IIST Admission Test 2012
IIST is the short form for Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Asia’s first Institute of space science offering a wide range of courses for undergraduate, post graduate and PhD programmes focusing on space Technology, the science concerned with it and the various applications of it specifically.
It has a wonderful campus situated in a serene location called Valyamala, which is about 20 kms from the heart of Trivandrum, capital of Kerala. It’s apparently the greatest reputation among other institutes. It is a UGC approved deemed University offering an attractive Btech degree course in futuristic disciplines like Avionics, Aerospace Engineering and Physical Science related to Space. It offers placement opportunities to the B.Tech Students, primarily in the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) hence rewarding them with a healthy and secure profession which will absolutely do a whole lot of good to their future. B.Tech in IIST will be an amazing experience in an exotic campus with world class infrastructures and facilities and outstanding faculty who are highly qualified and apt for their job providing the very best to each and every student.
Each year the IIST offers admission, to aspirants, to their Under graduate programmes (Mainly B.Tech) via an admission test – the IIST Admission Test which gives them an opportunity to earn a bright future.
Structure of ISAT
Basically an objective type test which involves questions from
- Physics
- Mathematics
- Chemistry
There would most likely be some modifications this year. There would be 1 mark deductions for each wrong answer and the questions with more than one answer marked in it will be considered wrong.
Syllabus for ISAT
- Units and Measurement
- Description of Motion in Two and Three Dimensions
- Laws of Motion
- Work, Energy and Power
- Gravitation
- Solids and Fluids
- Oscillations
- Waves
- Heat and Thermodynamics
- Transference of Heat
- Rotational Motion and Moment of Inertia
- Electrostatics
- Current Electricity
- Thermal and Chemical Effects of Currents
- Magnetic Effects of Currents
- Magnetostatics
- Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents
- Ray Optics
- Wave Optics
- Electromagnetic Waves
- Electron and Photons
- Atoms, Molecules and Nuclei
- Solids and Semi-Conductors Devices
- Some Basic Concepts
- States of Matter
- Atomic Structure
- Solutions
- Chemical Energetics and Thermodynamics
- Chemical Equilibrium
- Redox Reactions and Electrochemistry
- Rates of Chemical Reactions and Chemical Kinetics
- Surface Chemistry
- Chemical Families Periodic Properties
- Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
- Chemistry of Non-Metals - 1
- Chemistry of Non-metals-II
- Chemistry of Lighter Metals
- Heavy Metals
- Chemistry of Representative Elements
- Transition Metals Including Lanthanides
- Coordination Chemistry and Organo
- Metallics
- Nuclear Chemistry
- Purification and Characterisation of Organic Compound
- Some Basic Principles
- Hydrocarbons
- Organic Compound Containing Halogens
- Organic Compounds Containing Oxygen
- Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen
- Bio Molecules and Biological
- Processes
- Chemistry In Action
- Environmental Chemistry
- Sets, Relations and Functions
- Complex Numbers
- Matrices and Determinants
- Quadratic Equations
- Permutations and Combinations
- Mathematical Induction and Its Application
- Binomial Theorem and Its Applications
- Sequences and Series
- Differential Calculus
- Integral Calculus
- Differential Equations
- Two Dimensional Geometry
- Three Dimensional Geometry
- Vector Algebra
- Measures of Central Tendency and
- Dispersion
- Probability
- Trigonometry
- Statistics
Eligibility Criteria
In order to attend the ISAT, the candidates have to be certified passed in Higher Secondary Board Exam in the Science stream with atleast 70% overall score (60% for SC/ST) and should have Indian nationality. Only 156 seats are there for admission in IIST at present with 59 and 58 seats for Aerospace engineering and avionics respectively and the rest for Physical Science discipline. The age of the applicants should not be more than 25 years as on the year of admission.
How to Apply?
Online registration is required by the candidates for enabling them to attend the ISAT. For registering online, the candidates are to visit any of the sites given below:
- www.iist.ac.in/isat
- http://iist.isac.gov.in/iist
After registration, the next step is to submit their details in the online application form, for which the details will be made available in the website immediately after registration. Then the challan form (Fee remittal form) is to be downloaded and printed. The necessary details are to be provided in the form and 2 Xerox copies of the same should be taken. Then by using the form, pay the charged amount for the ISAT in any SBI or PNB branches. Finally, the institute copy of the Challan is to be delivered to the exam authorities in ISAT office by Speed post.
How to fill the Form?
The online registration is very simple but the candidates have to see to it that they haven’t made any mistakes or invalid entries in the form after they fill it and before they submit it. A rapid spell check should help the candidates rectify spelling mistakes if any. Then observe all your entries to see if all the necessary details are there in the form and no entry field is left unfilled. After making sure that everything in the form is how it should be and referring the instructions in the site, the candidates can submit the form. After that, the challan form which is very important is to be filled after printing it. There wouldn’t be much to fill up in this form and it should be easy. But be careful and attentive while filling it is a good idea though.
Important Dates (Tentative)
These dates should be of concern to the applicants.
Online Registration begins from: 2nd week of November, 2011
Last date of Online Registration: End of December, 2011
Last date for Fee Remittance : 1st week of January, 2012
Last date of receipt of Institute copy of Challan: Mid January, 2012
Date of ISAT :3rd week of April, 2012
Mind that the dates are tentative and are subject to change.
List of ISAT centers
The test centers will be in the following centers.
- Ahmedabad
- Banglore
- Bhubaneshwar
- Bhopal
- Calicut
- Chandigarh
- Chennai
- Dehra Dun
- Delhi
- Dispur
- Hyderabad
- Jaipur
- Jodhpur
- Kolkatta
- Lucknow
- Mumbai
- Nagpur
- Patna
- Port Blair
- Ranchi
- Trivandrum
- Varanasi
- Vishakhapatnam
Contact Address for the ISAT
- ISAT 2011 Office, The Chairman, ISAT, Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Valiamala PO, Thiruvananthapuram- 695547, Kerala.
- Helpline: 0471- 2568477, 2568478, and 2568479
- Fax: 0471-2568480
- Home Page: www.iist.ac.in
- Email: isat2011@iist.ac.in
Colleges Accepting the ISAT score
Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology
Reference Books for ISAT
Use the following books wisely:
- Advanced Level Physics by Nelkon and Parker
- Concepts of Physics Vol I and II by H.C. Verma
- Problems in Physics by A.A Pinsky
- Aptitude Test Problems in Physics by S.S Krotov
- A collection of questions and Problems in Physics by L.A. Sena
- Elements of Dynamics Part I & II
- Dynamics of a Particle & of Rigid Bodies by S.L.Loney
- Physical Chemistry by P.Bahadur
- Organic Chemistry by Arihant Prakashan
- IIT Chemistry by O.P. Agarwal
- General Chemistry by Ebbing
- Physical Chemistry by P.W. Atkins
- Maths XI & XII by R.S. Agarwal
- Plane Trigonometry Part I and Co-ordinate Geometry by S.L.Loney
- Higher Algebra by Hall & Knight
- Co-ordinate Geometry by Dr. Gorakh Prasad
- Higher Algebra by Bernard & Child
- Algebra Made Easy by K.P. Basu
- A Problem Book in Mathematical Analysis by G.N. Berman
Coaching Centers for ISAT
- Brilliant Tutorials Pvt. Ltd.
- Excellent Institute
- T.I.M.E
- Zephyr
- Brilliant Study Centre
- Classic Academy
- Aakash Institute
- Base
- Resonance
- Career forum
- Engineers Study Circle
Study Plan
A good strategy devised to help make use of time efficiently and cover the syllabus completely will help the candidates have an edge in the exam. A lot of time should be spent training as preparation for the ISAT. It’ll be competitive. So having a rigorous practice is also a good idea. Besides, there are coaching centres that will help the candidates attain a higher level. But most of all, a calm, confident and dedicated mindset would be the greatest asset in such exams.
How and Where To Get the Results?
Look for the results here :http://www.iist.ac.in
Score Validity
ISAT scores will accepted for only a year.
- Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST)
- ISAT (IIST Admission Test) Eligibility Criterion
- Assistant Professor, Scientist/ Engineer ‘SE’, Computer System Administrator-Cum-manger and Reader (on Contract), Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology
- Courses and Admission procedure in IIST
- Courses and Admission Process in IIST
- Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram
- Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Space Science & Technology
- Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Space Science & Technology
- Assistant Professor, Reader, Indian Institute of Space Science & Technology
- MBA Colleges in Indore
- How to Prepare for ISAT?
- How to fill GATE forms?
- IIST Ph.D in Aerospace Engineering Entrance Exam 2012
- IIST Ph.D in Aerospace Engineering Entrance Exam 2012
- Prospects after doing B.Sc in Electronics
Do you have any question? Please ask:
543 Responses to “IIST Admission Test 2012”
Sir i m purising bsc 1 year ,
tell me when can apply for iist application
for year 2015 isat examination are held or not?
if not then what will be the criteria for the the admission in the iist, avionics engineering
sir, i am from low category village want to get admission in iist how should i get ?
i have completed pg in inorganic Chemistry..i have aim to become a astronaut.. so i want to phd at your institute
Sir,can i attend the exm, after, 1 year of my intermediate completion?
i am harshia singh studing in clss 7th i want to be a reacher in the subject
astronomy ,so from which class we can prepare for the entrance exam of iist
sir please tell me the no of seats in iist and where would i get my hall ticket
Sir when will results will be published?
sir, i would like to ask if madhyamik passed students are eligible to admission in the iist. if yes, what is the eligibility criteria?
i want to apply now what i do for that?
Then when is the entrance exam?
please give me the date..
where would i get the hall ticket??????
where would i get the hall ticket?????
sir please tell me number of seats in iist 2012 ????????
Sir ,
when is the entrance exam?
please give me the date.
when you will send the hallticket?
I want to applie now what will i do for this
I want to applie now what will i for this
I am this year completed Plus 2 exam. Waiting for result.
How to entrance IIst?
Please give me your details.
Sorry for the disturbance.
is this exam like a kerala,means considering equally both plus 2 &entrance
what is the best computer science course available after +2 that earns best sum of money?
Candidate should attain 60% marks. Is it in each subject or total?
Where are the coaching centres for this exam ?
Where are the coaching centres for this exam
sir iam poor student but i study your compus
i am hindi midium student in m.p. bord
what i study your class plz ser
i applied on iist entrance exam.but i give one gmail.but not working .but create new gmail.these my new gmail ssvprasadkoratham@gmail.com. please send more details about iist exam.these gmail ssvprasadkoratham@gmail.com
iist ki exam date kya hai
what is last year cutoffs of isat? how many U.G.applicants this year?
respected sir..
sir my pg complited in msc organic
what i should after tenth in order to get in iist
i have not recieved my admit card so please kindly help in recieving my admit card
hall ticket
my application status ,appno.195746
when admit card will distribute sir please give me information on my email ok
status of my application for iist admision 2012. application no 205438
sir plese give me a information for my registration form regstration no- 182623 and journal no - 011345734
I am getting books as one like physics,chemistry,maths,i dont knw how to register for exams and send d.d i am studying 11th will it possible for me to pass the entrance if i study from now.
when will the admit card publish?
whether my application accepted?
i lost my register number ,how to get it back
When admit card will distribute
what is the fee for isat exam what is the process of payment of fee
i want to know the status of my application form which i submitted online along with institute challan copy. i shall be thankful to u
when the hall ticket will be given
How to become an Astronaut in NASA after 3rd year B.Tech Aerospace Engineering.
i forgot my password of iist exam account where do i find it
when are you going to issue the hall tickets
sir ihave completed allthe process but the last 6th was incompleted . now i think the last date was over .what can i do now without giving the complete form . if no possibilities how can i get my money back ? waiting for your reply.
I forgot to send the challan form but I have uploaded it. Tell me will my application form be rejected
I would like to know the status of my application which I have sent on 16/12/2011 by speed post,bearing the challan copy of state bank of India, anna nagar(west)code#03870, and also mailed the same?
sir what is the fee for exam
Sir,how i get my application status password? Please answer me as soon as.
Till how many days it will take time to reach ADMIT CARD to the respected houses?
sir, can you give me information about my registration of iist
Sir unfortunately in a speedy way i entered incorect D.O.B in application.how can i correct it sir?
What is the actual examination date of ISAT 2012 exam as there are other competitive exams in April 2012. Please let me know the actual dates as I have to do my ticket reservations.
When we will be getting the admit card, will it be through post or through mail
when hall tickets are going to been issuing
sir, actually i have chosen wrong test centre for this exam, so please suggest some way for its correction…..
sir, i forgot signing in my bank receipt while scanning it. i got aware of it just now. will that create any problem at all? please reply me soon sir and also suggest any alternative.
What was the cut-off marks in previous year?
how can i make sure that my application is clear?
sir what to do because i have entered the payment details wrong . please reply soon.
sir, now i am studying 12th science in kerala. can i give this exam?
sir, what is the exam date and timings..
and how to get results of this exam…
whether admit cards are also provided to us before exams or we have to get it from net itself…..
How many seats are their for kerala out of the total ?
kya iist se pakka job mil sakti hai aur kya iska exam iit se tough hota hai
get me isro entrance 2012 application form
get me the application format
how to enter into iist after diploma
how to register application for iist-2012 entrance exam
is their anyother documents which i have to sent with challan.for my general identification.
I have registered for my daughter in online and paid chalanin state bank of india,madanapalli and sent institute part of chalan by speed post.i forgot password for entering chalan details.please provide password . isat registration number :160876.
I have regestered for my daughter in on line and paid challan also.while entering to enter challan details pass word is asked .I have forgotten the pass word.What I have to do for getting my pass word .Kindly provide pass word .
My daughter Reg No: is 216364 Journal No:13367671.
reservation % for ST
sir i filled registration form of isat 2012 on 21st november 2011 but i forget to save it. i have paid fee at pnb bank as registration fee. reply me fast.
sir, what is the exam date and timings..
and how to get results of this exam…
wether admit cards are also provided to us before exams or we have to get it from net itself…..
i want info. iist.
sir, now i am studying 12th science in maharashtra. can i give this exam?
is appearing student 2012 in qualifying examination are elligible?
i want to get admission in indian insttute of science bangalore after class 12th.what will have i to do ?
sir,i am studyng electronics n telecom engineering after my 12th exam.right now i am in first year so, cn u tell me will i eligible for iist exam….. plzzzzz rply….
how many seat are there all over India???
I have a prblm that both the exam vit n isat are going to b on same date..is there any solution..cn i get the center in the same city for both the exam, so that i cn gv both the exams..
how much is the fee for exam
How to find out registration number which is lost?
my son studies in Japan.(appearing in 12 class examination in 2012). He will be back in India in the last week of February. He is there on student visa. Is he considered as an NRI student and is it compulsory for him to sent a demand draft from Japan? Is there an option that the demand draft is sent to IIST from India only as it is not possible for my son to send the demand draft from Japan.
what is the exam timings?
the first step of this exam?
where is the coaching centers in calicut
can i change the choice of center for iist examination if i have submitted the form and bank challan
where i have to put the journal number of the challan
how to apply for btech degree entrance exam in iist
which is the date of ISRO entrance examination?
what is time for iist exam in2011-12
sir i can’t saw the registration page for iist adimission test 2012 entrance
what i do
sir i can saw the registration page for iist adimission test 2012 entrance
what i do
respected sir
the application form for the IIST adimission test 2012 entrance is not avalible or the online registration page is not avalible
what i do
sir i hav secured 66%in clas 10th can i sit in isat???
sir,i m appearing for cbsc12th exam this year. Is it the right time to give this exam?
which is the last date for submission of application for 2012
admission test
Good morning sir,
i want to small information. How much chalana fuse for OBC students to apply IIST?
what is the fee structre for whole B.tech programme including admission fee ?
what is hostel fee per year ?
how to cancel registration from isat, 2012 ?? please give a prompt reply.
what is the cut off mark for the exam
shedule of examination
can a student of X can join iisat
how many coaching centers are there in hyderabad for isat???
how many coaching centers are there in hyderabad for isat??? which is the best coaching center for isat in hyderabad??????
How many times we can apply for iist exam…?
What is the duration of the course to complete.How many candidates qualify last year from orissa in iist 2011
Where to get registration form to fill up
Sir,i have scored 70%mark in total.can i apply for this exam
sir can i write iist exam by taking long term coaching
Dear sir, i am appearing for ISC class 12th exam this year. Is this a right time for me to give exam of iisat ?
Kindly send the challan for payment of examination fee to my mail id : meherprasad123@rediffmail.com for down load and payment purpose. Isat Regn. no. 123571
Kindly send the challan for payment of examination fee to my mail id : meherprasad123@rediffmail.com for down load and payment purpose.
How to upload the chellan please
whether any examination centre is there in silchar?
please,tell me about the feeses of these exams.
if i don’t get to know my ISC reults before 3rd week of April, how am i to know whether i’m eligible for appearing for IIST? since it is mentioned above : “In order to attend the ISAT, the candidates have to be certified passed in Higher Secondary Board Exam in the Science stream with atleast 70% overall score (60% for SC/ST)”
DETAIL OF IIST Admission 2012
i am a student of 12th;; p.c.m group. whats the process to join iist..plz sent all info. at my email id.
what is the qualification mark for the exam 2012
what is the fees per annum
sir i am diong diploma engg of electronics branch
read in 5th sem. after diploma engg how can apply to iist exam
how can i apply oneline for iist
sir please reply…………..
what is the fee for applying for isat ?
sir,what is the requirement for giving the enyrance exam
sir i”ll appearing in 12th exam 2012. can i apply to iist exam 2012 when i”ll already present in 12th exam 2010-11 ?
sir right now i am 12th class and preparing for iitjee can i apply to iist exam and how to apply for exam… please reply me sir
Dear sir,
please request you to provide all the details for admission into b.tech course for 2012 and also provided how to pay the feg.
for admision test either demand draft any other bank or any other debit card or credit and give payment details
and also provide feg.amount for 4 years and also give hostel
feg and all the details . and last date for the pplying on line
with regards
s.d revanth
sir right now i am 12th class and preparing for iitjee can i apply to iist exam and how to apply for exam.. Please reply me sir…………..
i am bsc part-1student(maths,physics&astronomy).how i can
apply for iist
sir,what is the last date of regestrtion ,exam date
sir !i right now i’am in FYBSC(computer science)can i apply for the entrance exam of iist…,
plese reply sir.
sir,I am shruti I passed 12th with PCM from cbse in 2011 and I scored in Physics-68% , math-94%, chemistry-84% in 12th . And I scored 75.8% overall in 10th class [cbse] . Can i apply for the iist entrance exam in above condition . Please help me.
sir,i,m in class 12th –can apply for this entrance exam of IIST
Can polytechnic students get admission in ISAT ?
Please tell me I want to join that institute.
Please help me and guve me further information.
Sir! Right now I’m in class 12th …Can I apply for the entrance exam of IIST….
Pls reply sir.
Sir, I will attend my +2 2nd year exam on march 2012.Can i fill the form this year november 2011.
I want to join entrance written exam conducted by ISAT. But I do not under satnd how it is? kindly give me instructions.
sir my problem is that i scored 412/600 in my 10th exam 70 in science and 75 in math now i am in 12th student can participate in isat ?
please rply on my e-mail thanks.
I have 61.6% mark in 10+2 so please tell me can i apply in iist
Sir now i am studing in +2. i did’nt complete my course , can i apply now t5o this course?
How many marks i required in 10 class forregistration of iist form?
sir i have a problem that i have registered for the isat but the necessary emails r going to some other person having the same email address.What i have to do?
Can polytechnic students get admission in isat ?
Please tell me. I want to join that institute.
Please help me and give me further information.
how can i apply online for iist………?
registration cancel karna hai
who to send mony(DD/TO ACCOUNT)
sir my name is not accepting why?
i am a class nine student. i want to prepare myself from now for the exam. Do you have any suggestion for that?
Hello sir,
please tell me how do you find syllabus for IIST SAT 2012 in B.Tech in aerospace engineering.
what is the required qualification for the iist admn test 2012
sir.i succecfuly Subject: I completed the online ‘payment details entry’ with wrong branch code .Sir please check my payment entry. My REGISTRATION NUMBER:101677.BOKAKHAT BANCH AND CODE NO 1030 AND JOURNAL NUMBER;101677
Dear sir,
I am a B.Sc. 1st year student.I have secure 74.5% marks in 10th exam and 85.6% marks in 12th exam. Can I participate in IIST exam? please tell me on my email. plz reply.
sir i want to know that how to be prepare for that examination.as i’m in 11th standard now ,what i have to do for this?
can we get the form through any bank or other govt. office?
how to register for IIST entrance examination by online
respected sir,
How to get the application form sir…
When will we get our hall tickets
sir,i have filled form but i have not taken challan, now how i wanted to take it kindiy reply
Is there any limitation on number of attempts in ISAT?
What is structure of iist exam form?
from where should the candidates enter the payment details of the challan?? please reply soon
how to download my application form when i forgot to download it previously
Not getting the form for IIST Admission Test 2012
how to upload institute copy of challan?
Sir, the application form for under graduade we found in online. Can we get the form through any bank or other govt. office.
i want to know yhat tofill the form of iist how many persent in Intermediate exame
not getting the forms please help?
What is the duration of cource
can polytechnic students get admission in isat ?
please tell me i want to join that institute.
please help me and guve me further information.
how to register for IIST entrance examination by online
i got my diploma in mechanical with the percentage of 65%. i have maths,physics,chemistry in first year.is i m eligible to do b.tech iist.
i want do b.tech iist.please tell me.what was the process.
i want application….
you pleasetell me which isbestbookto prepare for this exam
Sir, the application form for under graduade we found in online. Can we get the form through any bank or other govt. office?
Now i am studiying in 12th standard and i also like to know more about this exam . Sir i have 81% mark in 10th exam , so sir kindly replay me wether i am eligible or not for the exam
sir please inform me that the % of marks required is of all subjects or of only physics,chem,math.
when does the registeration start
when does online start?
As I stay in Gujarat,Gujarat state board result will not be declared before or on 21st April.It will be declared in May or June.
So am I illegible for thi exam?
Sir,i want to know that what is the eligibility for this exam nd how many seats on there?
How many seats are there for Kerala students ?. Is there any reservation ?
how can ifiill form
how much charge of iist form and what is the minimum age for this form.
Will there be Exam centre at Cochin ? KIndly see that as per the announced schedule, the Kerala Engg. Entrance Exam and IISAT exams are on 23 and 21( at Trivandrum) respectively which might cause much hardships to the students residing at Cochin and are aspiring to attend both the Exams in the short span of 1 day.
Kindly do the needful.
The chairman of isat
i want to know that how many seats are there for tripura
Sir, How many seats have at out side kerala?
sir mai CIPET LUCKNOW se diploma in DPMT kar raha u mai IIST me btech me admiSION LENA CHATA HU KYA PROCESER H PLZ TELL ME
sir,how i give the exam? i get full process to apply the isat 2012 exam?
respected sir,
i have 87 % in 10th but have only 65% in 10+2 can i eligible for this exam please answer me fast.
Girls who are appearing for 2012, march, 2 nd year intermediate examination, are eligible or not for 2012 entrance
i am studying diploma in Electronics Engineering,is there any hope to get an admission in iist?
I’ll pass12th class in 2012. I am from kakdwip please sent me an application form.
sir, i want to see paper pattern?
respected sir i m currently completing my h.s.c from pune board can i attend this exam and does our pune MHT-cet marks matter in isat exam
Sir maine 12th 2011 me complete kiya tha or maine isat exam 2011 me nahi diya tha, to kya sir main 2012 me exam de sakta hu
Dear Sir,
May you tell which is the best book to prepare for this exam?
sir, what is the minimum marks required to qualify iist exam.
My son (native of Kerala) studied in Tamil Nadu.Is he eligible for IISt test?
where we get form of iist examination
Respected sir/madam, May i know the qualifying marks Number of appearing time Iam intrested in physical sciences,let me know duration of the course and places where the courses available,the total amount for the course which references i have to follow Availability of broucher Thank you
How many times can one attend this isat exam?
dear sir,
may u tel which is the best book to prepare for this exam???? and what is the cut off ??
I’ll pass 12th class in 2012. Can I give IIST exam in the next year?
Respected sir, i am studying in +1 when i can apply for ISAT2012 and which mark list have to be submitted?
sir, i am in interested in aeronautical engineering. what is the procedure to get addmission in the institute. and also how can apply for this…….???
sir,how can i get the application forum? please sir ……..
how to register for IIST entrance examination by online
can 12TH appearing,appear in iist exam
from where,can we get the form for it?
i am completed my diploma in Electrical & Electronics Engineering,is there any hope to get an admission in iist?
how to apply online for iist?
Sir,could you plz tell me wot is the range of employment of the degree of IIST?Will we be able to get admitted in other insititution with the score of IIST if I fail to score the cut off mark?
can i have my dream true that
.i will be a space scintist
where get the application form?
sir , where get the application form?
Where can I get the application forms?
respected sir,
I am interested in aeronautical engineering but i got only 65% in plus two and also i am a general caterogry, can i eligible for this exam, please sir i am really interested in this field
Sir i am nibin iwant to know that howmany charges apply for this course
good after noo sir/madam.please tell me how to get the application form of iist 2012.i am in 12th class.i want to fill the entrance exam and also please give the syllabus for this exam.
iam ramu inter completed how many years cource
iam ramu inter completed how many years in your cource
iam ramu sir inter completed cource enni years untundi sir naaku english raadhu andhuke telugu lo pampanu.
sir from where i could collect the application form
how can i do the online registration
for how many marks the test will be conducted what is the pass mark eligible marks?test pattern?
respected sir
i am living in ernakulam from where we will get the application form.
Respected sir,
I wish to know more about the IIST course and it’s period,
Sir will u plz give me the datas?
please mail me iiat application form 2012 as soon as possible.
Respected sir,
i am studying in +2 and please send me the application form for IIST exam
sir,can i pass this exam easily.what about salary .WILL U PLZ GIVE ME SOME MODEL QUESTIONS
iam complete my +2 in 2009,may i can register for iist entrance2012?
Is there any way to get under graduation Engineering course for Aerospace after complete Diploma In Electronics Engineering ?
AB Gohain
I have been appearing for improvment in pcm .can i fill this form?
What is dispersion?
I am 1st time found this type of topic in mathematics.
& sir 2nd doubt is,
Is there any facility
of going space in 1st
year of reading in that institute.
If yes, i will must pass this exam.
Sir, please reply quick.
Thanks’ you
Respected sir i am studying in +1 when i can apply for this exam.
i want to became a aeronautical engineer but now i am studied 6 years integrated course in IIIT,R.K.valley.now i am studied 12(puc 2nd year)th but i don’t have enough knowledge so i am unable to write this exam.After one year can i write this exam?
Dear Sir,
what is actual fees for 1 year and fees of hostel? please mail me sample queston and answer papers and where will i get the examination sample books. please suggest which book i have to buy.
in kerala where do we have entrance coaching class for isat entrance examination?
how can join iist undergratuat program.
How to get a online registration form?
i am bsc math student and now i am 22 year old can i write
the iist exam
what is the salary after done thi s course
sir,i am over age what can i do
good evening sir ,
i want to knew how the preperation of iist exam did and total number required to quelified it?????????????
what is fees for 1 year and fees of hostel?
If I prepare for IIT exam, can I pass the exam easily???
how much the exam fee
I am now in 12th science.My 12th science is running. can i give the entrace exam?
i am living in ahmedabad . is it possible to get training
in ahmedabad. and i want to know how much fee would
pay to get coaching in isat.
how much duration period is there to get coaching in isat.
my education is running in 12th science and 12th exam and result would be
held in march and may respectively 2012
can i give this test in march 2012 in iast
There is any extra arrangement or seat for IIST Entrance examination.
sir can u please mail me sample queston and answer papers
I am studying in +2 and i am from kerala please send me an application form. my email id is sujithsoman.hpd@gmail.com
what is simlarities b/w iit&iist
Respected Sir
Now i am studying in +12 . I would like to know more about this course -Is there a special exam for this or the students will be selected from top ranks of JEE-IIT examimation.Since in this field their is high competition is their any other qualification needed like(more than 90%).If so please mail me
Thank you
i am studying in class 12 and preparing for iit-jee.how should i modify my study to be eligible for isat.
is there only space technology or other eng courses like ece mec cec etc
i have qualified 12th exam in 2010.can i applying form iist in 2012
I’m reading in class XII. Am I eligible for ISAT 2012 ?
Now im studying +12(group-2ed com & maths)
im from a rural village
what should i do for becomeing an Astreonut?
i am an student of jadavpur university in 2nd year.my session is 2010 to 2013 and will be completed on may 2013. am i eligible for applying for “IIST Admission Test 2012″?
Sir,iam studying plus2 at present.am i eligible to write ISAT-2012????please kindly provide me required information…..
how many times can we write this exam?
respected sir,
i am studying 12std(2011) in andhra pradesh. can i write the isat exam
next year,please send to my mail.
sir,iam a +2 student can i apply for the test if yes
whatis the registration fees
i m diploma holder in electronics & communication engg. from SBTE jharkhand of session 2008 to 2011.
i want to take addmission in indian institute of space science & technology. what will i have to do for it. please advice me.
i am an student of govt. polytechnic jharkhand in third year. my session is 2008 to 2011 and will be completed on may 2012. am i eligible for applying for “IIST Admission Test 2012″?
what is inside a black hole?
how to get admission in iist in m.tech program
I am studying in 10+2 . Can i apply for the entrance test for IIST.
need few practice papers to check out the pattern please publish it
wats the entrance exams fee
sir,can i apply form in appearing??
Respected sir,
i would like to know the fee structures of IIST courses and how many semesters are including in it?
what is the fee for the exam IIST. kindly inform me through my email .
is there any rebate or discount for female candidate?
is there any criteria regarding class XI result?
thank you
kriti bothra
Hello sir i study in 12th exam for tamil medium so i will write in tamil medium test?
dear respected sir,
I have completed three years engineering diploma in electronics & communication engineering with 70.24%.i am 21 years old.so can i apear in IIST Admission Test 2012 ????
iam msc space science student, and now iam 21years old. can i write the isat exam……………
sir, can I aplied this exam. My 10 persent is 64 and 12 persent is 76.
How many attempts for iist entrance exam after +2 if not selected in 1st. attempt.
i am doing my +2 how should i prepare please mention your adress of the centre in chennai.
sir..! i am b.tech final year student in electrical and electronics..sir i need to know is IIST provides m.tech courses ? thank you
can you please tell me what is the best subject choice among the subject which IIST provide if any one want to be astronaut?
iwant isat pratice papers to prepare
can we get last years’ question paper ?
I am just now in +2 and interested in aerospace engineering
can i appear aerospace engienering?
Dear Sir,
i have passed 10+2 in science stream with 69% and i belongs to BC (Backword Class). Can i eligible for this test. Kindly help me.
how many time can i attemp for iist
wat are the eligibility criteria for iist if not +2 exams………and how many attempts are allowed to pass the exam….
i want to know how many percentage marks 12th board for iist
what if this exams clashes with other competitive exams like IIT,AIEEE etc……….????????????
I am a 12th standard student under the Kerala syllabus with average study skills. Yet my ambition is to study astrophysics (otherwise aeronautics) and work for the ISRO. Sir, will I require any extra coaching to pass through the ISAT? If so what to do ? Will online classes reference of the above mentioned books be enough?
I have passed diploma engineering in metallurgy in 2010 my question is may eligible for IIST admission test or not.
Please send application form for iist entrance exam 2012.
when will be the application form for IIST entrance examination form(2012) published?
Sir / Madam,
can i get last few years question paper of IIST Entrance Examination ?
The Exam is on 21st pf April, but the higher secondary results are announced in the month of May. So how come we will get to know if the student has secured 70% above marks and is eligible for the IIST entrance exam or not????????????
respected sir
I am just now in +2 and interested in aerospace engineering
but also interested in theoretical and experimental physics and
also mathematics and so I also want to have courses in these subjects . Can I get all three in the institution.
sir i am a diploma holder in electrical engg.i would like to write iist entrance exam 2012. can i write it or not. sir then one more thing i do not have +2 and i studied THSLC in 10th, but i must want to become an aeranautical engineering
sir,i am giving my class 12 exam this year .can i appear in isat 2012?
sir where i get the IIST application form??
respected sir,
i m aautomobile diploma student and i like to write iist entrance exam 2012. can i write it or not. sir then one more thing in +2 i studied commerce but i must want to become an aeranautical engineering
would IIST have placement in NASA
sir want ask you that i am BE final year student in stream ECE may i take addmission in B.tech. in ISRO 2012. PLZ GIVE ME ANS
i l
ike iist because my ambition is to become a scientist.iam live in thrissur.but there is no exam center?
Whether the job is assured after completion of the course. Provided I come through sucessful.
sir, can you kindly send me the date of online registration to my mail id ? and hw can i get the application form sir?
my mail id is :- abhiharshan@gmail.com
i want to become an aeronautical engineer.shall i write iist after 12th or after engineering.when is the date of the exam 2012?how can i get the application form?
Can i pursue my Msc geology from IIST.WHAT are the eligibility criteria for it
sir i am studied in 12 from up board in this year iwant to crash the exam of iist so how will do his preperartin
where i get iist application form?
where i get application form?
where i get application form
which class can we join iist. and after 12th from which subject should we study for iist.
how many times we can attempt iist exam .
SIR have IIST placment in NASA?
regarding the criterion for selection & after selection?
where i will get the previous year question paper of ISAT?
How many marks for join it
respected sir , i am 12 th state board student aspiring to get into iit can i appear for the entrance exam and score more marks? but i have studied in cbse upto 10 th
Hello sir,
I am a student of M.Sc.in physics and want to join ISRO as a research scientist / assistant scientist . What exams should I have to appear for this?
i am iit student of 10+1 ,i need information regarding the syllabus to crack the isat and books to be prepared.
May i know that, where should i get the application form?
Can i get some model papers for the practice of IIST exam ?
I would like to know the last date to applyfor IIST entrance exam?
thanking you…
pls tell me the books for preparation for isat 2012 or how should i prepare for it.
I got 52% in pcm can i join to iist for aerospace without
i want model questions of iist.
what is the syllabus required to prepare for the iist exam?
sir i have scored 54 in science and 69 in maths n i am from icse board sir can i appear for iit n if yes den how should i increase my %
Sir i want to know more history about iist and curriculum and the cut-off marks of ISAT.Thank you sir.
iam a student of class 12
may i know the exat date on which yours next years admission test will be conducted…..
and also the correct portions and the standard ofthe exam??????
………….also is there reservations available???
i have already applied for the exam but i have not received the hall ticket
how i know my application confirm and when my admit card come
i am also appearing in vit center in lakhnow then reply my center in lakhnow
please tell me the complete procedure of admission including registration for admission,date of exams e.t.c………..
I am studying 11th std. I want to join in IIST after finishing my 12th. Either the board exam marks in 12th or the mark of the entrance examination of IIST is considered.
we require information about application forms and the branch present in VISHAKAPATNAM.
Will X-regular candidates submit IIST forms?
please show the last date for applying in iist entrance exam 2011.
What is eligibility for entrance exam and chances for m.tech
now i am in second year engg. In mechanical stream
plzzz reply i am waiting for path of my dream
when iist test will be conduct
places in agra where iist application forms are avaliable?
my brother is in 12th. pls send us the application form for B-tech engr.. & Aerospace engr.. in iist 2010
tell me the exat date of iist 2010
i m doing B.TECH in bio tech from BANASTHALI UNI.JAIPUR Raj.
i m in 1st yr. bt going in space is my aim so u plzzz help me & tell the process to crack the IIST entrance exam?
i think it has a well develouped faculty
like to knowexam date for iist 2011 exam and it seems that vitee also on the same date…………so many can’t appear the exam ?????????/
How many seat are there in iist??
How can i get through iit-jee(cut-off marks)!
Plz reply me fast sir.
Qualification to apply this iist exam please send details
What is the procedure and elligibility apply for IIST.
like to knowexam date for iist 2011 exam and admission date
what is the minimum cut off in IIT-JEE to get admission in IIST??
last date to appy this for 12th appearing student
last date to appy this for 12th appearing student
memu ncert syllubus chadhuvuthunnamu. maku related question dhaniloo adugutara? ledha? please reply to me sir.
what is the cutoff marks in ISAT?
Which books shall I prefer for the IIST exam
hello sir may i that where shd i get the form of registration of iist?
i passed 12th exam in 2009 i will eligeble for the post?
I want to take IIST entrance test this year. Can you guide me which book I should refer or is there any coaching class for this test.
Thanks & Regards,
can you suggest me to read that book wich help me clear the enterance exam iist plz give a list of that books thanks you
your reader
i am now in 12th standard &want to apply the iist exam. respected sir,you are requested to send details such as which book should i prefer, syllabus, ranking in iit,cut-off marks for iist. THANKS
respect sir,
i am now in +2th.i want to give iist exam. please give me the exam date and exam model papers.
my email id “shanvinvalappil@gmail.com”
thank you,
respect sir,
i am now in 12th std.i have sub math,bio,chem,phys.
i am from kerala.i want to give iist exam.if you dont mind please give me the exam date and eligibility for passing the exam and exam model papers.
my email id “shanvinvalappil@gmail.com”
thank you,
Sir, iam divya in Tamilnadu ,now i am studying ECE 1st year but i would like to become a astronaut in future, What step should i take now itself?Please sir guide me.you will be a guide to start my life.
sir, how many percentage required in 12 class for eligbility of iist.
hello sir,
i want to become an aeronautical engg. and also i want to write entrance exam iist.. so, pls send an invitation about the application form and exam date… hope u send me my invitation to my email id n my mob.. no. 9894263384..
sir i am studying iiit 2nd year at vijayavada in nuzvid,i would like to write iist exam please send me how to prepare iist exam.please send some model question papers about iist exam
iam a +2 student preparing for entrance exam.please sent me application form.
my self garima class xii i want to apply the iist exam please send me date of the entre exam and syllabus model papers,application ,prospects for enterence exam of IIST 2011 send me above information on my id
thanking you.
my self DEV-ASHISh class xii i want to apply the iist exam please send me date of the entre exam and syllabus model papers,application ,prospects for enterence exam of IIST 2011 send me above information on my id
thanking you.
respected Sir,
i am now in 12th std. i have sub math, bio, chem, phys.
i am from Maharashtra.i want to give iist exam. If you don’t mind please give me the exam date & eligibility for passing the exam .
my Email id is pujahirve@gmail.com
thanking you,
After 12th for how many years we can give this exam
I am student of physics honers, now in part 2, how can i prepare for iist exam and please send me information regarding the syllabus.
my self rohit saini class xii i want to apply the iist exam please send me detof the entre exam and syllabus model papers thanks
sir I am now studied in computer application,in final year i complete the in april 2011. i complete in 10th and 12th in tamilnadu at the average for 10th 82.6% and 12th (physics, chemistry, mathematics) - 72.6%
now I join from iist B.tech program it is my humble request
now i eligible for write from iist exam
sir iam studying degree to apply iist to write exam also please qualification
sir,i m omprakash passed 12th in2009.can i attend this IIST in tish year.
myself Akib ali from assm wants to appear iist exam, please send me informations regarding the syllabus, date of (exam and online registration)and model of quetion papers for 2011 .i am in class xii.
thanking you.
sir i am studying iiit 2nd year at vijayavada in nuzvid,i would like to write iist exam please send me how to prepare iist exam.please send some model question papers about iist exam
what is the pattern of the question paper?,please give sample question paper . what are the qualifications to write the examination.please give the full details.thank you.
dear sir,
i m right now studyin in class 11th, mumbai (isc) podar school… i want to clear some of my doubts-
1) will my isc portion help me atleast a bit for iist exam??
2) and i have heard that from now on selections will not be through iit-jee primary and extended list and instead will conduct your own exam????????????
I am a student pursuing B.E Mechanical engineering in Tamilnadu. My prime interest was to study aerospace engineering(both UG and PG) but unluckily I had to opt for mechanical engineering . Yet I am interested in studying aerospace and so I need to know about the post graduate programs offered by the institution. And I want to pursue the degree to study aerospace as a whole and not specifically in any branch of aerospace.So please offer me the suggestions.
My Email-Id: hari4409@gmail.com
i m in 11 & want to prepare for iist exam
Only cleared +2 in science streem Or need some percentage
I am very enthsiastic in joining iist. I am in 11th standard right now and I am studying in matriculation syllabus. I scored 469 out of 500 in my board exam. How much do I need to prepare right now. Plz send me all the details.
Thank You.
Respected sir
i’m in 12th science now, i’m from karnataka. i’m very enthusiastic in gettin into iist college. sir can u tel me what all things i need to do from now.
Sir i am in 11th std. i want to prepare for IIST your gudience and i want some model quiestion paper and total details please
How much rank should i achieve in IIT to get an admission in IIST?
honrable sir i m presently preparing for jee but i want to b in iist plz help me thats all>
saurabh raj
how to get admission in iist
what postgraduate courses do you offer and their scope?
Can i know the age limit to appear for IIST entrance exam? I’m interested in doing B.Tech Physical Sciences. Please let me know the eligibility, age limit, score needed. Thank you.
sunil kumar
Can i know the age limit to appear for IIST entrance exam? I’m interested in doing B.Tech in aerospace programme. Please let me know the eligibility, age limit, score needed. Thank you.
Dear Sir,
recently i come to know that for B. Tech. programme, iist is conducting a sperate entrance exam. which will be conducted collegewise, My request u to furnish the details of the same of email id.
Thanking u in anticipation
respected sir,
i would like to know the details of the iist exams for the year 2011……
the exam will be held separately or through iit-jee as usual…..
also i need to know the syllabus for the same…. i’ll be obliged for this act.
Respected sir,………….i am in great need of previous years question papers so dat i can improve my skills.n which will help me to get through iist2010 so i request u to mail me some ques. papers…..i will be very grateful to u for this kind act
respected sir,
i’ll be thankfull if i could get previous years question papers of isat….kindly consider and mail some question papers…..
respected sir,………….i am in great need of previous years question papers so dat i can improve my skills.n which will help me to get through iist2010 so i request u to mail me some ques. papers..i will be very grateful to u for this kind act
respected sir,………….i am in great need of previous years question papers so dat i can improve my skills.n which will help me to get through iist2010 so i request u to mail me some ques. papers…..i will be very grateful to u for this kind act
Sir, I just want to know that what are the min. cutoff marks required for a person to get admission in IIST. And I even want sample que. papers. From where can I get them?? please reply as soon as possible.
I need last year question papers for preparing for ISAT exam.
i need some model question paper
can i get few question papers of previous years.
Sir, I want solved entrance exam paper of IIST-2009
sir, please mail me isat 2010 full syllabus & complete sample papers
sir, please sent me the sample papers of iist .I want to have an idea of the types of questions .
respected sir,………….i am in great need of previous years question papers so dat i can improve my skills.n which will help me to get through iist2010 so i request u to mail me some ques. papers…..i will be very grateful to u for this kind act……….
can i get last few years question papers
can i get last year question paper for IIST entrance exam?
Respected sir,
I am really looking forward to get in to
the nations proud ISRO.
so i would request you sir to give me details
about the IIST entrance exam,its admission form
and the books to be reffered.
I have high enthusiasm to enroll myself in
And sir recently have given my 12th Karnataka
board exams in P.C.M.B.
Waiting to get your reply soon.
Thankyou sir
can i get last few years question paper of IIST Entrance Examination ?
What is the syllabus of IIST Entrance
is any other exam except IIT-JEE and 12th board is required to get selected in IIST?
Please let me know where can i get the model question papers for iist entrance exam.
where i can get the paper of iist 2009
please give me the answer as early you can
i am a B.E.Mechanical engineering student.My ambition is to become an astronomer.i want to do U.G in IIST . but i am not able to do it.Now i want to do p.g. course in IIST.can i do it?
sir, how will i have to chek my application status?
What average percent is required in hsc PCM GROUP to take admission in engennearing THROUGH AIEEE
sir,i should question paper but i am not receive
i want to know abt criteria of examination..
n some solved exam. paper
plz do rpl…
as days r passing … for exam..
I am appearing S.Y.Bsc(IT).
I want do aerospace engineering from UK and US.
I want to know which entrance I have to give for eligible for
aerospace engineering.
sir,i want previous years solved question papers. where can i get them.
i want to known that which book i take for preparation of iist entrance exam
I need model question papers for PhD entrance exam for Space and Earth sciences
can i apply for the form now….
because i hav lready been late.. kindly send me the response to my email acct……
my id is suarswapna@gmail.com
Respected sir ,
i want to known that which book i take for preparation of iist entrance exam
give me the full information about iist entrance examination and about its job placement
Respected Sir,
I need previous year solved question papers for iist and the scheme of question papers.Please send them to my email address.
sir,after sumition of form online i miss my application form plz give it, so i can post that with dd…………..
model paper of IIST
respected sir,
i need previous year solved question papers and the scheme of question paper
sir, i want to join as a scientist in ISRO and now i am studying 3r
b-tech ece what i have to do for is any need to do m tech
what exam to write and what branch to take in m-tech
respected sir,
i need previous year solved question papers and the scheme of question paper
Sir, from where I can get application form offline…..?? please reply me urgently….plz
sir, i am not able download the application form of IIST 2010, plz suggest me how to download application form.
sir, what is the minimum percentage required in XII class for iist
I just wanted to know about the last year’s paper
can u please help me
in whose faviour the iist form will be send…??????
how many questions will be there in ISAT-2010
While filling the application form,there is a column for application fee under the dd details.how much amount should be filled there??
sir,i am not able to apply online can you plz tell me the reason!
where the app. forms available. i m unable 2 apply the form by online.pls help me in my no. +918103521577
i want information broucher
may i get the site of iist
where iist regarding all information must b available
when is the last date for the registration?
i want to know is ISRO is conducting its own examination individually for 12th class students for admission in B.tech.
if yes or not please inform me immediately.
so i can take further steps.
sir,i have registered for isat entrance exam 2010. but i am not able to gain access to the main application form with the password you have sent me .
Sir, I have applied for registratin for ensuing entereance exam for under graduate cour4se.
For registration of application form I have yet not received pass word. please guide
is it impotant to qualify iit to give this examination(iist)?
how to submit iist form
My son has applied for JEE 2010.Is he able to take admission in IIST through JEE 2010 or he need to apply separately for IIST 2010.
is this the first time iist is conducting its own exam?
what is the cost of form of IISt,how much amount DD should i make
sir. I had cleard my 10+2 examination with 63% science stream in up bord 2009..Session…..m i eligible fr the iist entrance exam?
what is the last date to get form of entrance exam iist
respected sir,
i need previous year solved question papers and the scheme of question paper
iist entrance exam test 2010 application form site
I need previous question papers for iist
please send them to my email address
is there any entrance test other than IIT
I am appering 12th board exam in 2010. can i able to apper in IIST.
Sir i want to know that i m student of UP Board so may i join this course???
sir, I want to do career in theoretical physics so is i do study theoretical physics in there?please reply me …………… ……………………………..i waiting for answer thank you?????
i have got only 58% in 10 cbse board exam can write the entrance exam of iist in 2010
i have got only 58% in 10 cbse board exam can write the entrance exam of iist
what is the syllabus for IIST admission test ?
i am doing XII science kvs with Physics, Chemistry, Maths , english & computer.i will appear for IIT entrance exams this year. is i am eligible to apply for IIST B.E admission. Does your institute recognise kvs . Please Reply.
I need previous question papers for iist
last year question papers?
how many college of iist ?& where ?
what are the modes of payment of fee for ISAT-2010?
i’m in appearing student of std-12.i want to know how to take admissionin iist,isro 2010.
i’m in appearing student of std-12.i want to know how to take admission iist,isro.
Sir please tell me the whole syllbus for the exam iist
What profit would we get by IIST Exam?
is it important 2 write iit to appear in iist?
what is the syllabus for the entance exam this year being conducted by iist
where in dehradun are the forms for iist available?
what is the criteria of filling the forms ?
how forms can be downloded or getting the forms ?
is it important to appear in IIT-JEE ? Iam only appearing in AIEEE ?
what is the syllabus for entrance examination ?
when will the application forms for iist entrance realise
How much annual fee is required (admission & hostel)?
How many branch are available in iist for B.Tech ?
Is it compulsory to pass IIT-JEE?
Upto what rank candidates of IIT-JEE were selected in IIST?
sir i am himanshu, i would like to know about eligbility critiera for examination how much marks we need to have in 10th and 12th.please reply
when will the admission forms come in the market?are the forms filled only online or else can be posted also? plz tell me the important dates regarding the admission.
what is the normal cut off criterion for iist obc’s candidates?
when the new form for 2010 will come and what will be the cost of the form
what is the minimum percentage or rank needed in ISAT 2010 to get admission in IIST.I am appearing for AIEEE.Is it compulsory to write IIT-JEE?
when the new form for 2010 will come and what will be the cost of the form.
where can i get the form .
pleasetell the course that will come in the examination.
where this examination will be held.
last date of submission.
please tell as sooon as possible
does the institute provide any courses for student intrested in electronics & communication ??..plz let me know..
what is eligiblity for writing exam isat2010
what is the syllabus
about entrance exam
is it same as iit exams or different
model question papers
Among the provided 3 B-tech courses , which would be most suitable for females students ???
from 2010 will the admissions be only through the iist exam or both iist and iit jee exam . What was the iit jee rank of the students admitted in iist 2009 . Will be helpful if it is on the web somewhere .
sir, from where shall i get iist entrace exam form and last date for sending application
application form of p.hd adv no.iist/18/11/09 dated 8/12/09 is not opening ,ihave done the D.D,please sir guide me
sir,what is the syllabus for iist.
what is thge registration fees of the application form of iist 2010?
Check this blog for latest update.
without appear in iit exam can I get admission in iist?
When is the entrance exam is being conducted for iist admission
where the iist form is avaibale in hydrebad
As i heard that there is a test for students who have completed intermediate by this academic year and a chance to study in isro and the total cost of study born by organisation and the student paid stiphend too.Is it correct or not, i want to know .
how much does it cost for the applicatoin?
i want to take admission in entrance exam 2010,what is the procedure for admission,last date and eligibility criyeria?
what is the procedure & syllabus for iist exam?
please give information about iist admission process whow can my doughter can take admission in entrance exam 2010
Can i know the age limit to appear for IIST entrance exam? I’m interested in doing B.Tech Physical Sciences. Please let me know the eligibility, age limit, score needed. Thank you.
sir. I had cleard my 10+2 examination with science stream in 2007..Session…..m i eligible fr the iist entrance exam?
i am appearing for IITJEE in 2010. do i have to write a separate entrance test for IIST? if so, can you please give me the necessary details?
today is dec 3rd and i am interested to give isat 2010.how should i apply?where will i get a form for applying to give the entrance exam?is it necessary to get atleast a rank in iit after giving iitjee?or is it just that we have to only give iitjee?
wgen and where is the test for admission to iist 2010 will be held.
what is the syllabus for the test. kindly furnish all the details
for seeking admission to the institute for my son who is writing
his 12th standard board exams under isc syllabus to be held
during march 2010
when will be the iist exam will be held?have they given any information about applications forms?
I want to have admission in IIST.I am trying my best to clear IIT-JEE exam.Now my question is that if i get selected in IIT-JEE extended list than there will be atleast 50000 more students who are also selected in IIT-JEE extented merit list than how will you select 150 students from 50000 student?Will there be any test from you also?If I get rank in IIT-JEE exam main list then shall I get direct admission in IIST?
Mt daughter is appearing for IIT Jee in 2010, how do I seek admission for her in IIST/BE in the year 2010, what the min. qualifications, admission calendar and criteria.
Pls help me in understanding that.
Is it correct that IIST is going to conduct its own entrance test.
sir i am preparing for class XII and i want to know that how much rank in iit jee is necessary for admission in iist for the jone of aerospace engineering.
please tell the date of JRF examination;
I gave my higher secondary this year. I got 55% in PCM group but only 31% in maths . I am preparing for iit-jee next year. If i get selected in the main list am i eligibile to get admission for aerospace engineering in iist ?
this year iam doing my XI.i took comuter science group,includes(maths physics chemistry and computer science).i like to do B.E. aerospace engineering in your institute . what are the qualifications do you want.Is there any need to write IITJEE? or any other entance examination……..
I am presently persuing B.Tech in Aerospace Engg from University of Petroleum n Energy Studies Dehradun UK India, in 3rd year. I want to make my career in Space Applications field. So is there any course for post graduation in IIST which I can join after my B.tech n what are the requirements?? Please reply.
I saw in Hindu news paper that from 2010 onwards separate entrance exams will be conducted to join IIST. Is it true or not?
I am thinking to study BSC and MSC physics in IIST is it necessary to appear IIT entrance test for this course also. Is there any further additional options to study the course of BSC and MSC without appearing the entrance test.
what type of work in iist
My daughter is doing XII science from NIOS with Physics, Chemistry, Maths , english & computer. She will be appearing for IIT entrance exams this year. Is she eligible to apply for IIST B.E admission. Does your institute recognise NIOS Senior secondary exams. Please Reply.