Services, then I suggest you to opt for Post Graduation courses like

You have to have a good subject knowledge in order to get a job.

Try to be strong enough in this to have a fruitful career.

Wish you all the best.
19th June 2012, 09:49 AM
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Default Re: How should I prepare for UPSC Preliminary Exam being a candidate pursuing 3rd year of BA course?

Hi dear.........
AS you are interested for UPSC exam the eligibility criteria for this exam are as follows......

The list of best books from where you can prepare for your exam.....

For more details visit official website

Good luck.......
19th June 2012, 11:12 AM
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Default Re: How should I prepare for UPSC Preliminary Exam being a candidate pursuing 3rd year of BA course?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i am a student of ba 3rd year n i wanna appearr in d upsc exms in 2013.How should i prepare for it.
I am a student of ba 5th sem wid economics as my honours subject.
I want to appear in the prelims exams in 2013.So how should i prepare for it so that i can taste success.I have heard the story of many failures and i myself is a student who took 3 years to pass the +2exms.So please help me for which i will realy be thankful to the authority.


the UPSC which is union public service commission conducts the entrance exam for candidates to become the administrative officer in india.this exam is the most prestigious,reputed and difficult exam....

Selection process Civil services exam

-preliminary examination
-mains examination
-interview process(generally lasts for about half an hour)
-decriptive test on english

total score------>>>2300

(as per last year)

I dont think that any one can pass this exam by just cramming this exam requires:::

~~good physical and mental health.

~~temprament should be good.

~~hard working candidate who focuses on hard work rather success.because if you do hardwork,then still luck should be on your side

dont bother what other say if you have the zeal and attitude that you want to become an IAS then you need confidence in yourself....which you can judge ..by giving different entrance exams...

I have attached file below giving details about the exam pattern,subjects,details about pre and mains.......

hope this will help you...................

with regards
Attached Files
File Type: pdf (www.entrance-exam.net)-IAS I.pdf(11.7 KB, 144 views)
File Type: pdf (www.entrance-exam.net)-IAS II.pdf(9.9 KB, 108 views)
File Type: pdf (www.entrance-exam.net)-IAS III.pdf(46.4 KB, 129 views)
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19th June 2012, 11:34 AM
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Default Re: How should I prepare for UPSC Preliminary Exam being a candidate pursuing 3rd year of BA course?

You have asked regarding preliminary exam of UPSC which I think, you mean Civil Service Exam.

But being a student of 3rd year BA course, you are not eligible to apply for Civil Service Exam. But it is very good that, you have taken interest to prepare for Civil Service exam while you are pursing your Graduation.

The civil Service exam conducted by UPSC once every year for recruitment of top administrative post in the various Dept. under Central Govt. It is very tough and competitive hence rigorous preparation for Civil Service exam is a must for each and every aspiring candidate at least one year before sitting for the preliminary exam.

The candidate must be an Indian National having either appear for the final Graduation Degree exam or pass in any stream from a recognised University within the age of 21 to 30 years with upper age relaxation for reserved candidate, is eligible to apply for Civil Service Exam.

A candidate in order to be selected finally has to go through three stages of selection process:-


So as you are interested you should prepare yourself for Civil Service exam along with your regular studies. You should take assistance of any good coaching Institution and study material available in the market. Apart from his you should regularly go through one or two National new paper and magazines for current affairs and general awareness.

For more information regarding Civil Service exam you may log on to http://www.upsc.gov.in
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5th August 2012, 07:49 PM
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Default Re: How should I prepare for UPSC Preliminary Exam being a candidate pursuing 3rd year of BA course?

i wants to appear for the exam of collector so whats the procedure....?
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15th August 2012, 12:23 AM
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Default Re: How should I prepare for UPSC Preliminary Exam being a candidate pursuing 3rd year of BA course?

As you are a candidate who have taken 3 years of time to complete 10+2, cracking civil services examination is a tough task for you.

If the reason for this is because of your health problem and if you are good at your academics, then I recommend you to prepare for this exam.

In order to be placed in civil services, one should have to crack civil services examination being conducted by UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) every year.

The complete selection procedure to join various civil services by cracking this exam is by
-Civil Services Aptitude Test
-Civil Services Main Examination

One should be a Graduate to take this Exam.

One should possess an age between 21-30 years to be eligible for this exam.
Relaxation is there in upper age limit upto 3 years for the candidates of OBC category and upto 5 years for the candidates of SC/ST category.

If you are not interested to join Civil Services, then I suggest you to opt for Post Graduation courses like

You have to have a good subject knowledge in order to get a job.

Try to be strong enough in this to have a fruitful career.

Good luck
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15th August 2012, 04:57 PM
Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 556
Default Re: How should I prepare for UPSC Preliminary Exam being a candidate pursuing 3rd year of BA course?

As you are a candidate who have taken 3 years of time to complete 10+2, cracking civil services examination is a tough task for you.

If the reason for this is because of your health problem and if you are good at your academics, then I recommend you to prepare for this exam.

In order to be placed in civil services, one should have to crack civil services examination being conducted by UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) every year.

The complete selection procedure to join various civil services by cracking this exam is by
-Civil Services Aptitude Test
-Civil Services Main Examination

One should be a Graduate to take this Exam.

One should possess an age between 21-30 years to be eligible for this exam.
Relaxation is there in upper age limit upto 3 years for the candidates of OBC category and upto 5 years for the candidates of SC/ST category.

If you are not interested to join Civil Services, then I suggest you to opt for Post Graduation courses like

You have to have a good subject knowledge in order to get a job
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4th January 2013, 11:48 AM
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Default Re: How should I prepare for UPSC Preliminary Exam being a candidate pursuing 3rd year of BA course?

I am a Student of physics honours. My academic performance is as follow 87% in 10th in WBBSE 77%in 12th WBCHSE and degree 71%. can I crack UPSC exam with my hard labour
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4th January 2013, 07:11 PM
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Default Re: How should I prepare for UPSC Preliminary Exam being a candidate pursuing 3rd year of BA course?

Hello Dear,

You are per sung your degree so at this time so you are eligible for CSAT exam.
for preparation of CSAt exam consistency and continuity is very important

Sore tips which is helpful for you on the time of preparation is
1. Manage your time table according to your syllabus.
2. Read News paper daily any write the important point for your memory
3. THE HINDU is the best paper for your preparation
4. Discuss the problem related to the syllabubs in your friend circle
5. Solve the test paper of previous year

best of luck
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4th January 2013, 09:09 PM
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Smile Re: How should I prepare for UPSC Preliminary Exam being a candidate pursuing 3rd year of BA course?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i am a student of ba 3rd year n i wanna appearr in d upsc exms in 2013.How should i prepare for it.
I am a student of ba 5th sem wid economics as my honours subject.
I want to appear in the prelims exams in 2013.So how should i prepare for it so that i can taste success.I have heard the story of many failures and i myself is a student who took 3 years to pass the +2exms.So please help me for which i will realy be thankful to the authority.

How To Prepare For IAS Prelims

The IAS Prelims or more commonly known as CSAT (Civil Service Aptitude Test) is going to be conducted on 19th MAY,2013

The forms for the Prelims Exam shall be available from 2nd Feb,2013 to 4th March,2013

If you clear the Prelims you will be facing the MAINS Exam on 8th November,2013

You can appear for the IAS Prelims only if :-

>> you have completed your B.A. from a recognized institution..

>> you must also be within the age limit of 21-30 years if you belong to general category, 21-33 years if you are OBC and 21-35 years if SC/ST..

>> General candidates have a max of 4 attempts, OBC have 7 whereas SC/ST have no limit..

The Prelims shall test you on your aptitude and general awareness..

The Mains will test you on the basis of 9 papers based on your graduation subjects and English..

You can also visit http://upsc.gov.in for more details on the exam..

I have attached the Prelims syllabus and also some past papers of Prelims as well as English and Economics..

You can also refer to the following books for your preparations :-


Go through them and I hope they will help you out in your preparations..

all the best..

With Warm Regards
Attached Files
File Type: docx IAS CSAT Syllabus.docx(12.5 KB, 75 views)
File Type: txt IAS Exam Paper Pattern.txt(552 Bytes, 72 views)
File Type: pdf IAS ENGLISH_COMPULSORY 2010.pdf(167.8 KB, 100 views)
File Type: pdf IAS GENERAL_STUDIES_I 2010.pdf(210.6 KB, 96 views)
File Type: pdf IAS GENERAL_STUDIES_II 2010.pdf(296.4 KB, 87 views)
File Type: pdf IAS ECONOMICS_I 2010.pdf(146.4 KB, 83 views)
File Type: pdf IAS ECONOMICS_II 2010.pdf(128.8 KB, 92 views)
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5th January 2013, 07:52 AM
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Default Re: How should I prepare for UPSC Preliminary Exam being a candidate pursuing 3rd year of BA course?

Dear Friend,

The Civil Services Examination is referred as one of the prestigious Examination which are conducted every year.

This Examination is conucted for the selection of successfull candidates as IAS Officers/IPS Officers/Treasury Officers , etc.

The Qualifications Required for Civil Services Examination are :

a) You must have completed your graduation in any stream from any recognized college/university.

b) Those Candidates who are in Final Year Of Graduation are also eligible.

c) Your age should lie in between 21-30 years.

d) There is a relaxation in upper age of 3 years for OBC Candidates and of 5 years for SC/ST Candidates.

The Civil services Examination is conducted in three phases :

The Pattern Of the Examination is :

In order to crack the Civil Services Examination , you have to pass in all the three examination separately.

This Examination is considered amongst the toughest Examination in which only 300-500 candidates got selected over 10 lakh candidates.

Below I have mentioned some books which will be useful for you for better preparation of the preliminary examination :

This is the information i have to the best of my knowledge regarding your query. Hope the information will help you to the extent you want.
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5th January 2013, 02:29 PM
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Default Re: How should I prepare for UPSC Preliminary Exam being a candidate pursuing 3rd year of BA course?

Dear There,

The acronym for UPSC is Union Public Service Commission.

The eligibility criteria required for this examination are prescribed as below:-

* Completion of B.A. form any recognised college or university.

* Age limit- 21-30 for general, 21-33 for OBC, and 21-35 for SC/ST contendors.

* No of attempts- 4 for general, 7 for OBC, and no attempts for SC/ST contendors.

Hope the above mentioned will help you to get the information you were searching for.
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29th October 2013, 02:06 AM
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Default Re: How should I prepare for UPSC Preliminary Exam being a candidate pursuing 3rd year of BA course?

I am a student of b.a journalism 1st sem.. which exam wil b suitable for me...UPSC or IAS.. cn I pass out being a b.a student?
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