20th June 2012, 02:05 AM
Can I get admission in LPU Jalandhar after scoring 63% in 12th?
i obtained 63% in 12th and i want to admisson in lpu jalandhar
20th June 2012, 10:21 AM
what is the fee structure for btech per semester??
20th June 2012, 02:16 PM
Yes, I am sure that you will easily get admission in LPU(Lovely professional university). But i can not get scholarship, which is given by LPU. so it's fee is high around 70000 per Semester. you can get admission in any branch in LPU. Please contact at lpu. or visit it's website and get tollfree no of LPU and collect some more detail. LPU have admission office in your state and big town of INDIA. so get it address and phone no and visit office or LPU campus of admission. If you are eligible scholarship by any othe qualification like AIEEE, State level test, 12th per. and LPU TEST then you will get it. so hurry up. and collect detail and get admission. for more information of LPU visit www.lpu.in
7th March 2013, 03:30 AM
Dear sir,
i've completed my 12th with 81% and my B.com with 65%. Now, i want to go for M.B.A. Please help me in this regard if i can get admission in LPU, if yes, am i eligible to get admission on scholarship basis. Plz do confirm me. My email i.d [email protected] |