SBI Clerk Recruitment Exam Papers
The largest bank of our country is State Bank of India-SBI. It holds the SBI Clerk Exam every year for 11,000 clerk vacancies.
The clerical exam of SBI is held in two stages. The first stage is written exam and then there is an interview for the SBI clerks.
The marks scored in the two stages above mentioned are added and on the basis of it the final merit list of the candidates selected is decided.
Exam Pattern:
The questions of the SBI Clerk Written Test are all objective type. The exam consists of the following papers:
1. Quantitative Aptitude.
2. General Awareness.
3. Reasoning Ability.
4. General English.
5. Marketing Aptitude / Computer Knowledge.
There is also a provision for negative marking. For each wrong answer attempted one-fourth mark is deducted. This is applicable for all the objective questions in all the papers mentioned above. So the candidates must be cautious before attempting a question. The questions which one is not sure about should not be attempted.
The candidates sitting for the exam have to pass in each of the papers separately and also have to score at least 40% marks in aggregate, i.e. , all the tests considered together. The percentage required by SC/ST/PWD/XS candidates is 35% in aggregate.SBI sends the Acquaint Yourself booklet with the call letter for the written test. All the detailed information and guidelines for the exam are given in this booklet.
The study material for the exam is available in market or can be obtained online.
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- Download SBI Clerk Recruitment Exam Question Paper 1
- Download SBI Clerk Recruitment Exam Question Paper 2
- Download SBI Clerk Recruitment Exam Question Paper 3
- Download SBI Clerk Recruitment Exam Question Paper 4
- Download SBI Clerk Recruitment Exam Question Paper 5
- Download SBI Clerk Recruitment Exam Question Paper 6
- Download SBI Clerk Recruitment Exam Question Paper 7
- Download SBI Clerk Recruitment Exam Question Paper 8
- Download SBI Clerk Recruitment Exam Question Paper 9
- Download SBI Clerk Recruitment Exam Question Paper 10
- Andhra Bank Clerk Recruitment Papers
- SBI Clerical Entrance Exam Pattern
- SBI Bank PO Papers
- How to prepare for Bank Clerical Exam?
- Public Sector Banking Jobs after Graduation
- Public Sector Banking Jobs after Graduation
- Defence Banking Advisor, Assistant Manager, State Bank of India
- Vijaya Bank, Clerks Exam Papers
- SBI PO Exam Eligibility Criteria
- Pay scale for Library Clerk in Government Jobs
- Clerk cum Data Entry Operator, Steno Typist, BDSUHS
- Accountant/Accounts Clerk - Punjab State Warehousing Corporation
- Chief Manager, Deputy Manager, State Bank of India
- SBI Clerk Exam Books
- SBI Placement Preparation Tips and Placement Process
Do you have any question? Please ask:
1,332 Responses to “SBI Clerk Recruitment Exam Papers”
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sir,please send me last ten years sbi clerk solved papers
sir, i have passed 10th from CBSE board with 84.6% marks & I have also passed 12th from CBSE board with 52.2% marks. so can I eligible for exam of clerk. please help me
sir, i am pabitra narayan dash i want to become a sbi clerk so please sir give me some important suggestion how to prepare for written exam and also give me previous 5 years question papers.
Can you figure out of this question.
1) All Petal are flowers.
Flowers are not Petals.
Please give a ans….
kindly send me question paper with solutions plz urgent send on my mail i d thanks
a number when successively divided by 1,5 and 8 leave remainders 1, 4and7 respectively find the respective remainder if the order of divisors be reversed
good morning sir, please send me last 5years sbi cleark recruitment questions papers of all subjects my email id is
[email protected]
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Kindly send me sbi clerk exam papers with solution for the last five years………request you to send the same on an urgent basis
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What is the name of the software used for data processing?
sir,please send me last 5 years sbi clerk exam solved question papers of all subjects my email id is [email protected]
good morning sir, please send me last 5years sbi cleark recruitment questions papers of all subjects my email id is [email protected]
please send me previous year SBI clerk atleast 5 question papers my email id is [email protected]
Sir. please send me last 10years sbi cleark recruitment questions papers of all subjects
I need previous 5 year sbi clerk paper. Plz send me to my email address.
Ie [email protected]
sir,please send me last 10 years sbi solved papers to my mail
my mail id:[email protected]
on may 19,2013
plz sir send me last 5years clearks paper send my email id par.thanks
can you plz tell me forms kb ayenge and the procedure
I wanted to apply for the next clerk exam conducted by SBI I don’t no how to apply please guide me and when will those exams be held and also send me last 2 solved question papers of clerk exams of SBI
plz give me last 10 years previous papers of SBI Clerk Exam Question Papers on my email id on [email protected] plz plz plz….
What is pass mark each subjects?
pls send me at least last 02 years sbi po’s exam solved question papers. pls do needdfull. Also give detail of next exam date and when and how to apply.
Thank you
Pls send the SBI PO Solved question papers last 3 years.
pls do the needful………..
When this exam is helding,, plz send exam dates and requirments for sbi exam….
Oinam Inaoba singh
sir i am Shahin
i want to become a bank officer
sir please send me some shortcut for maths
sir kindly plz send me some model question papers for sbi exams
i want sbi clerical recruitment exams papers, kindly sent to me urgently
i want sbi clerical recruitment exames paperes ,please sent to me urgently
plssend 5yrs sbi clerk question paper with answer to send my id
sir,sbi model paper send my email id
sir please send me sbi model question papers
plz Sir, send 5 Years Question paper for cleark Recruitment Exam on my Mail Id. [email protected]
sir please send me the previous papers of sbi clericl exam, and with that if posible send me some reading material also.. thanks.
please, send 5yrs previous question papers for sbi associates clerks examinations my email id : [email protected]
please, send 5yrs previous question papers for sbi associates clerks examinations
plz. sand me last 5 yr papers of SBI Clerk exam on my email id
sir plz send me last 4 yrs solved question paper of sbi clerk exam to my mail sir,[email protected]
sir plz send me previous five years question papers
Sir plese send me last 5year question paper to my mail id [email protected]
plz sir,send 5 yrs previous question to my mail sir,[email protected]
dear sir, plz. sand me last 5 yr papers of SBI Clerk exam on my email id. [email protected]
Which book should I refer for IBPS PO exam model paper. Please tell me.
plzzzzzzzzzz .. snd me last 5 yr papers of sbi clerk on my id.
xcuseme sir can you send the previous 5years modl papers of sbi clericl xam with solved answers to my email id was [email protected]
hi sir….,plz send previous 5years sbi clerk question solved papers to mial id asap…,
sir, i request you to send exam papers of sbi clerical cadre of previous examson my email id [email protected] i have apploied for bank clerk exams which are going to be held in oct2012
dear sir, plz snd me last 5 yr papers of sbi clerk exam on my email id.
my email id is [email protected]
Sir I want last 10 years solved question papers of sbi clerk exam to my mail id..
Good Evening sir,
my name is B Jagannath iam preparing for sbi associates clerk exam.please send new model papers and last 10years sbi quuestion papers with solutions for practice purpose to this mail id:[email protected] and also give some suggestions.pls give me reply iam waiting for ur reply.
sir,please send me last 10 years sbi solved papers to my mail
my mail id- [email protected]
sir please send me previous 5 years sbi question papers to my email id …
[email protected]
sir,my wife preparing for sbi associates clerk exam.please send new model papers for practice purpose to this mail.and also give some suggestions.
10 years SBI Clerk Recruitment Exam Papers
hello sir, please send last 5 years sbi qustion papers and solved papers.
please send to my email .
my email id:[email protected]
sir please send me previous 5 years sbi question papers to my email id … [email protected]
plz send me previous 10 year sbi solved paper to my mail id.
n my mail id is [email protected]
hello sir, i m going to give the entrance test of sbi clerical post in october so please send me some important test papers or previous year test papers to my email id.
sir this is the request that i want the previous question papers of the sbi clerk examination and i want the study material for the sbi clerks
sir,please send me last 10 years sbi solved papers to my mail
my mail id:[email protected]
I want the previous question paper of sbi clerical test.
hi sir,
please send me previous sbi clerical exam question papers
please send me the previous solved question papers of sbi clerk 2012 exam.plz send me my email address …..
[email protected]
thanx purnima
good evening sir, I’m poor in quantative n reasoning.can u plz send me some tips hw 2 prepare it n send some previous papers.
Previous State Bank Of India clerical exam question papers and answers
sir i want SBI clerical exam model papers to prepare fpr the exam.
sir i am preparing for sbi associate clerk,so please send me previous papers and model papers mainly your suggestions to get the job.
sir please send me previous 5 years sbi question papers to my email id … [email protected]
please send me the previous question papers of sbi clerk 2012 exam
sir my name is manvi.i want to become a bank po.recently i applied to sbi i requested u to send sbi previous 5 years quetion papers and also give some suggetions how to get this job.
Sir, pls send me previous sbi clerck exam all paper’s.
when will the result of recruitment test for clerical posts which was held on 27 may 2012,come?plz inform me the date of disclosure of this result,i’ll be glad,
Plz send me rercuitment info
sir i am 33 year old married and want to apply for sbi exams.can i appear and when and how is the form filled.kindly guide me. thanks
sir i want 2012 sbi paper held on 3 june 2012 please send me sir.
plz send me sbi clerk 27th may solved question paper
sir, please send sbi clerks exam question papers held on 27 May & 03 June 2012.
when will result come of sbi clerk exam may2012
send all questions of sbi clerk 2012 exam. 27may n june . [email protected]
sir please send 10 year exam paper of probationary officers my email id is [email protected],[email protected]
sir i am require the sbi clerical examination model question papers
I want to previous examination model paper of DELHI METRO . The post are STATION CONTROLLER AND CUSTOMER RELATION ASSISTANT . please upload this model paper. I will give very thanks for giving me this model paper.
sir , i want 2012 sbi paper held on 27-may-2012 please send me sir
i want to paperset of sbi exam 2012
send last week question paper
sir i am anumanthu
i want to become a bank clerk
sir please send me past ten year papers of sbi clerk
and please give me some tips
which are the importance books for the clerical examination
SIR. please send me last 10 years question papers.These question papers are beneficial for my exam.
please send me latest question paper.
sir i need previous year sbi clerk exam question paper
How can I prepare for marketing and general awareness sections as they are so tough?
please sir,
send sbi clerk previous papers to my mail.
please send me sbi mdel paper as soon as
Please send the addmission ticket
please send me previous 5 years SBI clerical solved question papers..I haxe my exam on may 3rd
sir, i m depak pandey. i filled the form of s.b.i. so ,plese send me a question paper to my mail and tell me some point for success in sbi.
Sir myself Sandeep
i want some SBI clerk previous papers
please send me these papers
i would like to become a bank employee
plese send me last 5 years papers
plz send me previous year question papers plz
please plz plz….. send me previous 5 years SBI clerical solved question papers..
my exam on 27th may.
your thankful
hi sir,
please send me previous sbi clerical exam question papers
sir iam shivaramakrishna
iwant to become a bank clerk
sir please send me past ten year papers of sbi clerk
and please give me some tips
please… send sbi clerk previous papers to my mail……
sir, i want know pattern of paper
please send me sbi clerk study material, as soon as possible.
pls send me sbi clerical last ten year question papers
pls send sbi clerk last five years exam papers with solved answers in my mail id([email protected])
please send sbi clerk last five years exam papers with solved answers to my id
plz send sbi last 10 year clerical exam question paper model to my mail bze its useful for preparing me
please send me previous 5 years SBI clerical solved question papers..I haxe my exam on 27th may.
sir plz send me previous papers for sbi clerk xams
Please send 5 years question papers for clerk to my mail id [email protected]
sir my name is avjeet kumar but sbi calleter me mera nam avejeet kumar ho gya hai kya kru plz help me and send regard my email [email protected] my reg num is400520920
sir i applid for SBI clerk post plz sir send last 5 year solved question paper
Claurical entrance will come in which date?
sir,plz send me on my email i.d last five years exam paper of s.b.i bank clerk…i will thanks to u..
sir i applied sbi clerk post so sir send me last 3 year question paper
please send sbi clerical exam l papers of last 10 years
sir please last five years sbi clerk exam papers send to gmail urgent please sir
sir,please send me 10 years previous solved questions paper of sbi clerk
please send sbi clerical exam model papers
hii sir i applied sbi clerk post plz sir send the last five year question papar.
can u send me 4 previous years papers
please by the grace of i applied to sbi clerical exam plese send me study material tom prepare for exam.
i will much thank full to you
Sir,please send last five years SBI clerk solved question papers in my mail id([email protected]) as early as possible
Thank you.
good eveving sir
i applied the sbi clerical post pls send the last question mail id is ([email protected])
sir, please send me the model paper of sbi clerical exam 2012 i am an applicant of this kindly send me the paper to my mail id [email protected]
send me sbi 10 years clerk exams papers
pls send me previous years sbi clerk papar
my email ID [email protected]
Hai sir i’m spandana i applied the sbi clerical post plz send the last year question paper
Mohd Anees
pls send me Model paper of SBI clerk.
i’m an applicant of this exam .on my Email Id [email protected]
sir plz send me some solved question paperof s.b.i bank
hello sir, i m applied for sbi clerk exam, so plz send sbi clerk exam modal paper in my id - [email protected]
i m preparing sbiclerk exam. plz send sbi clerk exam modal paper
Dear Sir
I am applied for sbi clerk, so please sent me last five year sample paper with answer.
i shell be thankfull you for this act.
Dear Sir, I am unable to download the question papers. So will u please send me last 10years solved question papers….
i m required last ten years SBI solved question paper
plz give me a sbi last 10 years previous papers on my email id on [email protected] plz plz plz….
Iam applied for sbi clerk., plz send last year question paper in my email id.
Iam applied for sbi clerk., plz send last year question paper in my email id.,
Sir i can’t download those 10 model question paper…how can i do it?
sir will u send hall ticket to my e-mail or else to my address
Dear Sir,
Please tell me ST/SC minimum max. this sbi clark exam qualify
m sbi clerck ki prepration ker rha hu plz mujhe 10 year ke solved paper chahiye thank you
chapter name of reaosining test
Sir,please send last five years SBI clerk solved question papers in my mail id as early as possible. Thank you.
sir, iam applied for both the exams group 1 and sbi . . these exams are conducting on 27th may . . please change the date of sbi exam
sir please last five years sbi clerk solved exam papers snd to my gmail
please send me the previous question papers of sbi clerk 2012 exam
dear sir
pls send me solved question -paper
plz send me clerk question papers of last 5 year
Could you guys please send me 4-5 sbi clerical solved question papers to my mail id as early as possible?
sir,i am applied for s.b.i clerkbank exam.i know the syllubus.very vast syllubus.i am n’t able to cover al d topics which r in d syllubus.plz tel me any easy method 2 cover al topics.exam date z may plz send day 2 day shedule.plz………
sir please send me previous 5 years sbi question papers to my email id ……[email protected]
what is the examination date for recruitment of clerk for state bank of india
dear sir/mam
i am rani nagar, preparing sbi clerical exam,so i requesting u sir pls snd last 5/4 years papers of sbi and sbi associated banks as early possible
dear sir/mam
i am mohiddi shaik, preparing sbi clerical exam,so i requesting u sir pls snd last 5/4 years papers of sbi and sbi associated banks as early possible
pls send me sbi bank exam clerk recent question papers sloved to my mail.
pls send me sbi bank exam clerk recent question papers sloved to my mail
pls send me sbi bank exam clerk question papers sloved 2 my mail
please send me the previous question papers of sbi clerk 2012 exam
please send me the previous question papers of sbi clerk exam
sir please last five years sbi clerk exam papers send to gmail urgent please sir
dear sir/mam
i am mohiddi shaik, preparing sbi clerical exam,so i requesting u sir pls snd last 5/4 years papers of sbi and sbi associated banks as early possible
r/sir please last five years sbi clerk exam papers send to gmail urgent please sir.
please tell me how to prepare for clearical exam.. and please send me some model question papers with solutions
Please sir/madam send me last five year question paper with answer for preparing sbi clerical exam ,please as early as possible. my mail id - [email protected]
Hi Friends..,
I am Sateesh, I applied for SBI clerks… Please send me the latest GENERAL AWARENESS Questions from all the previous papers
PLZ send them to [email protected]
Good evening Sir
I know how to prepeaing these exam please give me tips plz..
Sir plz send me solved question paper of sbi clerk
sir,please send last 5 years SBI papers to my email id
sir, please send last 5 years solved question paper fornnclerk post on my e -mail id . thank you!
what is Cash reserve ratio.
sir, please send the last 10 year question papers with answers for clerk post on my e-mail id
sir .plz send 10 yrs solved question papers..
dear sir
please send me last three year solved question paper
what is your name
my name is siva
R/sir,please guide me how to prepare sbi clearical, ‘marketing aptitude’ and sir,in general awareness how mark is distributed mean ,on banking,current,socio econmic.And sir, is there english is only qualifying or marks is count total score. Sir, pls reply me. Thank you!
R/sir,please guide me how to prepare ‘marketing aptitude’ and sir,in general awareness how mark is distributed mean ,on banking,current,socio econmic.And sir, is there english is only qualifying or marks is count total score. Sir, pls reply me. Thank you!
sir, please send last 5 year solved question paper for clerk post on my e-mail id.thank you
please send for me last five year question paper with answer for preparing sbi clerical exam ‘please as early as possible,
thank you
sir,please send me last 5 years question papers for sbi exam with answer pls sentd to my mail
What r the eligebility for SBI exam?I m passed 12 in arts with58% marks.Do I eligebale for exam?
sir, please send last 5 year solved question paper for clerk post on my e-mail id.thank you sir
With all respect, I have applied for SBI Clerk position this year. Kindly send me your guidance and send last Five years solved question papers. I will be greatfull for you for ever.
Very best regards
K. Gopinathan
sir, please send me last years sbi question paper my email id . thanks you sir, plz send
please send me the previous question papers of sbi clerk exam
please sed me sbi last 5 years papers
sir,plz send me last 5 year solved questions papers for cleark post in my email id. thank you sir……
what is difference between meaning and definition?
each paper consists of 40 questions 50 questions? The total mark is 200 or 250?
hiii….plz send me the last 5 yrs solved question papers for clerk post.
Any one have question paper of sbi for last five yer plz send on my email.
[email protected]
please send me sbi clerk exam 2012 study material & paper
please send me last 5 years solve sbi question on my email.
When will be IBPS exam held in 2012????
Please let me know when the next SBI Clerkship Exam. will happen.
What is the last date:
Thanks and regards,
Sir ,i want to the model paper for sbi quickly
Dear Sir,
Kindly send me questions & answers of SBI clerk exam for past 3 years to my mail id. Thanks.
Sir plz send me the last 10 years solved question papers for clerk exam.
which book is best to follow for sbi clerical post exam?
plz send me the previous year solved question papers in my email id. thanking you in anticipation……
sir, please send me last 5 year solved question paper forclerk post in my email id. thank you sir.
please send previous year sbi question papers
plz send me the Sbi solved model question papers at my email id
plz send me sbi exam papers if u can .
reasoning i cannot understand brief examples give it
Plz. send me previous 10yrs solved paper of sbi clerical exam
please send me sbi clerk exam 2012 study material & paper
With due respect, I have applied for SBI Clerk position this year. Therefore your guidance is highly required for me. Kindly send last Five years solved question papers. I will be greatfull for you for ever.
ple ple sent me last 5 years question with answer papers.i am highly oblized to u.
please send previous year sbi question papers to mail id [email protected]
i need last year of sbi clerk exam question papers with answer.
plz send to my mail.
sir, please send me last 5 year solved quation paper for clarck post in my email id. thank you sir.
plz send me last 5 yrs question papers for sbi xam sir.
Respected Sir/Mam,
I have applied for SBI Clerk exam 2012.I don’t know what is the actual syllabus for this exam.pls send me the syllabus details and question pattern detais.
sir,will u please send me the previous year question paper of sbi clerical recruitment question paper at my e-mail i.d.
sir,will u please send me the previous year question paper of sbi clerical recruitment question paper at my e-mail i.d.
Dear sir plz send me the last 6 yrs solved question papers for clerk post,current affairs of last 4 months & last 4 months marketing attitude of sbi & other banks plz send to my email id Thank you sir.
With due respect, I have applied for SBI Clerk position this year. Therefore your guidance is highly required for me. Kindly send last Five years solved question papers. I will gratefull for you for ever.
Best Regards
pls update latest model paper also for the SBI Clerk Recruitment 2012 with previous year papers. I hope within 3 - 4 days it will be updated
Please Send a SBi Question paper my email id
sir i need last ten years sbi english question paper sir send to mu id
Sir, please send me last 3 years solved SBI clerk question on my mail ID.
Dear sir plz send me the last 6 yrs solved question papers for clerk post,current affairs of last 4 months & last 4 months marketing attitude of sbi & other banks plz send to my email id Thank you sir.
i need last 3 years of sbi clerk exam question papers with answer.
send to my mail.
Sir, plz send me the last 5 yrs solved question papers for clerk post.
im apply to sbi clerk post, i want model question papers
Please send me sbi banks previous 5 years solved clerical exams papers.
please send me last 5 years solve sbi question on my email
sir, please sent me 5 years exam paper for clerk post…. thank you my email id is [email protected]
sir please tell me ,I am graduate in pass out percentage is 53% in i eligible for SBI clerical exam ?
if i eligible so please send me last 5 years question with solved paper in my email id.
sir please tell me ,I am graduate in passout percentage is 53% in i eligible for SBI clerical exam ?
if i eligible so pls send me last 5 years question with solved paper in my email id.
hai plz send me the last 5years sbi clerk solved question papers on my mail
i need some papers of marketing for clerk recruitment……..
please send me last 10 year solve sbi question on my email
[email protected]
Sir,I need 2009-2012 previous solved clerk exam question papers my email.Id :[email protected] please send it to me sir.
Thanking you sir
Iam in need of sbi question papers of previous 5 years. pls help me. if dont mind send me the same to ‘[email protected]’
by rohini
Sir, plz send me the last 5 yrs solved question papers for clerk post
tm sab apna time isme kyo waste karte ho ,practice se ayega sabko ,net chalane se nahi ayega bajar me bahut books hai le ao aur english new paaper pado sab ke sab
sbi gkp
sir, please sent me 5 years exam paper for clerk post…. thank you
where can i download sbi bank papers
Dear sir plz send me the last 10 yrs solved question papers for clerk post,current affairs of last 4 months & last 4 months marketing attitude of sbi & other banks plz send to my email id Thank you sir
Sir plz send me the last 10 yrs solved question papers of clerk post to my email - [email protected]
sir plz send me the last 10 years solved question papers for cleark post.
How I prepare for the marketing exam for sbi
Dear Sir,
Please send new sample question & answer.
Sir, plz send me last 10 year question paper of sbi clerk exam on my mail id-( [email protected])
thank tou sir.
Dear sir pls send me last 10 years solved question papers for sbi clerk post and last 2 months current affair papers
sir please mail SBI previous years exam paper with solutions t0 [email protected]
hi Good morning please send me the last 3 months current affairs question and answers and marketing knowledge question papers with answers
R/Sir, please send me last 5year ’s question paper(solved)on my email id. i’ll be thankful to you.
Dear sir,
pls send me the last 10 year previous question papers for clerical exam of sbi so that i can prepare well
Dear Sir ,please send me the last 5 year clerk exam question papers with answers to my mail id [email protected]
Sir piz send the 5 yers question paper
sir plz send last 5 yr solved question paper for clerk post to my email
Dear sir plz send me the last 10 yrs solved question papers for clerk post,current affairs of last 3 months & last 3 months marketing attitude of sbi & other banks plz send to my mail id .my id is [email protected] Thank you sir
Sir plz send me the last 10 yrs solved question papers for clerk post
sir plz send me the last 10 year question paper for clerical exam current affairs of last 3 months & last 3 months marketing attitude of sbi my email id is [email protected] Thank you sir
I losse our usser name but i knows our registration no. 4000876224
pleas provide me my usser name oly becouse also knows our password
Dear sir
sir please sent my email adress last 10year question paper for sbi clerical exam
sir plz send last 10 year solved question paper for clerk post to my email
which reference books are required to preparation for the bank clerk exam?
please send me last ten years solved question papers of sbi clerk to my email id
Plz sir send me last 5 year sbi clrk solve paper my id is [email protected]
gud eve sir;
please snd me last 10 yrs clerk exam papers and plz also snd curnt knwledge of last 3 mnths.
Dear sir,please send last 05 years sbi clerk exam question papers to email id [email protected] for preperation of exam
Dear sir,please send last 10 years sbi clerk exam question papers to email id [email protected]
dear sir\madam
please sent me 10 years previous question papers for clerical exam of sbi 2012
Please sir give me my email:[email protected]
Dearsir plz send me previous five year solved question papers of sbi clerk
hello Sir/madam,
i’m preparing for sbi clerk exam 2012, so i request u to send previous 5 year solved question papers so that i can prepare well.
Please Send a SBi Question paper my email id
Sir,pls send me last 1o years que paper with solution and last 6 months current affair and computer,marketing general knowledge.
interview me must question kya hote hai
sbi ban paper
Hello Sir,
Please send previous SBI clerk exam question papers to my email address
Sir,please sent last 5 years sbi clerk exam question papers to my email ID
sir, please sent sbi clerk previous 10 years questions to my email id
sir please sent my email adress last 10year question paper for clerical exam
Dear sir plz send me the last 10 yrs solved question papers for clerk post,current affairs of last 3 months & last 3 months marketing attitude of sbi & other banks plz send my mail id my id is [email protected] Thank you sir
pls sent pervious SBI clerk exam question papers to my email address
pls send me last 10 years sbi clerical papers on my e-mail id…
Dear sir/madam
i stay at where i found a sbi clercial que solve paper or book its related.
respected sir/mam
please does not easy way to download the question paper … pls change the easest way to download pattern
pls sent pervious SBI clerk exam question papers to my email address
Pls sent pervious SBI clerk exam question papers to my email address
please send me some previous year ’s questions
sir pls send me sbi clerks previous 10 question papers 2 mail id [email protected]
pl send last 10 year papers.
I Do you have any question? or have anything to say?
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is it valid or i have fill it again ?
can i get my payment refund
sir ,please send pervious question paper and what and all to prepare for this exam
sir plz send me last 5 year sbi clerk solved paper
sir please tell me which type of questions will be given.., and send me the previous question papers of both sbi clerk and po’s to my mail id. this is my mail id: [email protected]
sir, plz send me last 10 yrs exam papers and current affairs on my email
sir i need previous years sbi clerk question paper plz send me
pls sent pervious SBI clerk exam question papers to my email address
Dear Sir,
Pls sent the previous clerk exam solved question papers to my mail id
Dear sir/madam i need last 5 years sbi clerk exam question papers.please sent to [email protected]
mail me last year exam paper
sir plz send me previous years solved question paper on my email id.. Also tell me how i can prepare for gs..
Thank you sir
pls help me which all in one book should i prefer???
thank u for answer in advance……..
I want previous years’ papers for sbi clerk exam. Please mail the same to [email protected]
plz sbi question paper submit
Dear sir,please send last 10 years clerk exam question papers
Plz send me numeric and reasoning technics to solving the problems in easy method.
sir plz plz plz tel me .
how can i prepare for po exam … aur sir plz ye bhi bta dijiyega sir ki po exam dene se pahele clerk ke liye e xam dena jaruri hai kya sir… sir plz send me answer on my e- mail id. plz sir.
pls send last 5 year sbi solved paper nd 6month current affairs.
Hi All,
I need past 5 years sbi clerks qeustion papers.
if any body have Pls share to my mail buddys
how to prepare for sbi exam?
i want to S.B.I. modal paper.
sumsung ka owner kaun h
india ke kitne naam h? 10 ya 5
pls sent pervious clark exam questions paper to my email address
sir plz send me previous years solved question paper on my email id.. Also tell me how i can prepare for gs..
Thank you
Please sir give me my email:[email protected]
Dear sir,
please send me previous 10 year sbi solved question papers and sbi currents affairs to my mail id
pls send me previous 10 years sbi solved papers to my mail pls sir
i am preparing for the coming SBI clerk exam . so i request you to pls send me the last 10 years solved question papers . . .
Dear Sir, please send me last 2 years Bank Clerk Examination SOLVED QUESTION PAPERS….THANKING YOU
Dear sir,
Plz send me last 10 yrs solved papers of sbi clerks in my email id
want previous years’ papers for sbi clerk exam. Please mail the same
pls send me previous 10 years sbi solved papers to my mail pls sir
Sir, ple send me solved que. Paper last 5 year for preperatin for recruitmentas clerk in sbi .
Dear sir, please send me last 10 years question papers for SBI clerks my mail id.([email protected])
sir/medum pls send sbi latest model exampaper.
please send me last 5 years que.paper for sbi clark examination
how many rupees dd required for sbi clerical form?
dear sir,
this is manoj. i did mcom and i hav 3 yrs experience in cash transactions sir. i need previous years exam questions and answers sir…
last 5 years question papers for SBI clerks pls send me my mail
I want previous years’ papers for sbi clerk exam. Please mail the same to [email protected]
i am preparing for the coming SBI clerk exam . so i request you to pls send me the last couple of years solved question papers . . .
my email id ksurendra1329@yahoo
sir pls send thelast 5 years sbi clerical exam questions and answers model papers my mail id
sir, i want state bank of india in clerical post examination related for questions and answers model papers send my mail id thanking you
Can you send sbi last 5 years recruitment question papers to my email address?
Sir.i want to know that in the sbi clerical and assistants are the same post which required..
My percent in 12th is 58 but my gratuvatiön will comleted on jund so i fill exam frm?
last 10 years question papers for SBI clerks pls send me my mail
sir, pl send me solved question paper (last 5 years) for preperation for recruitment as clerk in SBI
I want previous 5 year question papers of Clerical Post Exam.
Please send for my mail [email protected]
Dear Sir,
Please send the question papers related stenographar last five year papers.
Please send my mail I have waiting for your mail
with best regards
Dear Sir, please send me last 2 years Bank Clerk Examination SOLVED QUESTION PAPERS….THANKING YOU
pls send thi email id :[email protected]
Sir, plz send me last 10 year question paper of sbi clerk exam on my mail id. My mail id is [email protected]
Sir, plz send me last 10 year question paper of sbi clerk exam on my mail id. [email protected]
Dear Sir/Madam,
pls send previous 5yrs model papers with solutions for clerk exams.
sir, i need postponed date of sbi clerk exam 2012, plz inform the details
pls give me previous yrs solved question paper.
pls give me previous yrs solved question paper. and pls tell me the book material which i use for the exam.
i want to apply for clerk post
sir,i need postponed date of sbi clerk exam 2012 …plz inform the details
last 10 years question papers for SBI clerks pls send me my mail.
last 10 years question papers for SBI clerks pls end me my mail.
sir i am going to write banking exam 2012 so give me previous 5yrs question paper
i am preparing for the coming SBI clerk exam . so i request you to pls send me the last couple of years solved question papers . . .
my email id
[email protected]
I want previous 5 year question papers of Clerical Post Exam.
Please send for my mail [email protected]
Dear Sir/ Madam
Requested you to kindly send me last 5 years clerk exam solved papers of sbi to my mail id:- [email protected]. with some tips for math preparation.
sir I am preparing for sbi clerk exam so kindly send me the previous solved papers of clerk exam. my email id is [email protected]
Sir i was already applied for SBI as previous noticification in OBC catago but the problem is i’m our catagory will not comes under OBC in confusion i filled the online application. then again as per New notifcification they called General catagory so that i’m thinking to fill fee & online application.. for this i need clear information so plz guide me well or any problems will..? can i fill form again for new notification indicating general catagory. is there any problem if i get two call letters for same exam?
sir as mush as early reply for my request.. thank u
plz sent me 5years solved questions paper…
i want sbi previous years solved papers and study material for quantitative aptitude.pls any one send to my mail id.
[email protected]
dear sir
plse send five yrs back question paper with answeer.
kindly send me last 5 years solved question paper of sbi clerical xam..
sir, plz kindly send me the sbi clerical question papers of the last 5 year solved.. My email id is [email protected]
Sir/Madam please sent last 5 yrs solved paperof sbi clerk exam paper
Please send me SBI clericle exam solved question papers on my email id
[email protected]
I have already ragistered to SBI clerk recruitment n now the examination date has been postponed n new ragisteration is available. I want to know every information about this exam and what should i do in this situation. please send me answer at my email [email protected]
Sir,plz snd me last 5yrs. Sbi clerical solved ques. Papers
please sent last5 yrs solved paperof sbi clerk exam paper .
please sent last5 yrs solved paperof sbi clerk exam paper .
Sir/madam plz send me previous 5 years sbi clerk recuricment exam solved papers..
i want to write bank exam for sbi bank….plz i want applications for exams…how to i get applications…
plz send me question paper
hello Sir/madam,
i’m preparing for sbi clerk exam 2012, so i request u to send previous 5 year solved question papers so that i can prepare well.
Sir please send me 5 years previous paper & their Answers of SBI Bank on my ID.. Thax
sir, i am preparing for sbi clerk exam so plzz send me last 5 years questions paprs of sbi…my e.mail id is [email protected]
Hi.. sir
Sir i was already applied for SBI as previous noticification in OBC catago but the problem is i’m our catagory will not comes under OBC in confusion i filled the online application. then again as per New notifcification they called General catagory so that i’m thinking to fill fee & online application.. for this i need clear information so plz guide me well or any problems will..?
sir as mush as early reply for my request.. thank u
plz send SBi last 10 years clarical model papers..
Please sent my Email Id for last 10 Yrs SBI Clerical,SBI PO Question & Answers solved paper. And one more want to Question & answers solved in canara Bank.
Hello,i am rajkumar of bikaner presently working is idbi bank home loan .please i want to a job in sbi
Sir please send me 5 years previous paper & their Answers of SBI Bank on my ID.. Thax
sir ls send me previous 5 yr quesstion paper of sbi exam on my mail
hello. Guys I m preparing for the clerical exam of sbi please mail me the previous papers if u r having.. My email id is [email protected] n my cell number is 8650077734.
Please help me out as i have to clear this exam as soon as possible..
please send SBI clerks previous model papers
hello sir/madam, i am preparing for sbi clerk 2012,so i request all of u please send previous 5 year solved question papers so that i can prepare well please send pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee,my mail is [email protected] Thank you
hello Sir/madam,
i’m preparing for sbi clerk exam 2012, so i request u to send previous 5 year solved question papers so that i can prepare well.
[email protected]
thank you
Hello sir my intermediate is vocational course subject is [construction technology] please replay
Dear Sir/ Madam
Requested you to kindly send me last 5 years clerk exam solved papers of sbi to my mail id:- [email protected]. with some tips for math preparation.
Hello sir my intermediate is Course is (CT)
please reply me
hello sir/madam, i am preparing for sbi clerk 2012,so i request all of u please send previous 5 year solved question papers so that i can prepare well please send pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee,my mail is [email protected] Thank you
sir iam preparing for sbi clerical exam 2012 please send previous 5 yrs solved question papers to my mail id
how r u Sir ?
I have to require SBI Clerk solved question paper for 7 years
I hope u will provide this paper
[email protected]
hello Sir/madam,
i’m preparing for sbi clerk exam 2012, so i request u to send previous 5 year solved question papers so that i can prepare well.
thank you
please kindly pass me last 5 years papers for sbi clerk 2012
I want previous 5 year question papers of Clerical Post Exam.
Please send for my mail id.
how does per question number .
please require for sbi clerk exam for obc.
please reply soon Sir/Mam.
i m preparing for sbi clerk 2012 for the 1st time plz send me the last 5 years of solved question paper so i can prepare it well and pass with flying colours.
hello this is sanjay, this year i m preparing for sbi clerk exam for the first time ,,
please send me the last 5 years of solved questions paper so that i can prepare it well.
Thank you
sir or madam i am preparing for SBI clerical exam 2012 so sir please guide me by give me by giving the previous 5 year questions paper on my mail id ([email protected])
sir i m going to write the sbi clerk exam 2012 so sir please guide me by giving the previous 5 year questions paper.
sir.. Iam preparing for sbi clerk exam 2012.I request to send previous 5 years question papers to my mail
Res sir,
i am giving this year sbi exame .sir, please send me 5year previouse pepar of sbi clerk in my mail id ([email protected]). i will be thankful for his.
Respetcted sir,
Res sir.
i want to give this year sbi clerk exame.sir, i will be thankful if u provides me 5 year previous solves peper in my mail id([email protected])
sir i m preaping for sbi clerk exam 2012 so sir please guide me by sending the previous 5 year questions paper to my email id is katty [email protected]
sir i m going to write the sbi clerk exam 2012 so sir please guide me by giving the previous 5 year questions paper.
i want previous 5 yrs papers of sbi clerical exams..kindly send it to my email id…..regards.
i want previous 5 yrs papers of sbi clerical exams..kindly send it to my email id…..regards.
I am preparing SBI clerk exam so I would like to request you to kindly mail me 5 years previuos solved question papers in my email id.
i want previous 5 yrs papers of sbi clerical exams..kindly send it to my email id…..regards.
Dear Sir ,
i want to give this year sbi clerk exam so plz provide the last 5 years solve question paper in my mail id .
Thanks & Regards
Renu bala
this year i’m giving sbi exams.
So, i shall be very thankful of u if u send me 5 years previous solved papers on my email id.
I Will Be thankful to you…
Can any body..Please send me the previous papers of SBI CLERK Exam..
And also please guide me how to prepare to crack the exam with 150 marks in written test..
Thanks in advance..
hiiiiiiii hw to reg? can u tell
respected sir,
i request to send the 5 years previous question papers with solved answers for the clerical post exam 2012.
i want the previous papers of bank clerk exam
Dear Sir, please send me last 2 years Bank Clerk Examination SOLVED QUESTION PAPERS….THANKING YOU
I want previous 5 year question papers of Clerical Post Exam.
Please send for my mail [email protected]
i am wrongly written my email id when i am registration my sbi clerk 2012 application or last date also gone, please reply
Respected Sir/Mam,
this year i’m giving sbi exams.
So, i shall be very thankful of u if u send me 5 years previous solved papers on my email id…. thank u…..
Respected Sir,
I am preparing for the SBI clerical exams. As this is my first year of appearing the exams i would like to request you to kindly mail me 5 years previous solved question papers.
Respected sir,
I want previous 5 year question papers of Clerical Post Exam.
Please send for my mail id
Respected Sir/Mam,
this year i’m giving sbi exams.
So, i shall be very thankful of u if u send me 5 years previous solved papers on my email id. So my mail id is …[email protected]
Dear Sir ,
i want to give this year sbi clerk exam so plz provide the last 5 years solve question paper in my mail id .
Thanks & Regards
Rajesh Billore
sir ,pls send me previous 5 years solved question papaers of sbi clerical exam ,and also descriptive type solved papers and one more which book i should prefer for sbi clerical exam preparation .pls send me in my mail id [email protected] as soon as possible
I m preparing for SBI recruitment exams 2012 so plz send me some latest & previous years solved questions papers with answer sheets immediately
I want previous 5 year question papers of Clerical Post Exam.
Please send for my mail id.
I want SBI Exam pattern.
plz,sir send on my email address.
Sbi clerical previous papers
This is kamal and I am going to prepare for sbi exam of clerk
So can u send me the book pattern and previous solven papers
I am waiting for your greatness
my email id is
[email protected]
I m preparing for SBI recruitment exams please send me some previous years solved questions papers immediately
Res. sir,
I want previous 5 year question papers of Clerical Post Exam.
Please send for my mail id.
i want to give this year sbi clerk exam so plz provide the last 5 years question paper in my mail id .and one more question how many percentage are required for sbi clerk exam for sc (Punjab).
please reply soon sir.
Sir, Plz sent me previous Q papers of sbi clerk to my email
this year i’m giving sbi exams.
So, i shall be very thankful of u if u send me 5 years previous solved papers on my email id.
Sir, Plz sent me previous Q papers of sbi clark to my email.
I am going to exam of this year sbi clerk so please provide the lost 6 year question paper in my mail id [email protected].
and how does per question number .
please require for sbi clerk exam for obc.
please reply soon Sir/Mam.
I want previous 5 year question papers of Clerical Post Exam.
Please send for my mail id.
plz send me sbi clerk clerk module paper
sir, kindly send me previous years SBIclerks exam in my mail
id= [email protected]
Send me a set of ques imp for sbi bank clerk xam to my id
Dear sir/madam,
How to read SBI ClerkRecruitment Exam 2012 ?
i want to give this year sbi clerk exam so plz provide the last 10 years question paper in my mail id .and one more question how many percentage are required for sbi clerk exam for bcb.
please reply soon sir.
Sir, i want to last 5yeas exam paper so plz provide it or send to my email id. Thank u.
i want to give this year sbi clerk exam so plz provide the last 5 years question paper in my mail id .and one more question how many percentage are required for sbi clerk exam for general.
please reply soon sir.
question papers of previous year of clerical exam entrance test of state bank of india
plz send to mail
in bangalore when will the s.b.i clerk exam sir?
18-3-2012 is unique date for all states r what?
please clarify my doubt sir
Sir ,send me priveous 10year question paper .i want see the type of questions…
Respected Sir, i have completed 10+2.but my grduation is not completed.this is last year(8th semester) of my B.Tech.can i apply for clerk post exam?
i want deails aboutgopi krishna in2008 sep he get job the post is clerk
plz send previous papers atleast two
My score in puc is 52% whether I have eligible for sbi bank exams for clerical posts or not & plz reply soon ,my id is [email protected]
when 2012 clerk recruitment
Pls send me the name of books for bank exam preparation on my e-mail ID.
i have 45% in 10+2 and 60 % in graduation can i eligible for sbi clerk exam
dear Sir ,
i want to give this year sbi clerk exam so plz provide the last 5 years question paper in my mail id .
Thanks & Regards
vinay soni
sir please send previous question papers to my email account
Sir. . i m appeared in 3rd year with 64% . . what i m elegible for this requirement.
I amcompleted 18 years in Indian Army (Accounts department). Can I eligible for sbi clerks exams.
what is the qualification marks in each section?
example of questions
Sir, I have HSC Passed 52%.can i apply for clerk ricruitment exam ? Pls give me answer my e-mail id
Sir, I want last ten years question paper as early as possible for preparation of recent exams.
I oblige sir.
i am looking for age relaxation belong to general category DOB:17/01/1984. as i left my study because of health reason, got special treatment from FORTIS MOHALI in 2005-6.from 2007 i am fit and fine mentally and physically, after that i completed my BCA with 80% marks. can i be eligible for this exam, suggest me , and could you reply on my email id. thanks
Dear Sir/Ma’am,
Please send me 10 years previous paper…pleaseeeeee…… mail [email protected]
please send me sbi clerical five years question papers.
Sir, i scored 59.2percent in my 12board exam so can i apply for clerk entrance exam held by state bank of india..plz rply me on my id…
in an election a candidate secures 40 per cent of the votes, but is defected by another candidate by a majority of 298 votes. find the totel number of votes recorded?
I have applied for SBI clerks exam. My weak areas are marketing knowledge and reasoning. Can you please suggest me books for preparation?
i want to see question paper of 2011 exam
when will be the sbi2012 exam held?
send me l0 years previous paper
resp. Sir,
I just wanted to ask you whether is it possible to get jobs on basis of Bcom??
Because i’ve got less marks in my 12th exams…..l
My qustion is that what was the ability for clerk exams in sbi
pls send me the next clerical exam
Please send me details about 2012 S.B.I exam.
i want to know when will the next clerk exams for sbi will held. pls inform me on my id
Sir, please send to any information of SBI Bank.
dear sir
my question is that i have fourty four percent mark and
passed with grace mark) in my graduation can i apply for
po and what is criteria for clerk
kindly sugest me what should i do
Next exam date for sbi cleark post.
when will next exam be held for clerical posts in sbi/
when the exam of sbi clerk in 2012
I am completed 18 years in the Indian Army as a Account Clerk post. Now I wish to join SBI as a SBI Clerk. Please tell me dates/shceduled of next exams and can I appear this before taking of discharge from Indian Army. Also tell me what is the relaxation for Ex-servicemen being a Clerk of the Indian Army. Kindly send me solved question pepers since last five years as posibile.
i want to know when will the next clerk exams for sbi will held. pls inform me on my id [email protected]
When will the clerical exam held in sbi in 2012
When will the next sbi clerical exam on 2012? Please intimate me on my ID.
how much percentage in degree required
I love your blog.. very nice colors & theme. Did you make this website yourself or did you hire someone to do it for you? Plz reply as I’m looking to design my own blog and would like to find out where u got this from. cheers
sbi celerk vacency 2012 me kab tak ayaigi?
plz rpl
e mail- [email protected]
when will the next sbi clerk vacancies are coming ? plz inform
when will be next sbi clerk or po exam ?
when will be next sbi clerk exam??
please send me sbi cleark last 10 years soloved quetion papers thank you
Can i know the upcoming bank exam date for SBI clerk..
i will try many time but every time a screen appear on my desktop in there screen registration from appear but when i fill up the from it is not axcepted form can u send me model question on my mail [email protected]
I have filled examination foam but did’t get my examination center , so send me center name . I’m in chandigarh and i also filled chandigarh center
when the exam of sbi clerk in 2011
SBI Clerk Recruitment Exam Papers
Actuly sir my broth apply for job(sbi clark post) in 2011. But he dont know about exam date plz.give me detail about sbi clark exam date and result date thanks
Respected Sir,
Please tell me the qualifications of P.O. in SBI
when and where this exams will be held
I knowing about ur date of exam for the sbi clerical.
When the sbi clerical exam will be held. And how we are knowing about advertisment of sbi clerk exam.
What is the educational
qualification required for SBI
clerck? And when will be the
next exam for the year 2012?
I am 10+2 with computer
knowledge, and I have done
data entry with banking software.
can pls tel me when the next bank cleical exam be held for the year 2012?
plz send me sakshi bhavitha previous papers in september.
pls sent 10 year previus sbi paper
when will be the sbi PO exam ?
I want to apply for clerk post
could you please tel mel when would be the results announced for the sbi clerical exam conducted in the month of august 2011.
thanking you
sir im preparing for sbi clerk exam plz send me paper of reasoning and quantitativ aptitude thank u
plz send me the material for clerical entrance examination.
send me some clerk exam paper on my email
plz send me the materiel of clerk post which is to be recent exam
can any one send the syllabus and model examination of 2010 SBI ASS Manager(systems) post
[email protected]
send to this id
where to get the form for recruitment and when it will come
plz send me co operative bank clerks papers 4 d last 5year
1]what is role & umportance of SBI CLERK?
2]what(any) & how the chances of promotion? like: clerk->po,assistant manager…..etc
sir,plz i want previous clerical exam papers with answers and
i want to know what is the quesion pattern of ibps clerck 2011 exam.
all type of clerical exam papers with answers
plz send me co operative bank clerks papers 4 d last 5year
I have passed three year diploma cource in ceremic engineering after 10th standard, am i eligable for appering bank clerical exam?
Thank You.
what is age limit for sbi clerck for sc cadidate
iam 12th passout student…
Iam intrusted in facing the exams of sbi clerk recuriment…plz send the date of sbi clerk recuriment 2011 and plz in my email id ([email protected])..thank u…
plz ensure date of exam and the date of forms which are applicable for us……thankyou
i have selected in sbi clerical result….what next? i dont know what to do?
plz send me sbi clerks papers 4 d last 5years
Dear Sir,
My freind want SBI Clerk solved papers in previous years & latest common bank clerk exam solved papers in free download and pdf file.
Thanks & Regards
Satish Vaja
i need last10 year bank clerk question with answer
Dear Sir, please send me last 2 years Bank Clerk Examination SOLVED QUESTION PAPERS….THANKING YOU
Sir ,
send me the questn papr of previous yrs which r related to PO,CLERK ……..
i have 12 class in non medical with 57percnt marks. Can i give this clerical test. What is the fee of this test.
sir i want to know what is the question pattern of ibps clerck 2011 exam
plz to tell me how to manage a time in bank exams?
Plese send me bank of baroda clerck exam previous question papers and answers
Please send me last 10 years bank Clerk examination SOLVED QUESTION PAPER …… Thanking you
sir plz suggest me how to prepare for computer.
Please send me last 10 years Clerkship examination (Bank) SOLVED QUESTION PAPER …… Thanking you
pleas sent me previous quation parers and shrot cut methods of mathematiks
sir plz sent me previous year question paper s.b.i exam in hindi
hello sir/madam,
can you pls send me the previous 10 years question papres of SBI for branch manager post…?
plz sir
sent me question paper 4 sbi po
thank you
and suggest me some books for prepration
for sc and doing in a branch as a daily wages may I get the help from crpd
pls sent short cut method in math
thank u
pls sent short cut methods of math and Reasoning
in the short period thank u
hai sir,
please send me previous question papers and suggest me some books for clerk post and tips to me.
pls send me upcoming bank exam date and bank papar
plz send me last five year clerk exam solved paper in my id & pls sir suggest me some boks for clerk post
How to know when the next exams?
pls send me last five year SBI solved exam paper in my id & pls sir suggest me some boks for clerk post
Plz send me the date of publication of entrance exam form of SBI
i passed only 12th class so it is possible for any sbi exam?
plz send me the mod quest to my mail pls
can you provide me general knowledge for sbi exam?
plz send me last 5 years Question papers of SBI Assistant manager Systems Exam
please send me last 5 years solved question papers for PO post of sbi in my mail id [email protected]….
thank u sir
after po post, what is next designation in bank?
Please,help me in the section of marketing aptitude & general awareness.
I want last 10years sbi exam po paperpattern . . .
pls send me last five year SBI solved exam paper in my id
i want previous clerical exam papers
I will be sitting for SBI P.O Exam, kindly send me last 5 years P.O solved exam papers.Please, I need it urgent
please tell me about age
How i can prepared bank exam ?
i want clerical exam previous question papers pls send me..
i am a 12th pass boy, tell me if i am applicable for clerk exam?
i am going to appear for sbi p o exams .kindky send me solved previous years papers
I will be sitting for SBI P.O Exam, kindly send me last 5 years P.O solved exam papers.Please, I need it urgently.
sir plz send me the result of sbi result held on16 jan 2011 my reg no, is 930809.i missed my roll no.
sir plz send me the result of sbi my reg no, is 930809.i missed my roll no.
please find the question papers with answers of clerical post
Plz send me the Entrance Exam date of SBI in my mail id [email protected] and also send me last 5 years solved question papers for clerk post of sbi
thank u sir
plz.send me solved papers of latest bank clerical exam
Thank you
seeting arrangement
plz.send me solved papers of latest bank clerical exams
pls send solved paper of computer section of sbi clerk exams held on 13-07-2008 MORNING SHIFT and also bank of baroda clerk exam computer section held on email id is [email protected] And [email protected]
i want SBI clerk exam previous papers please send to my mail id . i want previous 5 years papers please please send to my mail id as early as possible i have exam on may 15th .thank u![:)](
sbi associate question paper jan 2011
plz.send me solved papers of latest bank clerical exams
How can i get Acquaint yourself booklet?
i want clerical and po question papers for indian overseas bank for the past 5 years. mainly i want the year of 2010. please if you having send to my mail address immediately. because the exam comes on may 22nd and 29th of 2011. please please please send me very very very urgent.
Cn u please let me know when wil b sbi banking exam held in 2011 and how to apply for it
From where we can get the letest GENERAL KNOWLEDGE for bank exam?
please send atleast 5years solved andhra bank clerical question papers
plzzzzzzzzzz send me solved exam paper for clerk post
Plese send me bank of baroda clerck exam previous queston paper
kindly send me sloved bank question paper of SBI 5 Years
kindly send me sloved bank question paper
please send me last 5 years solved question papers for clerk post of sbi in my mail id [email protected]….
thank u sir
PLZ, solved exam papers.of clerical exam send my mail
[email protected]
send me all books n solved paper in my id [email protected]
my computer nt wrking wd docs extension so send me link in other format.
i have clear plz any job search by me
plz send me solved question papar 2010 n 2011 of bank clerk exams
this is not good you have to procedre of downloadling file
Sir Plz sent SBI clerk sample papers and answers…Last 3 yrs question…still i m preparing the exams…thank u….
sir, please let me know when will the result of clerical exam held on 16 jan,2010 will be out.
Yours obediently
Abhilasha yadav
sir atleast how many marks needed to get a job in sbi cleark exam
last year sbi(andhra pradesh)
clerk results are as below
cut off for written test : sc(95),st(74),obc(108),gen(108),vi(73),HI(70)OH(102),XS(70)
dear sir/mam
how many questions have to solyed in the clerk exam and how many question will be provided us.
hi sir can u give me information bank exam in both clerk & po, for preparing for exam by giving information preivous questions papers & min marks in each of the five tests in objective , tips for getting marks in the exam
please tell me how i prepare my practice for the sbi exams. bcoz i have little general awareness and no any knowledge about different banks interest rates and schemes. please help me sir.
PLZ, solved exam papers.of clerical exam Associate bank of SBI on date 16.01.2011
send on my emil ID [email protected]
dear sir ,
plz send me, last two year sbi clerical exam solved papers and guideline
latest bank clerical model papers
dear sir,
please send me,last two years SBI bank clerk exam solved papers and your gidline
I need 2010 SBI bank clerk exam solved papers.
please send me the papers.
where can I get SBI clerk 2011 papers ???
i am preparing for bank exams.I need 2010 SBI bank po and clerk exam solved papers.
please send me both the papers.
i want question paper of SBI clerk Post held on 16.1.2011
please send me a question paper at my Email ID.
i want general awarness model papers with ans its urgent plzzzzzzzz
which general awareness comes in sbi clecrical , current or past
i want to know that is general awareness which will come in sbi clecrical is new or old
Dear Sir,
I want Question Paper of SBI Clerk exam held on 16.1.2011.
Kinly provide me the link or send file at my email iD.
sbi clerk question paper 2010
I want papers of sbi clerks
Please send me maximum question for Merkting Aptitude at my email id. It is urgent. Please send it immediatly
launches housing index to treck new residential projects in 31major cities and measure the changes inconstruction activities
sir, who can apply for the post and for which post the exam will be held and is it held regularly in the yr or as per the demand of employees in the bank
can i get solved SBI recruitment exam paper of 2011,jan 16 ,9:15 am
pls inform me that which type question asked in sbi clerk exam 23 jan 2011
i want 5 previous solved sbi clerk examination papers
please tell me the exam date for cleark posts-2011
pls send sbi clerical model papers of last 2years
please send sbi clerical model papers of last two years
please send me sloved clerical model exam papers 1 to 10 on my mail address
how to study the bank clerical exam
how can i prepar for bank exams
with due respect,how to do preparation for SBI clerical exaim.plz sir/madam give me some guidelines regarding to the sbi clerical exaims.
if dint receive ur call letter then just go sbi website in there u can down load ur call letter
I want to know about the time of exam
please send me solved sbi clerical model exam papers 1 to 10 on my email address
I am preparing for SBIclerk exam 2011.
So please send model papers and give some guidelines to write a exam
please send me sloved clerical model exam papers 1 to 10 on my mail address
please send me the previous 5 years of solved clerical exam papers to my address.
please send me sloved clerical model exam papers 1 to 10 on my mail address
hi Sir,
I have prepare the SBI Clerical Exam. I need the last two years SBI Clerical Exams Previous papers please give me
My mail ID :- [email protected]
Thanking u sir.
please send me last 5 years solved question papers for clerk post of sbi
Sir., I need SBI Clerk Post previous papers with solved please send to my mail……[email protected]
sir ,
please send last 5 years solved paper on my email id
you can download from sbi website
Dear sir, i apply for this sbi exam. i am not get the hall ticket. where i want to ask.
I still not get the hall ticket . no messages not came in my mail id
please send me sloveds sbi clerical model exam papers 1 to 10 on my mail address
please send me sloved clerical model exam papers 1 to 10 on my mail address
please send me sloved clerical model exam papers 1 to 10 on my mail address
I want last 5 solved question paper for SBI clerical post
plz send me last all exmz smple papers in my mail address
Hello sir
I am preparing for SBI clerk exam,so plz can u send me the previous solved question papers of five years here on my mail id.
[email protected]
please send question papre last two years for recruitment of clerk on mail address.
please send last two years question paper of recruitment of clerk on my maill address.
plese send a 5 years clerk exam solved paper
pls send me solved sbi clerical exam papers on my mail address
I need sbi clerical exam papers,Plz send my email adress.
plz.. send me solved exam paper of clerical exam & give tips for crack the bank exam…
I want to know whether only qualifying in the english test is sufficient or the marks will be added in the total in sbi associate banks test to be held on 16th jan 2011.
I want to know whether only qualifying in the english paper is sufficient or the marks scored in english will be added in the final total in the sbi associate banks exam to be held on 16th jan 2011.
I need sbi clerical exam papers
pls send me solved sbi clerical exam papers on my mail address
What are the examination dates of sbi clerical exam conduct through out in the year 2011
I need sbi clerical exam papers
Send me last SBI & Bank of India solved question paper in my mail ID
sir i need to prepare for sbi clerk exam in 2011 kindly plz send me the deatails
plz send previous exam qusn papers
how i can prepare for reasoning?
how can i prepar for bank exams ………..?
Plz…send previous exam qusn papers or also tell me name of that sites which r helpful for it.
when will be sbi exam coming on the year of 2011
sir i need to prepare for SBI clerk exam in 2011 kindly pls send me the details
Please send me the sbi clerk post exam date 16.01.2011 model question with answer or link….
dear sir ,
iam preparing for sbi exam… from where i get hall ticket????
please sir send me sbi bank last year paper
I need to prepare for SBI exam..
can you plz send me the previous papers…
I dont know exam center for clerk held on 16.1.2011
Respected Sir/ Maidam
Plz send me last 5 year solved marketing/computer paper to my email id
Hello sir
I am preparing for SBI clerk exam,so plz can u send me the previous solved question papers of five years here on my mail id.
[email protected]
I am preparing for sbi clerck plz sent me previous solved question paper of five years here on my mail id [email protected]
with due respect,I am preparing for SBI clerk exam,so plz can u send me the previous solved question papers of five years here on my mail id.
[email protected]
and plz tell me,how to do good preparation for SBI clerical exaim.
kiran sharma
Kindly add test of mathematics also
i want to give me solved que- papers of sbi
im preparing for sbi exams so plz sen me sample exam papers and previous papers
Hello sir
I am preparing for sbi xam pls send previous solved genaral awareness questions
sir i am preparing for the sbi associate bank clerk exams, so plz send me the previous question paper with answer on my id
hello sir/madam
i need previous sbi clerks question papers, i have exam on jan 2011 pls send me the papers with solutions
I am preparing for SBI clerk exam,so plz can u send me the previous solved question papers of five years here on my mail id.
[email protected]
i need to prepare for sbi exam papers, can u send me plz
hello sir/mam,
plz send me last 2 years sbi & ubi solved question papers on my id - [email protected]
dear sir,
please send previous five years SBI clerk examination solved question papers in hindi
thanku sir
hello sir
I need to prepare for SBI exam..
can you plz send me the previous papers…
with due respect,how to do preparation for SBI clerical exaim.plz sir/madam give me some guidelines regarding to the sbi clerical exaims.
rajeev thakur
im prepaing for sbi clerk xams so plz kindly send mi previous question papers
Hello sir
I am preparing for SBI clerk exam,so plz can u send me the previous solved question papers of five years here on my mail id.
[email protected]
Dear Sir/mam,
Kindly send last year question paper & answer to my gmail id.
i applied for sbi bank crek exam.when should i get hall ticket plz reply me soon..
iwant previous question papers?
pls send my mail…
sir i am preparing for the sbi associate bank clerk exams, so plz send me the previous question paper with answer on my id.
Respected sir,
Kindly send last year question paper & answer to my gmail id.
respected sir/madam,
plz send me the answers for the papers of 2001-2010 to my gmail account
respected sir/madam
i m preparing for bank exams and i have 4 upcoming bank exams, sir can u tell me what should be the planning of time managment for these clerical exam.
and please send some previous year sbi associate bank exams test papers on my email id.
Thank you sir
i am preparing for sbi clerk exam at home
Please send me 10 years sbi clerk solved papers to my mail ID.
thank you!
plz send the generalawareness questions and english questions
Pls snd me maximum previous year question papers as early as possible and and the type of madel of questions.
respected sir/madam,
pls send previous question papers with answers to my Email.
My name is rohit singh.I have applied for sbi exam which is held on 16 january 2011.
So i want to know about my permision letter and examination center which is not get yet.
what should i do?
SIR,Please send previous 5 year question paper of sbi to my email ID( kindly help me sir)
Dear Sir/madam,
please send previous 10 year question paper on my Email-ID.
i need some previous solved clerk exam papers.
by thank u
I have applied sbh. butforget to take thar regestration form, please suggest me how to get that rorm?
how should i prepare the maths and marketing and computer section for sbi clerk
sir plz send me last 7 years papers becoz i m a working guy so cand read very lenthy syllebus in dis short time. i want ur support. thank u
pls, send the last 3 years previous papers to my mail…..
snd me previous solved papers of sbi.
how to prepare 4 marketing & g.a?
pls send previous 3 years question papers to my Email
Naveen: On December 15th, 2010
sir, plz send me previous clerk exam papers to my email id [email protected]
thanking you sir
Respected sir,
plz send me model question papers of sbi associates clerk exam held on 16th jan 2011 in my email.
please send
Respected sir,
Iam preparing for sbi clerk exam.
Please send me previous 10 years sbi clerk solved question papers to my mail ID.
Thank you
I Want SBI last five years Question papers please send on my EMAIL ID Please
respected sir,
i am preparing for sbi clerk exam at home
Please send me 10 years sbi clerk solved papers to my mail ID.
thank you
Respected sir/madam ,
please send me last 10 years question papers of SBI clerical..,
I am preparing for this exam please
help me ,,.,.,.
Waiting for your kind Reply
thank you
respected sir/madam,
please send me previous sbi clerical exam papers with solutions on my email id.
thanking you sir.
sir plzz
send me last 10 years question papers of sbi clerical..,
m preparing for dis exam plzz
help me sir .,,.,.,.
hope u rply soon
thank you
plz send last 3 years question papers to my email account
respected sir/madam,
plz send me the answers for the papers of 2008-2009 to my gmail account.
respected sir /madam,
i request u to send me exact details of the bank jobs. when i can write the exam,in wat way i can prepare for that exam and the complete details of that job plz send it to my gmail sir/madam.plzzzzz
pls send previous 3 years question papers to my Email.
sir pls send me solved question paper of sbi clerk exam to my email
sir plzz
send me last 10 years question papers of sbi clerical..,
m preparing for dis exam plzz
help me sir .,,.,.,.
hope u rply soon
Dear Sir,
I am fighting banking exams please send me last 10 years solved papers on my mail id.
Centre Code se exam centre ka address kaise pata karenge
respected sir,
i am preparing for sbi clerk exam at home
Please send me 10 years sbi clerk solved papers to my mail ID.
thank you!
sir please give me last five years SBI clerck question papers.. sir please please
respected sir/madam,
i am preparing for sbi clerk exam at home
Please send me 10 years sbi clerk solved papers to my mail ID.
thank you!
hello sir/mam
i am very weak in general awareness and english so plz send me previous papers of g.a. and english…
sir, send clerck previous papers my email id [email protected] thanking sir
respected sir/madam,
i am preparing for sbi clerk exam at home
Please send me 10 years sbi clerk solved papers to my mail ID.
thank you!
gud evng sir
sir ian doing btech 4th year.but i have less percentage so i choose bank jobs.and my cast is SC so my decision is currect or not.and i requset you plese send me previous papers to my mail.
thanking you sir
please sir some tips for sbi clerk 16 jan.2010
respected sir/madam,
i am preparing for sbi clerk exam at home
Please send me 10 years sbi clerk solved papers to my mail ID.
thank you!
sbi previous questions papers
pls send previous 3 years question papers to my mail.
how to do preparation for recruitment of clerical exam in SBI
please send me last 5 year solved exam papers of my mail
thank you
Sir, i want previous sbi clerical exam papers and number of categeries,their individual marks , please send to my e-mail adress
i want previous sbi question papers with solutions
i want full pledged material g.k,general awarenes to sbi clerks
thanks ^& regards
How to do preparation for recruitment of clerical exam
Send me some Ideas and some solved previous question papers and please help how i ill clear this exams give some tips and how many questions i have to clear for passing this exam in every portion whta is the adject critaria.this year i am apearing in this examination. so please suggest me whether i am go for a coaching or self study is sufficient for passing thae exams.
Thanking you
Yours sincerely
[email protected]
i am born in 22/12/1984
in general category. how many years are left for me to appear in banking exam pls tell me
please send model papers of sbi asscosiates on my email
pls send last five years solved sample paper in my mail address
could you plese sent me some previes question papers, and tell me how to prepair the exam,could you plese give me some suggisions……thanking you sir
pls send me last solved question papers
sir ,
i want last 10 years sbi clerical question papers plz send it to my mail ………..
[email protected]
please tell me how i prepare my practice for the sbi exams. bcoz i have no general awareness and no any knowledge about different banks interest rates and schemes. please help me.
sir, pls tell how to preparation of sbi(clrical)exam
bcoz i am taking the clerical exam from 2years.
and pls snd me test paper of sbi bank
plz send me last 5 years solved question papes for preparation of SBI clerical exam.
please send me sample question papers for sbi clerk examination
iwant tp know the time duration and ouestion of each sections of SBI accosiates bank.
[email protected]
I m doing mba(PGDBA) from symbiosis pune (distance learning education)
still I didnt attempt any semister I dont have any idea how to do preparation and i m in job and so plzz send me some papers an idea
thanks & regards
abhishek gupta
pls send me last solved question papers…….
send previous quation paper to my mail
requesting you to send me last 5 years sbi clerical solved exam papers
pls send me last 5 years solved exam papers…and plz tell me how to prepare for G.A
pls send previous 10 years question papers to my mail
please send previous question papers for five years to my mail
Thanks and Regards,
how to prepare for G.A of s.b.i clrek exam
Sir, pl send SBI previous exams General Awareness and Marketing Ap Questions. Thanks in advance.
i need full sylabus of sbi clerical associate exam with last 5years model papers
plz send me sir
Please send the general awareness queations and answers .
sir plz send me all previous question papers
I Need full syallbur for SBI Assiciate exam for past years
i need last 5 years question papers urgent
Respected sir/madam
I want last 10 years model papers of sbi clerks and send to my mail. [email protected]
thanking you.
pls send me last 5 years solved exam papers
I want sbi previous xam papers
i want to sbi clerical model question paper plz send
sir please send all preveous sbi clerical model papers to my mail
sir,can u send me the previous exam papers of sbi clerk recruitment from 2005-2010
sir please sen sbi clerical material
plz send the previous years sbi clerk exam papers
sir am applied sbi clearical post i request you please send me sylabus and model papers .
thanking you
i need full sylabus of sbi clerical associate exam
i need full sylabus of sbi clerical associate exam with last 5years model papers
i want five previous question paper of sbi clerical exam……with solved….plz forward to my mail…..
Sir,i want sbi clerk exam papers from 2001-2010.and also i want material for marketing aptitude,
general awarness,
eglish paper for sbi clerk, please send me a sbi clerk exam papers n related material on my email id([email protected])those i want…
Your sinceourly,
sir please send all prviuos sbi clerical model questions papers
515sir please send all prviuos sbi clerical papers
I need full sylabus of sbi clerical associate exam with last 5years model papers / Previous Ppaer.
Please send the Paper,
I waiting for your reply
please send me last 10 years question papers with answers of sbi
I have applied online successfully for SBI Clerk Recruitment but yet I have not received the Hall Ticket for the same.How can I know the status of the application. My registration No is 186085.Please provide any enquiry no.
i need full sylabus of sbi clerical associate exam with last 10years model papers
plz send me sir
Sir,i want sbi clerk exam papers from 2001-2010.and also i want material for marketing aptitude,
general awarness,
eglish paper for sbi clerk, please send me a sbi clerk exam papers n related material on my email i
i need full sylabus of sbi clerical associate exam with last 5years model papers
plz send me sir
When the recruitment of Clerical Staff in Associate Banks of State Bank of India does exam start?
please send urgent………..?
i need last 5 years question papers and answers of sbi
please send previous question papers for five years to my mai
suresh pallal
dear sir/madam i want last 10 years model papers of sbi clerks and send to my mail.
thanking you.
Sir,i want sbi clerk exam papers from 2001-2010.and also i want material for marketing aptitude,
general awarness,
eglish paper for sbi clerk, please send me a sbi clerk exam papers n related material on my email id([email protected])those i want…
Your sinceourly,
jayesh patel.
sir…this is 1st attempt to bank clerks.plz give me some instructions and needed material for sbi clerks.
thank u sir
SBI Clerk Recruitment Exam Papers send to my email
Please send me the 5 years back question papers of sbi clercks to my mail as soon as possible plz………..
please send last 2 years question papers of sbi clerical exam
please sand me 5 years back sbi(clerical) question paper with answer to my mail
please send me the clerical question papers to my mail
mail [email protected]
please send me the clerical question papers to my mail address
Dear sir i am Umashankar attempting first time for bank clerk so give me the suggestions and send the previous material for last five years. thanking you sir
i want bank po question papers
sir please send answers for the previous year papers to ny email please
please sand me 10 years back sbi question paper with answer to my mail
Dear sir i am srinivas attempting first time for bank clerk so give me the suggestions and send the previous material for last five years. thanking you sir
Dear sir/madam,
I am kiran kumar, I applied for clerical staff 2010-11 recruitment, so i need past years questions paper.If already question paper available in sbi website. but how to they asking registration. Pleasd how to register. Please
Thanks & Best regards
please send me last 5 years papers of sbi clerical to my email id ……please
please send 10 model papers to my email id
dear sir
i would like to get solved sbi clerical exam papers of last 10 years n could u please suggest the book which i can refer
i want all questions paper of clerical of all banks which will useful for giving the exam of s.b.i or union bank of India and so on.
dear sir
i would like to get solved sbi clerical exams paper last 10 years. pls send me to this email-
how many seats are available in chattisgarh
sir pls send me solved question paper of sbi clerk exam
dear sir
i would like to get solved sbi clerical exams paper of last 5 years. please send me to this email id- [email protected]
i need last 4 yrs question papers of clerical exam conducted by sbi
send me 5 years question paper with answer
sir,i need previous solved papers & material of sbi clerical exam.
so,plz send me the material as early as possible to my email id.
thanking you,
i need last 5 yrs question papers of clerical exam conducted by SBI SO pls forward me
i want sbi clerks previous papers past 5 years
i need last 5 yrs question papers of clerical exam conducted by sbi
I want SBI clerical exam solved papers for the past 5 years. Can you please send it to my mail id [email protected] at the earliest.
Thanks and Regards
i want last 10 years solved exam papers
sir, i want to marketing aptitude questions for bank exam.
sir,i need previous solved papers & material of sbi clerical exam.
so,plz send me the material as early as possible to my email id.
thanking you,
pls send me some model paper. for this e-mail ID [email protected]
I thankfull for you.
dear sir
i would liketo get solved sbi clerical exams paper of last five years. sir plz send me
dear sir
i would like to get solved sbi clerical exams paper of last 5 years. please send me to this email-
Please send me previous solved exam papers
need to know the procedure to apply for the exam conducted for SBI Clerk Recruitment
sir, i want sbi clerical exam papers of last 10 years and also material for marketing aptitude, general awareness,english.
so please send me as soon as possible to my email id
sir, i want sbi clerical exam papers of last 10 years and syllabus of clerical exam.
so please send me as soon as possible to my email id
thanking you
i want last 10 years sbi clerks recruitment exam papers
so plz send to my mail as soon as possible
thanking you sir
would like to get solved sbi clerical exams paper of last 5 years. pls send me to this
Respected Sir.mam
I would like to get solved sbi clerical exams paper of last 10 years. Pls send me to this email.
[email protected]
Thanks with regards,
Mohan Kumar.
sir, i want sbi clerical exam papers of last 10 years and also material for marketing aptitude, general awareness,english.
so please send me as soon as possible to my email id
thanking you
dear sir
i would like to get solved sbi clerical exams paper of last 5 years. please send me to this email-
[email protected]
thanking you
dear sir
i would like to get solved sbi clerical exams paper of last 5 years. pls send me to this email-
[email protected]
thanking you
dear sir
i would like to get solved sbi clerical exams paper last 10 years. pls send me to this email-
[email protected]
thanking you
plzzz send me some model papers
how to get previous papers
dear sir
i would like to get solved sbi clerical exams paper last 10 years. pls send me to this email.
[email protected]
thanking you sir
Send me previous solve paper’s to this email id .
pls send me sbi clerk previous exams solved papers to my mail id.
sir pl send clerk examination previous question papers
i required last five years SBI clerk reqcruitment exam papers with answers.
sir plz send me previous 10 years papers of sbi clerk recruitment
i would like to get solved sbi clerical exams paper last 10 years.pls send me to this email
Please send last 5-6 years question papers for clerical & probationary officer exam and
could you pls suggest the book which i can refer my email id is [email protected]
Respected Sir,
Please send me sample of test paper
Thank you
dear sir
i would like to get solved sbi clerical exam papers of last 10 years n could u please suggest the book which i can refer..
sir,i want to take previous of sbi plz you can send new paper of sbi 2008,2009and2010my mail
can you send me last 5 years model paper of sbi clerk xam to my mail
Respected sir/madam,
i am preparing for SBI clerk exam at home
Please send me 10 years sbi clerk solved papers& most likely quetion bank to my mail ID.
[email protected]
thank you!
pls send me sbi clerk previous exams solved papers to my mail id
sir,i want to knw how many marks for interview,how many for written.i mean how u select the candidate,i want to knw breifely.i am a fresher for this clerical exam,so plz send ur to above my mail id.
dear sir,
please provide me previous 10 year solved paper of state bank of india and oriental bank of commerce.
pls give last 2 years solved papers. My id is [email protected]
Thks & Regards
pls send me the last 5 years sbi clerk papers………..
my mail a/c is [email protected]
pls send me the last 5 years papers………..
i required 5 years sbi clerk exam pper with answer plz plz
Dear Sir,
Please send me the last two years sbi clerk exam paper With answar on my Mail id.
Mail [email protected]
devendra gour
Dear Sir,
I have already applied for SBI clerk-2011.The written test will be 16th jan.Please send me some 5 yrs question model paper so that 2011please send and advise me how to qualify written as well as interview ,I am tried from last 5yrs.My mail ID [email protected] You
sir please send me last 2-3 years cleark question paper on my id
[email protected]
Sir please send me sbi last 10 years question papers.
my email is [email protected]
i required last five years SBI clerk reqcruitment exam papers with answers.
i want to get last 5 year question paper of state bank of india for clerk job
Sir, i want SBI clerical exam paper last 6 years please can you send me to my mail. [email protected]
Thanking you
what is quantitative apptitude ?
dear sir
i would like to get solved sbi clerical exams paper last 10 years. pls send me to this email.
dear sir
i would like to get solved sbi clerical exams paper last 10 years. pls send me to this email.
Dear sir,
please send me previous solved clerical question paper to my mail id and suggest which books I refer to study this exam. Sir and also guidelines about these exam.
Thanking you.
sir,iam preparing for sbi exam but i have no idea about marketing aptitude/computer knowledge and
G.k so you please send previous papers to my mail id
thank you.
plz send me last 20 years sbi cleak exem paper….
Dear sir,
i have been writing banks exams from last one year but am not getting any weakness is i dnt english well. so please give me some suggetions to write well and also send some model papers of sbi clerical exams………………………
sir please send last 5-6 years question papers and
could you pls suggest the book which i can refer my email id is [email protected]
thank you
type of question sbi recuriment
respected sir/mam please send last 5-8years SBI clerk reqcruitment exam papers with answers.
Please send me last 10 years question papers with solutions and any other material related to this exam
Please send me last 10years sbi clerk exam papers (solved)and any other material related to it
Respected sir/madam,
i am preparing for SBI clerk exam at home
Please send me 10 years sbi clerk solved papers& most likely quetion bank to my mail ID.
thank you!
dear sir
i would like to get solved sbi clerical exams paper last 10 years. pls send me to this email.
[email protected]
thanking you
could you please suggest the way to grab SBI job.
sir please send last 5-6 years question papers and
could you pls suggest the book which i can refer my email id is [email protected]
thank you
i required last five years SBI clerk reqcruitment exam papers with answers.
i want 2010 paper of sbi clerk
respected sir/mam
sir i applied for clerk bank exam so please i want a last 2 years model question paper so please send me to my ID
Question paper with solved of last year
i want 5 years sbi cleark papers so please send me at my email id
i want previous 5 year question papers because i am preparing for sbi exam please mail me at my email id
i want datial about Marketing Aptitude plz send reply my mail id sir…………….
plz send me modelpapers if possible
i required all model papers of sbi cleark recruitement
sir,i’am preparing for the sbi clerk exam.what are the important books for preparing sbi clerk exam?
I want prepare the bank clerical post exams and PO exams, so kindly mail me the solved previous model question papers.
Respected sir/madam,
i am preparing for SBI clerk exam at home
Please send me 10 years sbi clerk solved papers& most likely quetion bank to my mail ID.
thank you!
respected sir/madam,
i am preparing for clerk exam at home
Please send me 10 years sbi clerk solved papers to my mail ID.
thank you!
the pattern of the paper for clerical exam of SBI bank
need to know about the basic information regarding bank exams and the subjects to study for clerk exams
respected sir/madom
i am preparing for clerical exams please send me last 10 years papers at my mail id.
i want sbi clreck previous pepars ple send me
respected sir/madam,
i am preparing for clerk exam at home
Please send me 10 years sbi clerk solved papers to my mail ID.
thank you!
pls send me sbi clerk previous exams solved papers to my mail id. Thanks in advance……
Please send me the last 10 year solved p.o papers on my mail.
as soon as possible.
I am preparing clerk exam at home
please send me 10 years sbi clerk solved papers to my ID.
thank you!
i am prepairing for sbi clerk exam so i kindly request
you to send me previous five years exam paper & current affairs & also books name which is published by the state bank of india for clerk exam, on my email [email protected]
respected sir/madam,
i am preparing for clerk exam at home
Please send me 10 years sbi clerk solved papers to my mail ID.
thank you!
dear sir,
please send me previous solved clerical question paper to my mail id and suggest which books i refer to study this exam. sir and also guidline about these exam.
Thanking you.
please send me sbi past year papers on my email with ans thank to u
how to prepare for SBI bank clerical examination?
respected sir/madam,
i am preparing for sbi clerk exam at home
Please send me 10 years sbi clerk solved papers to my mail ID.
thank you!
please send me 5 year sbi clerk solved to may mail ID.
thank you
dear sir,
i am preparing sbi clerical examinations but i dont have a suficient material hance i request you to kindly send the last 10 years sbi clerical model question papers along with solutions(elobately)
i am preparing for clerk exam at home
Please send me 10 years sbi clerk solved papers to my mail ID.
thank you!
Dear Sir,
Please send me the last five year sbi clerk exam paper With answer on my mail id:
Plz send me last 10 years sbi clerk solved papers to my mail id [email protected]
respected sir/madam,
i’m preparing for clerk exam at home.please send me previous question papers with solved answers or with key to my mail .
please send me material for business terminology and computer terminology
I am preparing for sbi clerk exam at home
so,i need previous 5 years solved paper of clerk exam
please send this paper on my mail id menntioned above.
Thank you
sir or madam please give me question papers
i am prepairing for sbi clerk exam so i kindly request
you to send me previous five years exam paper & current affairs & also books name which is published by the state bank of india for clerk exam, on my email [email protected]
respected sir/madam,
i am preparing for clerk exam at home
Please send me 10 years sbi clerk solved papers to my mail ID.
thank you
plz send me previous question papers of clerical examination…..
pls send sbi previous year question papers
i am prepairing for sbi clerk exam so i kindly request
you to send me previous five years exam paper & current affairs & also books name which is published by the state bank of india for clerk exam, on my email [email protected]
plz send me the previous question papers&answers for clerical exams
I have need mpsc question so you provaid me question
respected sir/madam,
i am preparing for clerk exam at home
Please send me 10 years sbi clerk solved papers to my mail ID.
thank you!
plz send me the previous question papers for clerical exams
dear sir/mam
please send me sbi clerk model papers(answers also)
sir,i want to take last previous sbi clerical papers so please send me
thanking you
i am prepairing for sbi clerk exam so i kindly request
you to send me previous five years exam paper & current affairs & also books name which is published by the state bank of india for clerk exam, on my email [email protected]
Dear Sir,
Please send me the last five year sbi clerk exam paper With answer on my mail id: [email protected]
i want previous solved question for writing clear exam in 2011
so please & any books which the is prepared for the exam
sir,i’m preparing for sbi clerical exam…..plz send me 5 years solved papto my i mail id
Dear Sir,
Please send me the last two years sbi clerk exam paper With answar on my Mail id.
Mail [email protected]
iam preparing for the SBI bank clerical exam. So,please send me the previous papers and also the current affairs.
thanking you sir.
dear sir,
please send me previous solved clerical question paper to my mail id and suggest which books i refer to study this exam. sir and also guidline about these exam.
Thanking you.
i want to do a job in sbi bank.i want to ask that how to prepair from this exam
Dear Sir,
Please send me the last five year sbi clerk exam paper With answar on my Mail id.
Mail [email protected]
Sushant Samal
sir plz send the old question paper and sbi bank
i want to take bank clerical exam pls send me some model paper book names which are most useful to prepare and can u pls send me previous solved testpapers which are helpful to me
I want to take the bank clerical post exams and PO exams, so kindly mail me the solved model question of previous 10 years, and suggest me the books which can help me to write the exam
Please send me 10 years sbi clerk solved papers to my mail for free.
my emailid:[email protected]
i want to take bank clerical exam pls send me some model paper book names which are most useful to prepare and can u pls send me previous solved testpapers which are helpful to me
sir plz send old sbi qussition papers
I want to take the bank clerical post exam, so kindly send me the solved model question of previous 10 years to my mail id, and suggest me the books which can help me to write the exam
how can i prepare for the sbi clerical exam. where can i get the study materials.
please send the sbi clerk exam model papers
Sir/Madam I need sbi clerical staff exam previous years question papers with answer.urgent
Dear Sir/Madam,
with due respect i want take previous exam question papers on sbi clerk. plz send question paper.
please provide last 10year”s paper for clerk.
I want to take the bank clerical post exam, so kindly send me the solved model question of previous 3years to my mail id, and suggest me the books which can help me to write the exam
Please send me Last 3 years sbi clerk solved papers to my mail.
Thanking you
give the previous exam question papers on sbi clerk
Please send me Last 5-6 years sbi clerk solved papers to my mail.
Thanking you
give the previous exam quetion paper on sbi clerk
give the previous exam question papers on sbi clerk
Sir/Madam I need sbi clerical staff exam previous years question papers with answer.urgent
plese send me last 5 years question bank of sbi
give the previous exam quetion paper on sbi clerk
please send solved papers of uco bank clerk grade of last 10 years at my id & oblige
I want to take the bank clerical post exam, so kindly send me the solved model question of previous 10 years to my mail id, and suggest me the books which can help me to write the exam
hello sir,
can i have latest question paper of last 2 years of sbi clerk recruitment exam papers.
pls send me last 5 years solved papers to my email id.
Please send me Last 5-6 years sbi clerk solved papers to my mail.
Thanking you
Sir, i want to write the SBI clerical exam, so kindly send me the solved model question paper in 2010 to my mail id, and suggest me the books which can help me to write the exam
sir how can i prepare for general awareness
pls send me last 5 years solved papers of sbi clerk exammination to my email id
hello sir/madam
can i have question paper of last 10 years of sbi clerk recruitment exam papers.
Thank you.
respected sir/madam,
i am preparing for clerk exam at home
Please send me 10 years sbi clerk solved papers to my mail.
thank you!
pls send me the last 10 year question paper for 2010 sbi clerk exam
pls send me the last 10 year question paper for 2010 sbi clerk exam p
sir can i have last 4-5 years solved sbi papers
pls send me last 5 years solved papers to my email id.
Sir/Madam I need sbi clerical staff exam previous years question papers with answer. Please send to my mail.
Hello sir/madam,
I want to take the bank clerical post exam, so kindly send me the solved model question of previous 10 years to my mail id, and suggest me the books which can help me to write the exam.
Can I get 10 years solved question papers of sbi clerical exam.
namaste sirji,
i am preparing for clerk exam at home
Please send me 10 years sbi clerk solved papers to my mail
thank you!
Sir/ Madam
Please send me Last 5-6 years sbi clerk solved papers to my mail.
Thanking you
sir please give me the last 10 years sbi question paper
plz send me 5 year question paper of clercial exam
hello sir/madam
can i have question paper of last 10 years of sbi clerk recruitment exam papers.
Thank you.
sir please Send me previous years solved questions papers for Bank Clerks exams in my Email ID.. [email protected]
Dear Sir/Madam
Please send me at least last 5 years question papers, i needful that and also i want know how the question paper pattern is……………..
Thanking you,
is there anyway to get old question papers of sbi clerk exams through mail. if so pls pass to my mail id
hello sir,
can i have question paper of last 4-5 years of sbi clerk recruitment exam papers
Respected Sir/Madame,
I am awaiting for the SBI clerk examination which will be held in 2011, Could you please send me the solved papers to my mail id?. That would be of a great help.Thanks in advance !!
Respected Sir/Madame,
I am awaiting for the SBI clerk examination which will be held in 2011, Could you please send me the solved papers to my mail id?. That would be of a great help.Thanks in advance !!
pls provovie me all clerk papers of last one year
hello sir,
can i have latest question paper of last 2 years of sbi clerk recruitment exam papers.
Sir/ Madam
Please send me 10 years sbi clerk solved papers to my mail.
Thanking you
dear sir,
i am preparing sbi clerical examinations but i dont have a suficient material hance i request you to kindly send the last 10 years sbi clerical model question papers along with solutions(elobately)
Along with RBI Grade ‘b’ officer question papers with answers.
i never forget your help.
thanking you
Sir/ Madam
Please send me 10 years sbi clerk solved papers to my mail.
and give me instruction for preparing sbi clerk exam 16th jan 2011.
Thanking you
dear sir,
plz give me syllabus for sbi bank clerk .
Sir/ Madam
Please send me 10 years sbi clerk solved papers to my mail.
Thanking you
hello sir,
can i have question paper of last 4-5 years of sbi clerk recruitment exam papers
i am preparing for clerk exam at home
So pls. send me past 10 years sbi clerk solved papers to my mail
thank you!
Hello sir ,
Please send me last 5-8 years sbi clerk recruitment exam papers.
Thank you
Please send me 10 years sbi clerk solved papers to my mail.
Thanking you
hellow sir,
can i have question paper of last 10 years of sbi clerk recruitment exam
Can i have question paper of last 4-5 years of sbi clerk recruitment exam papers.plz send it in my id [email protected]
sir can u plz send me last 4-5 years solved sbi cleark exam papers
hello sir,
can i have question paper of last 4-5 years of sbi clerk recruitment exam papers
Respected sir/madame,
please send sbi clerk 10year solved exame paper to my mail id . [email protected]
Sir/ Madam
Please send me 10 years sbi clerk solved papers to my mail
hello sir,
can i have question paper of last 4-5 years of sbi clerk recruitment exam papers
Sir/ Madam
Please send me 10 years sbi clerk solved papers to my mail.
Thanking you
plz sir send me 10 yrs sbi clerk solved papers to my mail
namaste sirji,
i am preparing for clerk exam at home
Please send me 10 years sbi clerk solved papers to my mail
thank you!
sir/madem iam studing bsc 1st i eligible or not to write the sbi clerk post?plz send answer to my email
Please send me 10 years sbi clerk solved papers to my mail
Iam going to write sbi clerical staff exam on 2011.I need details that how can i pass in that exam.I require details ragarding preparation for this exam.and how to score 40% in each one.Please send me 10 yrs previous question papers of sbi clericla exam.
i want pattern of selection
Sir I am going to write sbi clerical staff exam on 26th january 2010. I need information about sbi exam and how can i pass in that exam.
plz send me last 10 years solved papers for SBI clerk exams in my email id
Sir I am going to write sbi clerical staff exam on 26th january 2010. I need information about sbi exam and how can i pass in that exam. I nedd details about the sbi clerical staff posts and send previous 2009 exam paper and model question papers with explanation of sbi clerical exam
please send me all model papers for clerk exams
i m doing job,which type of study i will pass in this exam
pls 4ward me 5 years back question papers of sbi clerical exams to my mail id
send me previous 10 tears sbi clerical question papers on my email id.
I am going to write sbi clerical staff exam on 2011.I need details that how can i pass in that exam.I need to know which way can I study to score pass 40% in each one.please send me 10 yr previous question of sbi for clericla exam.
Please send me 5 years sbi clerk solved papers to my mail.
please send me previews yearly question papers
please sent the last 5years question paper in sbi clerck post
my email ID;[email protected]
pls send me sbi, corporation bank,bank of india,previous clerk exam paper with solution please do me a faviour as soon as possible please send me at my e mail id “[email protected]”
plz send me some bank question papers & answers
Plz send the previous SBI bank clerk fully solved Question paper.
plz send me . mock test papers of bank clerk exam.
Respected Sir/Madam,
Please send me 10 years sbi clerk solved papers to my mail.
MY [email protected]
I want to apply for clerical jobs in SBI. What is the salary of SBI clerks?
Respected Sir/Madam,
Please send me 10 years sbi clerk solved papers to my mail.
[email protected]
plz send me sbi clerk previous sample paper solved at my id [email protected]
Can you please send me some SBI officer exam papers? thanks in advance
please send me expected questions with answers for sbi clerks exam jan 2011
I am going to write sbi clerical staff exam on 2011.I need details that how can i pass in that exam.I need to know which way can I study to score pass 40% in each one.please send me 10 yr previous question of sbi for clericla exam.
This is kumar TVR, I need english material for SBI Clerical Exams, please inform the books and author names, my mail id is [email protected]
Respected Sir/Madam,
Please send me 10 years sbi clerk solved papers to my mail for free.
my emailid: [email protected]
dear sir, i am preparing for next upcoming sbi associated clerk vacancy. so sir plz mail me previous question paper & any other if something change
plg send me privious year question paper with Answer
I’am Kiran going to write sbi clerck exam please send me 10 yr previous solved question paper
my email id is- [email protected]
please send me the questions papers solved of sbi held in last years
Respected Sir/Madam,plz send me previous years bank clerk exam. papers wid answers of J&K Bank as soon as possible.Thanks a lot.
I am going to attend the clerickal examination for SBI, for that purpose i need some help from you. what are the method we should adopt to attend the bank exam? also please send previous ten years solved question papers
Thanking you
please tell me how can i clear sbi clerical exam. also send me letest GK questions with answers and last 5 year solved question papers.
I am going to write sbi clerical staff exam on 2011.I need details that how can i pass in that exam.I need to know which way can I study to score pass 40% in each one.please send me 10 yr previous question of sbi for clericla exam.
my e-mail id is :- [email protected]
Respected Sir/Madam,
Please send me 10 years sbi clerk solved papers to my mail.
MY EMAILID- [email protected]
sir please send me model papers
i need some qustion paper with answer
please send me expected questions with answers for sbi clerks exam jan 2011
pse mail expected questions with answers for sbi clerks exam 2001 jan.
plz send me the sbi clerk exam prev question
mail id - [email protected]
Pls send me previous solved question paper of sbi exam
Hi. Plz send me sbi clerk exam prev question [email protected]
Please send me previous ten year question papers of SBI clerk exam with answers & merit list of the last exam of SBI clerk. I just want to know the minimum percentage for qulifying the written clerk exam and give ur suggestions for qualifying the exam.
Hello sir/madam, please send sbi clerickal solved previous papers.i prepared for sbi 2011 exam please please send atlease 3 or previous papers please please please sir.Please send previous papers.
plz send me previuos q paper in sbi clerks
please send me previuos 5 years question papers of SBI CLERK and PO( with answers ), i would be very thankful to you . My Email I.D is
[email protected]
Hi Please send me some previous solved clerical paper of SBI with solutions i want to practise more & get through this time as am writing from more than year plz plz help me this time am appearing for sbi 2011.
you can send information / papers to
[email protected]
Thanks for your help in advance.
I am going to write sbi clerical staff exam on 2011.I need details that how can i pass in that exam.I need to know which way can I study to score pass 40% in each one.please send me 10 yr previous question of sbi for clericla exam.
sharmila: On October 11th, 2010
Respected Sir/Madam,
Please send me 10 years sbi clerk solved papers to my mail.
MY EMAILID- [email protected]
plz send me last 10 years solved papers for SBI clerk exams in my email id.
[email protected]
model test papers and guide book to prepare for the sbi clerk and specialist officer post.
Respected Sir/Madam,
Please send me 10 years sbi clerk solved papers to my mail.
[email protected]
I need last five years sbi clerical exam question paper with answer. please send to my mail id.
I am going to write the sbi associated banks clerks exam so how prepar followed meterial 5years previous question papers and how many marks has to gain in each part, i need to know the above details please send the details to my mail thank you
i want to get a job in sbi how can i prepare i want all lprevious papers of sbi clerck posts please send to
my email
please send me previuos 10 years question papers of SBI CLERK and PO( with answers ), i would be very thankful to you . My Email I.D is ([email protected])
I am going to write sbi clerical staff exam on 2011.I need details that how can i pass in that exam.I need to know which way can I study to score pass 40% in each one.please send me 10 yr previous question of sbi for clericla exam.
how to apply
plz send me previus Q papers in sbi clerks
please send me previuos 5 years question papers of SBI CLERK and PO( with answers ), i would be very thankful to you . My Email I.D is
[email protected]
i want to know that can i apply for the post under person with disabilities because i am a patient of diabtease and due to that my height does not increases and i have done 12th with 83% marks in non medical. plz tell
Respected Sir/Madam,
Please send me 10 years sbi clerk solved papers to my mail.
MY EMAILID- [email protected]
Respected Sir/Madam,
Please send me 10 years sbi clerk solved papers to my mail.
my emailid: [email protected]
Respected Concern,
Kindly send me the previous 05 year’s solved question papers of SBI…………!
with Rgds,
My Question is:—-
What is closing date of RBI?
Plz Send me 10 years solved questions papers for sbi Clerks exams in my Email ID [email protected] When will be the next exam of SBI clerical jobs in 2011?
plz send me last 10 years solved papers for SBI clerk exams in my email id.. [email protected]
sir please Send me previous years solved questions papers for Bank Clerks exams in my Email ID..
please send sbi clerical solved papers
Pls provide the last 10yrs SBI solved question paper for clerk & PO exam in my email address [email protected].
Pls send the same in ASAP.Thxn in advance.
urgently iwant now please show me now
what was the last merit list of obc
sir please Send me previous years solved questions papers for Bank Clerks exams in my Email ID.. [email protected]
please show the question paper
plz send me last 10 year slved question papers of sbi bank to my Email - id [email protected]
Dear sir/mam plz send me clerk recruitment exam papers plz…
Plz Send me last 10 years solved questions papers for sbi Clerks exams in my Email ID. [email protected]
Plz Send me sir previous years solved questions papers for Bank Clerks exams in my Email address.and plz give me gauidence How to prepare the Exams?
Plz Send me previous years solved questions papers for Bank Clerks exams in my Email ID..
[email protected]
plz send me the previous year solved question papers in my email id [email protected]
If any one know,please send me last 15 or 10 years SBI Clerk exam papers with answer to me.
My mail id is ([email protected]).
Thanks in advance.
plz. give me question paper with solution
Plz Send me 10 years solved questions papers for sbi Clerks exams in my Email [email protected] When will be the next exam of SBI clerical jobs in 2011?
Plz Send me previous years solved questions papers for Bank Clerks exams in my Email ID..
pls sir send me 5 years solved question papers for current vacancies in state bank of india in my email id which is held on 16.january.2010
[email protected]
please send uko bank clerk questions modal
plz send solutions
Plz Send me 10 years solved questions papers for sbi Clerks exams in my Email [email protected] When will be the next exam of SBI clerical jobs in 2011?
i am preparing sbi clerks plz give me information how to prepare the gk ,computer & marketing and also syllabus
plz send me sbi clerk exam all computer & marketing model paper to my e.mail id
plz send me last ten years solved question paper for sbi clerks exams
Repected sir, please send me previous 3 years solved question paper for bank clerk exam in my email id
Respected sir,
Please send me last 10 year’s sbi clerical exam papers to my email id.
Plz Send me 10 years solved questions papers for sbi Clerks exams in my Email [email protected].
Respected Sir/Madam,
Plz send me previous years solved question papers of bank clerical (sbi) on my e-mail id. Thanx 4 ur kind support
i want to know how many questions are asked from each objective test paper in sbi clerk exam. so plz send previous years 2009’s question paper to my email id above mentioned.
Plz Send me 10 years solved questions papers for sbi Clerks exams in my Email [email protected] When will be the next exam of SBI clerical jobs in 2011?
i wants ten year paper for sbi clear test paper
Sir could u pls send me last 10 years question papers with solution SBI clerk recuritement exam papers
Plz Send me 10 years solved questions papers for sbi Clerks exams in my Email id [email protected]
respected sir.
please send me 8 year solve paper of sbi clerk with answer.
thank you
iam a ex serviceman. i want to know what is the eligibility criteria for XS to apply for the sbi clerk exam, earlier sslc was sufficient. an ex servicemen with sslc is equal to graduate for applying for the post in group C and goup D., as per govt orders. is iam eligible for applying for the sbi clerk as i have only 42% marks in pre degree (plus two). please take it as a request and intimate to my e mail id given below the details, i will be so grateful to you, thenking you,. somewhere i read 50% marks is essential for XS to apply for this job, please clarify.( [email protected])
which books should be taken for study to crack sbi clerks exam and plz send me previous year question paper at my id [email protected]
plz send me10 years solved question papers for sbi clerk exams in my email id:[email protected].
please give me the previous clerk exam papers
pls send me State bank of India, uco bank,united bank of India,previous clerk exam paper with solution please do me a faviour as soon as possible please send me at my e mail id “[email protected]”
Sir Please Send me last 6 years Solved Question paper for clark
please sir more detail in sbi bank vacencies in my mail id [email protected]
pls send me sbi clerical exam previous years solved papers in my E mail id [email protected] when will be the vaccancy for sbi exam 2011
Plz Send me 10 years solved questions papers for sbi Clerks exams in my Email [email protected] When will be the next exam of SBI clerical jobs in 2011?
tell me about the vaccancy for associate clerk recruitment 2011
please sir more detail in sbi bank vacancies in my mail id [email protected]
please sent sbi bank clerk questions model
sir please Send me previous years solved questions papers for Bank Clerks exams in my Email ID..
[email protected]
Please sir you send me Clerks & PO Examination Paper with solution on my E-mail ID . My E-mail [email protected]
Plz Send me previous years solved questions papers for Bank Clerks exams in my Email ID..
[email protected]
Plz Send me previous years solved questions papers for Bank Clerks exams in my Email ID..
[email protected]
Respected Sir/Madam,
Plz send me previous years solved question papers of bank clerical (sbi) on my e-mail id. Thanx 4 ur kind support
pls send me all the exams papers of previous year with solutions of sbi to my e-mail id
[email protected]
UBI clerk questin
how we apply for the clerical exams ?
what are all the qualifications ?
dear sir /madam
plz send me 10 years sbi clerk solved papers to my Emai-idof the exam, When will be the next exam of SBI clerical jobs in 2011?.
thank you.
Please sir you send me Clerical & PO Examination Paper on my E-mail ID . My E-mail ID : [email protected]
Dear Sir/Madam
I want to know that when was the next date for filling the form for SBI clerical Jobs.
whole sylabus and previous year question paper.
Plz send email id.
i request you to please give information about exam date and syllabus of clerk exam of 2010 on my email id.Thanks for your kind support.
Plz Send me previous years solved questions papers for Bank Clerical exams in my Email ID.
Thanking You
plz send me the next date of the exam,whole sylabus and previous year question paper in my email id
sbi bank
plz send me the next date of the exam,whole sylabus and previous year question paper in my email id
respect sir ,
i am preparing of sbi clerk so i want to sbi last exam papers
When will be the next exam of SBI clerical jobs in 2010.
pls send me the next date of the exam, whole syllabus & previous year question paper in my email id.
can u pl intimate next notification for clerks recruitment and pl send any material which will help me to get through the exam.
how many days will take to join the bank after clearing the exam because i will be leaving my present job in air force in the hope of getting job in u r bank.
plz send me whole previous year clerk exam solved papers.
When will be the next exam of SBI clerical jobs in 2010.
pls send me the next date of the exam, whole syllabus & previous year question paper in my email id.
Respected Concern,
Kindly send me the previous 10 year’s solved question papers of SBI…………!
Thank you
Susheel Kumar
Dear Sir/Madam
Please I have a query, can u please help me out.
I want to know that when was the next date for filling the form for SBI clerical Jobs.
Please help me out.
plz send me whole previous year clerk exam solved papers.
Please send me 10 years sbi clerk/PO solved papers to my Emai-id
Dear sir/madam
pls give me at list 6 years solve papers of SBI Cleak/Po to my email ID.and i also want urs guidance for appearing in the exam about how to solve it less time.
respected sir/madam,
please send me 10 years sbi clerk/po solved papers to my e-mail id .
i would request u to please send me last 5 years clerical exam papers os SBI.
Please send me 10 years sbi clerk/PO solved papers to my Emai-id.
tion papers
i want last 5 years papers of SBI bank PO exam…plz send me..and i also want ur guidance for appearing in the exam….
i going face the bank clerk entrance exam so pls give a favour that is pls send book for bank clerk for prepartion
I want last 4-5 solved papers of clerical post. Request you to please send these papers.
sir, kindly send question paper of sbi clerk held on 08 nov 2009.
thank u
i want to know when the sbi clerkship final result will be out?
I, would like to know what is the age relaxation for Ex Serviceman for SBI clk job.
Please send me 10 years sbi clerk/PO solved papers to my Emai-id.
Please send me 10 years sbi clerk/PO solved papers to my Emai-id.
dear sir plz sends me the previous 10 years question paper to my email id
Respected Sir/Madam, Which books is more suitable for the prepration of Bank PO/Clerk?
Respected Sir/Madam, I am preparing for Bank PO and Clerk as well. So I wanted from you a favour that you plz send me 10 yr’s question papers of all the bank you have to my e-mail id. Plz Sir/Madam, it would help me in my prepration. Thanking you.
My we have sample papers for clerk recruitment exam?
Respected Sir /Madam
Please send me last 10 year bank of india solved paper to my e mail my mail id is [email protected] and apsingh_rathour
I am waiting for your answer
Respected Sir/Madam,
Please send me 10 years sbi clerk/PO solved papers to my Emai-idl
I want to do preparation for sbi clerk exam successfully. I want 10 years previous solved peper of sbi.
Respected sir,
Please send me last 10 year’s sbi clerical exam papers to my email id
Respected sir,
Please send me last 10 year’s sbi clerical exam papers to my email id.
pls send me sbi, corporation bank,bank of india,previous clerk exam paper with solution please do me a faviour as soon as possible please send me at my e mail id “[email protected]
Please send me 10 years sbi clerk solved papers to my mail.
Respected Sir/Madam,
Please send me 10 years sbi clerk solved papers to my mail
Dear sir/madam,
pls send me all the exams papers of previous year with solutions of sbi clerk exam including 2009-10.
please do me a favour as soon as possible.Please send me at my e-mail id “[email protected]”.
Thank you.
how much days are required to declair the final result of interview held in 2010 march for the post of clerical.
where to apply for the post of clerk.
Respected Sir/Madam,
Please send me 10 years sbi clerk solved papers to my mail.
pls send me all the exams papers of previous year with solutions of sbi.
what is the minimum age limit for clerk?
when is the next exam for clerk is going to held?
how many questions must be correct in each subject for qualifying the exam?
if a student succeds in solving 80% of questions correctly but not solved any question of computer then he will qualify or not?
tell me about new sbi clerk exams
pls send me all the exams papers of previous year with solutions of sbi clerk exam including 2009-10.please do me a favour as soon as possible.Please send me my e-mail id [email protected]
plz mail me solved paper of SBI & BOB
pls send me all the exams papers of previous year with solutions of sbi.
hai sir i dont u r name and anything. but i want help for clarify my doubts . acually my aim is became a clrek but iam just 18 it possible to get job with in oneyear.
please mail me solved question papers of sbi and syndicate bank
and some questions on computer awarness
please do me a favour as soon as possible…..
i want some model solved question papers for clerk post in 2009 and 2010
send me the paper of sbi clerical that was held on 22 dec , 2009
pls send me all the exams papers of previous year with solutions of sbi.
Dear sir/madam
kindly send the useful questions related to marketion and computer and please suggest some book related to marketing and computer
please mail me solved question papers of sbi and bank of baroda…
please do me a favour as soon as possible…..
Sbi ka written test clear karne k liya kon se publiser ki book better hai
respected sir
pls send me all the exams papers of previous year with solutions of sbi.
Respected sir/madam
Kindly send me all previous year exam paper….with solutions of sbi…….send me link to download.
sir ,
kindly send me all previous year exam paper of sbi ………….with solutions …………..send me link to download exam books.
thank you.
respected sir/madam,
iam very thankful to you,all other Q.PAPERS are useful and i want clerical apptitude previous Q.papers
thanking you
respected sir/madam
iam very thankful to you.all other q.papers are useful.i want clerical aptitude papers, can you please send me.
plse send me sbi clerk exam paper held on 22 nov 2010
pls send to my mail previous old papers of clerk recruitments it was helpfull to me
pls send me all previous year exam paper of sbi ………….with solutions …………..send me link to download exam books
Plz Send me previous model papers Q&A.
Plz send me next recruitment plans on sbi.
Dear sir/mam
Plese send last 2 year solved/unsolved paper of sbi clerical
exam at my Email Id
kindlt don’t ignore this
thank you
yours faithfully
Gaurav Agarwal
Please send me next recruitment plans
Please send me previous 10 years exam papers to my e-mail id [email protected]
I will be very thankful
please sState Bank of India
Marketing and Financial Awareness
Sample Question Paper for Marketing and Financial Awareness for candidates appearing for the State Bank of India (SBI) Management Executive Recruitment Examinations.
1. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) is better known as
(A) World Bank
(B) Asian Development Bank
(D) It is known by its name
2. When was the Reserve Bank of India established?
(A) 1935
(B) 1920
(C) 1928
(D) 1947
3. Which is the largest commercial bank in India?
(A) Reserve Bank of India
(B) State Bank of India
(C) ICICI Bank
(D) Bank of India
4. The Bank of Calcutta, Bank of Bombay and Bank of Madras were merged in 1921 to form
(A) Reserve Bank of India
(B) Imperial Bank of India
(C) Bank of India
(D) Union Bank of India
5. Which sister organization of the World Bank helps private activity in developing countries by financing projects with long-term capital in the form of equity and loans?
(A) Asian Development Bank
(C) International Developmental Association
(D) International Finance Corporation
6. Which sister organization of the World Bank provides long term loans at zero interest to the poorest developing countries?
(A) Asian Development Bank
(C) International Developmental Association
(D) International Finance Corporation
7. Who is known as the ‘Father of Economics’?
(A) Adam Smith
(B) Chanakya
(C) Machiavelli
(D) None of these
8. Which was the first Indian Bank to introduce credit card?
(A) State Bank of India
(B) Central Bank of India
(C) Union Bank of India
9. What does devaluation of a currency mean?
(A) decrease in the internal value of money
(B) decrease in the external value of money
(C) decrease both in the external and internal values of money
(D) none of these
10.Which of the following is known as plastic money?
(A) bearer cheques
(B) credit cards
(C) demand drafts
(D) gift cheques
11. Which of the following statements best describes the concept of involvement in the context of buyer behaviour?
(A) The length of time involved in the buying process
(B) The potential impact of a product on an individual’s self-identity
(C) The number of people involved in the decision-making unit
(D) The complexity of an order
12. Buying decisions generally follow a pattern of overlapping stages. Which of the following best describes the typical stages of the buying process?
(A) Need recognition > Information search > Evaluation > Decision > Post purchase evaluation
(B) Need recognition > Evaluation > Information search > Decision > Post purchase evaluation
(C) Information search > Need recognition > Evaluation > Decision > Post purchase evaluation
(D) Need recognition > Information search > Decision > Evaluation > Post purchase evaluation
13. Needs differ from wants because:
(A) Wants are a socialized manifestation of underlying needs
(B) Needs are a socialized manifest Needs are historical; wants are about the futuretation of underlying wants
(C) Needs are historical; wants are about the future
(D) Needs and wants are exactly the same
14. Which of the following levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is most likely to be associated with consumers’ purchase of goods which appeal to their inner sense of peace of mind (e.g. art classes)?
(A) Self-actualization
(B) Love
(C) Security
(D) Physiological
15. An individual is considering buying a new microwave cooker and is faced with the possibility of several models. Which of the following describes the widest range of microwave cookers, which the buyer considers in some form?
(A) The choice set
(B) The awareness set
(C) The total set
(D) The pre-evaluation set
16. A company uses The Coors to endorse its range of snack foods. This endorsement is likely to be particularly effective if the Coors are seen by Large numbers of the company’s target market as:
(A) A primary reference group.
(B) A tertiary reference group.
(C) A secondary reference group.
(D) A non-reference group.
17. Which of the following consumer responses is LEAST likely to overcome cognitive dissonance experienced by a consumer who is dissatisfied with their purchase?
(A) Rationalizing to ourselves that a product is actually quite good
(B) Seeing the product in a different light so that we emphasize the bad aspects of a product
(C) Seeing the product in a different light so that we emphasize the good aspects of a product
(D) Complaining and returning goods to the supplier
18.Which of the following labels is NOT associated with a role in a buying Decision Making Unit?
(A) Supplier
(B) Gatekeeper
(C) Decision maker
(D) User
19. A secretary who answers calls for a company buyer may be taking on which role within the company’s decision-making unit?
(A) User
(B) Influencer
(C) Gatekeeper
(D) Buyer
20. Which of the following is NOT an element of a Marketing Information System?
(A) Marketing research
(B) Decision support system
(C) Production monitoring system
(D) None of these
Tags: Banking-Papers, Downloads, Financial-Awareness-Papers, Marketing-Question-Papers, Marketing-Sample-Papers, Question-Answers, Question-Papers, Sample Papers, Sample-Question-Papers, SBI-Sample-Papers, Solved-Sample-Questions
SBI Clerk Examinations Sample Question Papers : General Awareness
March 15, 2010 by Chand
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State Bank Of India
General Awareness Paper
Sample paper for SBI Clerk Recruitment 2009 that will give you an idea about type of General Awareness questions asked in examination.
1. Which of the following places was known as a centre of learning in ancient India?
(1) Nalanda
(2) Ujjain
(3) Allahabad
(4) None of these
2. The process of transfer of heat by matter but without actual movement of the particles themselves is called.
(1) conduction
(2) convection
(3) radiation
(4) None of these
3. Only zero and one are used for operating
(1) Calculator
(2) Computer
(3) Abacus
(4) Typewriter
4. Transistor is
(1) semi-conductor
(2) inductor
(3) modulator
(4) demodulator
5. Computer cannot
(1) send message
(2) abstract thought
(3) read files
(4) play music
6. Which of the following is not a carbohydrate?
(1) Wax
(2) Starch
(3) Sucrose
(4) Maltose
7. Deficiency of which vitamin causes night blindness?
(1) Vit. B
(2) Vit. C
(3) Vit. A
(4) Vit. E
8. Which of the following is the vaccine for tuberculosis?
(1) OPT
(2) BCG
(3) Salk vaccine
(4) Rubella vaccine
9. Horns, nails and hair are
(1) soluble fats
(2) insoluble carbohydrates
(3) keratin proteins
(4) complex lipids
10. Who conducts the State Assembly Elections?
(1) Chief Justice of the High Court concerned.
(2) Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
(3) Chief Election Commissioner
(4) Governor of the State concerned
11. Which is an ore of aluminum?
(1) Chromite
(2) Cuprite
(3) Bauxite
(4) Siderite
12. Kalidas was
(1) a poet during the Gupta period.
(2) a dramatist during Harshvardhana’s reign.
(3) an astronomer during Gupta period.
(4) None of these
13. Which mirror is used as a rear view mirror in vehicles?
(1) Plain
(2) Convex
(3) Concave
(4) Spherical
14. The compilation Meri Ekyawan Kavitayen is by
(1) A.N. Vajpayee
(2) Harivanshrai Bachchan
(3) Dharam Vir Bharti
(4) Shiv Mangal Singh Suman
15. ‘Equinox’ means
(1) days are longer than nights.
(2) days and nights are equal.
(3) days are shorter than nights
(4) None of these
16. Who was known as “Nightingale of India”?
(1) Vijaylaxmi Pandit
(2) Sarojini Naidu
(3) Suraiya
(4) None of these
17. Gaya is associated with Lord Buddha, where he
(1) was born
(2) attained enlightenment
(3) died
(4) delivered his first sermon
18. Chemical change does not take place in
(1) souring of milk into curd
(2) rusting of iron in atmosphere
(3) burning of magnesium ribbon in air
(4) emitting of light by a red hot platinum wire
19. Who is the highest wicket-taker in Indian Cricket team?
(1) Javagal Srinath
(2) Anil Kumble
(3) Maninder Singh
(4) Kapil Dev
20. Which country leads in production of aluminum and aluminum goods?
(1) Austriala
(2) The US
(3) Russia
(4) Japan
21. The Nathu La Pass, which has increased Indian trade with a neighbour, lies between India and which country?
(1) Pakistan
(2) Bhutan
(3) Nepal
(4) China
(5) Tibet
22. The Banking Codes and Standards Boards has been formed to provide fair treatment to:
(1) Employees’ Unions
(2) Member Banks
(3) Officers
(4) SBI
(5) Customers
23. In India, the CRR at present is approximately:
(1) less than 5%
(2) 10% to 15%
(3) 5% to 10%
(4) 20%
(5) 35%
24. The present salary of an MP is (Rs per month)
(1) 2,500
(2) 5,000
(3) 7,500
(4) 15,000
(5) 16,000
25. Which river was recently found to be the longest?
(1) Amazon
(2) Nile
(3) Mississippi
(4) Ganga
(5) Yangtze Kiang
26. The highest Indian mountain-peak is:
(1) Mt Everest
(2) Nanga Parbat
(3) Dhaulagiri
(4) Godwin Austin
(5) Annapurna
27. Basel II norms will lead to:
(1) Capital A/c convertibility
(2) Better Stock Exchanges
(3) Better CRR
(4) Increased savings
(5) None of these
28. Rice is which kind of crop?
(1) Rabi
(2) Evergreen
(3) Kharif
(4) Inter-seasonal
(5) Monsoon
29. ‘Jog falls’ are in:
(1) Kerala
(2) J & K
(3) U.P.
(4) Uttaranchal
(5) Karnataka
30. The capitals of the new States Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Uttaranchal are:
(1) Raipur, Ranchi, Dehradun
(2) Ranchi, Patna, Nainital
(3) Raniganj, Patna, Dehradun
(4) Patna, Raipur, Nainital
(5) None of the above
Answer Key
1) (1), 2) (1), 3) (2), 4) (1), 5) (2), 6) (1), 7) (3), (2), 9) (3), 10) (3)
11) (3), 12) (1), 13) (2), 14) (1), 15) (2), 16) (2), 17) (2), 18) (4), 19) (2), 20) (2), 21) (4), 22) (5), 23) (2), 24) (5), 25) (1), 26) (2), 27) (1), 28) (5), 29) (5), 30) (1)
Tags: Banking-Officer-Papers, Banking-Papers, Clerk-Examinations-Papers, Downloads, General-Awareness-Questions, Question-Answers, Question-Papers, Sample Papers, Sample-Question-Papers, SBI-Sample-Papers, Solved-Sample-Questions
General Banking Officer Solved Sample Question Paper: Reasoning
March 15, 2010 by Chand
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Bank Of India
General Banking Question Paper
Sample Question Paper for Bank of India (BoI) Recruitment of General Banking Officers. All the question listed here have been solved for your convenience. This sample paper is equally useful for all candidate preparing for Bank PO, Clerical and SSC Recruitment Examinations.
Directions (Q 1–5): In each of the letter series, find the missing letters.
1. a – c c a b c – a b – c – b c c
1. b a c c
2. b c c a
3. c b c a
4. c c b a
5. c a b c
2. b b c – b – c a b b – a – b c a
1. b c a b
2. a c b b
3. a b c b
4. c a b b
5. a d b c
3. x x – y – x x x x y – x x x x y – x
1. y x y y
2. y x x x
3. x y x x
4. x y y y
5. x x x y
4. a a – c – a b c a – b c a a b –
1. c a a b
2. a a c b
3. b a a c
4. b a c a
5. None of these
5. c c b – c – b a c c – a – c b a
1. b c a c
2. a b c c
3. c c b a
4. a c b c
5. None of these
6. A is B’s sister, C is B’s mother, D is C’s father and E is D’s mother. What is the relationship of A with E?
1. Daughter
2. Grand daughter
3. Grandson
4. Grandmother
5. Sister
7. If yesterday’s tomorrow was Wednesday, then yesterday’s day-after-tomorrow will be
1. Wednesday
2. Thursday
3. Friday
4. Saturday
5. Sunday
8. Which of the following groups of letters is different from the other groups of letters?
9. Which of the following series is without any law/pattern?
10. In a row of the six members sitting, P is sitting to the left of Q but to the right of Y. R is sitting to the right of X but to the left of Q who is to the left of Z. The members sitting in the middle are
1. PR
2. RQ
3. XQ
4. PS
5. None of these
11. Select an item from those given in alternatives that has the same property as the one in question 697, 888, 945
1. 146
2. 934
3. 879
4. 555
5. 584
12. Find the missing term in the series BYAZ, ? , DWCX, EVDW
13. Find the missing term in the series CEHLQ, FHKOT, ?, LNQUZ
14. A boat is going against the stream in a river and it first turns to exact right and then again a second time exactly to the right to its direction of motion. Assuming that the boat is propelled at constant velocity from the start, how will the speed be effected now?
1. Will increase or decrease
2. Will remain the same
3. Will increase
4. Will decrease
5. None of these
15. Select an item from those given as alternatives that has the same property as the one in question. 914, 703, 813
1. 611
2. 789
3. 870
4. 120
5. 154
Directions (Q 16–23): Find out the next term in the given series:
16. 9, 12, 21, 48, ?
1. 69
2. 84
3. 102
4. 129
5. 125
17. 95, 115.5, 138, ?
1. 162.5
2. 163.5
3. 164.5
4. 167.5
5. 125.5
18. 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, ?
1. 21
2. 23
3. 25
4. 29
5. 24
19. 563, 647, 479, 815, ?
1. 143
2. 279
3. 386
4. 672
5. 786
20. 79, 68, 57, 46, ?
1. 17
2. 27
3. 35
4. 66
5. 65
21. 5, 1/5, 17, 1/17, 29, 1/29, ?
1. 34
2. 39
3. 41
4. 49
5. 40
22. 18, 27, 6, 9, 2, 3, ?
1. 1
2. 1/3
3. 2/3
4. 1/2
5. 1/4
23. 4, 2, 8, 4, 24, 12, 96, ?
1. 24
2. 36
3. 40
4. 48
5. 50
Directions (Q 24–30): Which one is different from others?
24. Calf, Colt, Puppy, Cat, Cub
1. Calf
2. Colt
3. Puppy
4. Cat
5. Cub
25. Ox, Peacock, Lion, Hen, Tiger
1. Lion
2. Ox
3. Peacock
4. Hen
5. Tiger
26. Copper, Diamond, Silver, Gold, Platinum
1. Diamond
2. Gold
3. Silver
4. Copper
5. Platinum
27. Diet, Died, Tied, Tide, Fried
1. Tide
2. Diet
3. Tied
4. Died
5. Fried
28. 16, 22, 30, 45, 52, 66
1. 30
2. 45
3. 52
4. 66
5. 16
29. 8754, 9786, 7986, 3243, 1245
1. 8754
2. 9786
3. 7986
4. 3243
5. 1245
30. 1622, 2540, 3840, 5786, 5453
1. 5786
2. 3840
3. 2540
4. 1622
5. 5453
1. 2, 2. 3, 3. 4, 4. 3, 5. 4, 6. 2, 7. 2, 8. 1, 9. 2, 10. 4
11. 2, 12. 2, 13. 4, 14. 3, 15. 1, 16. 4, 17. 1, 18. 2, 19. 1, 20. 3
21. 3, 22. 3, 23. 4, 24. 4, 25. 4, 26. 1, 27. 1, 28. 2, 29. 3, 30. 1
Tags: Banking-Officer-Papers, Banking-Papers, Downloads, Question-Papers, Reasonging-Question-Answers, Reasoning-Questions, Sample Papers, Sample-Question-Papers, Solved-Sample-Questions
Karnataka Bank Clerical Examination Sample Questions Papers
March 15, 2010 by Chand
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Karnataka Bank
Download Sample Question Paper for Karnataka Bank Clerical Recruitment Examinations.
Directions (Q1, 2, 3): Choose the word which most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word given in CAPITALS as used in the passage.
1. balance
2. proportion
3. quality
4. steep
5. trace
1. miserable
2. disappointing
3. insurmountable
4. pessimistic
5. admirable
1. Flavoured
2. Stupid
3. Beautiful
4. Rude
5. None of these
Directions (Q. 4, 5): Choose the word which is most OPPOSITE in meaning of the word given in CAPITALS as used in the passage.
1. independent
2. creditable
3. unreliable
4. unapproachable
5. incongruent
1. weak
2. perfect
3. vulnerable
4. robust
5. delicate
Directions (Q. 6-10): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any will be one part of the sentence. The number of that part of the sentence is the answer. If there is no error the answer is (5). (Ignore the error of punctuation, if any.)
6. At present, nearly / all foundries of / the country use coke / as a natural fuel. / No error
7. The Bill ensures that / the chairperson or members / cannot be removed out of office / except by an order of the President / No error
8. The directives in the holy books thus lay / emphasis on the need to / avoid get caught / on the stranglehold of worldly attractions / No error
9. An effective criminal law / is required for / effective implementation of / rules of law / No error
10. Local residents told the Chief Minister / that the building / was unauthorised construction / No error
Directions (Q. 11-15): In each of the following sentences there are two blank spaces. Below each sentence there are five pairs of words denoted by 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Find out which pair of words can be filled up in the blanks in the sentence in the same sequence to make the sentence meaningfully complete.
11. A _______ is known for his _______
1. hypocrite, honesty
2. braggart, modesty
3. altruist, truthfulness
4. mercenary, sincerity
5. philanthropist, benevolence
12. One _______ by which we may estimate the character of a man in public office is his _______
1. hyperbole, intuition
2. criterion, integrity
3. amenity, civility
4. unwary, irritable
5. specious, misanthropic
13. Because of his _______ honesty, employers tolerated his _______ outbursts and did not fire him
1. rapacious, amenable
2. unwavering, irascible
3. amiable, regular
4. unwary, irritable
5. specious, misanthropic
14. The _______ law of increase old age pensions was passed to _______ the hardship of the elderly voters in the state.
1. auspicious, mollify
2. expedient, alleviate
3. equivocal, aggravate
4. exemplary, condone
5. notorious, assuage
15. When I listened to his _______ arguments, all my doubts were _______ and I was forced to agree with his point of view.
1. competent, compelled
2. congruent, confirmed
3. cogent, dispelled
4. forceful, repelled
5. fluent, ignored
Directions (Q. 16-20): Which of the following phrases 1, 2, 3, and 4 given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold type to make the sentence either correct or phrased in different words?
16. No caring for the family, Dhanraj wanted to gather roses only.
1. wanted to paint a rosy picture of the past
2. make safe investment
3. wanted to start the business of roses
4. wanted to seek all enjoyments of life
5. None of these
17. After the successful performance of the great actor was over, there was thunderstruck applause.
1. fearful
2. cheerful
3. decisive
4. thunderous
5. No correction required
18. We might not be able to change the situation quickly, but we should continue our efforts in that direction.
1. could not be
2. had not been
3. would not
4. did not
5. No correction required
19. The monograph, which was published three years ago, would suggest that by 2001 there will be 73 million TV sets in India.
1. has been suggesting
2. would have suggested
3. will suggest
4. had suggested
5. No correction required
20. Some of the African have been enmeshed in an inescapable debt trap.
1. entangled
2. hit
3. struck
4. ensured
5. None of these
1. 2, 2. 5, 3. 1, 4. 3, 5. 4, 6. 2, 7. 3, 8. 3, 9. 4, 10. 4
11. 5, 12. 2, 13. 2, 14. 2, 15. 3, 16. 4, 17. 4, 18. 5, 19. 4, 20. 1
Tags: Downloads, Karnataka, Karnataka-Bank-Papers, Question-Papers, Recruitment-Examinations, Sample Papers, Sample-Question-Papers
University Grants Commission NET Paper-III Structure
March 14, 2010 by Chand
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University Grants Commission
plz inform me about the result of clerical exam of sbi held on 22 nov 2009
Please send me previous 10 years exam papers to my e-mail id [email protected]
I will be very thankful
Hello sir,
i want pnb clerk exam privious paper. Ple. Tell me where i can get papers freely.
Please send me previous 10 years exam papers to my e-mail id. I will be very thankful
Please send me the solved paper of sbi clerk which held on 8th Nov-09 in 1st sitting, mail id is [email protected]
Thanks a lot
I have given SBI clerk exam on 8 nov. 2009. I want to know aboutr the result of this exam. kindly inform me about the result.
Thanking you.
pleas send me the information of next sbi clearical exam.
sir please give me the detail of next vacancy of clerkal requirment in sbi on my mail id [email protected]
plz inform me abt the result of clerical exam of sbi held on 22 nov 2009.
sbi clerical exam papers
How can I prepare for APGVB and can I get previous question papers of APGVB clerical exam
please send the previous year question papers to my mail id or how can i get this in my id
give me information about sbi clerical exam result held on 15 nov 2009.reply on my mail
sir I have give the sbi clerks exam on 22 nov 2009 .Please tell me about the result status as soon as possible
Please send me the SBI CLERICAL EXAM held on 22nd November2009
sir i want to known when is the exam for the post of clerk in 2010.
sir i want to know the result of written exam of 22th nov 2009 for the post of clerk in sbi
sir when declir the sbi exam result(clerk) held on 15 Nov. piease give the information my mobile no-9897727679 or my email [email protected] .
when sbi clerk exam nov. 2009 result will come out
Sir/Madam I want to know the minimum eligibility for the clerical exam of SBI.
sir/madom please give me a details of results of nov. 2009 clerk examination.
sir/madom please give me a details of results of nov. 2009 clerk examination.
give me information about sbi clerical exam result held on 15 nov 2009.reply on my mail
sir i want to know the result of written exam of 8th nov for the post of clerk in sbi
when will be the clerical resluts declared
Sir, I want to know that, does the results of sbi clerical exam declared which held on 22 Nov. 2009 at First meeting
dear sir i want to know the result of written exam of 15th nov 2009 for the post of clerk in sbi.
when will be the clerical resluts declared
i want to know that , does the results of sbi clerical exam declared, which held on 22 Nov
Sir, I have deposited the fee of SBI clerk recruitment 2009. for my daughter and she could not apply for the same due to lesser in age. Can you tell me- how can I withdraw my fee amount from sbi.
i have result of 15 nov 2009 which is give the paper of clericle post from sbi.
plz submit the my result in my email id and my roll no is 2505021494.
Kindly let me know when will be the results of s b i exam held in november 2009 declared?
can i get my sbi result which was held on 22 nov 2009 at my e-mail.
roll no. is-4107072837
registraton no. is-3015826
([email protected])
when the result of sbi clerk test held on nov. 08,15,22 will be declred
tennis player nadal is belong to which country ?
ans: spain
when the SBI clerical results will be declared which had been held on nov.8,15,22
Please send me the SBI CLERICAL EXAM held on 22nd November2009
When the SBI clerical results will be declared which had been held on NOv 8,15,22
I am the Director of a leading educational institution that provides coaching and counselling to aspirants of different competitive examinations . Can you help us in any way ?
when will be the result declared for the exam held on 22 nov 2009
may i know the tentative date for publication of result of written exam held in nov 2009 for sbi clerical ?
Please send me the answers for all the 200 questions of SBI CLERICAL EXAM held on 8th November 2009
50 Responses to “SBI Clerk Recruitment Exam Papers”
i was given sbi clerk exam 22th nov.2009 3st sitting.
could you please send me the solved paper my email adress.
respected sir, i’ve appeared for the sbi clerk exam on nov8, 2009. can u pls send me the answers to my mail id .
thank you.
Please send me the answers for all the 200 questions of SBI CLERICAL EXAM held on 22nd November 2009
I have given sbi exam held on 8 nov, 2009.I just want to u that u can send my result on my e mail ID. Myroll:2807048462.
Thank you sir
When the result of SBI Clerk exam 2009-2010 which was held on 22nov,2009 will be declared?Please send me the date on which the result will be declared.
Respected sir/madam
Please send me me the sbi clerical question paper and all answers for all the 200 questions of SBI CLERICAL EXAM held on 15th November 2009.
Dear Sir,
I request to you please inform the sbi clerical written test result date & please send me the sbi question papers & answers held in 22th Nov.2009 (first play) on my email id : [email protected].
I shall be very thankful to you.
Pratima Dwivedy
cell - 09937826101
Respected sir/madam
Please send me answers for all the 200 questions of SBI CLERICAL EXAM held on 8th November 2009
is there any recruitment of sbi clerks in 2010
sir, i have appeared sbi clerk exam held on 22 nov. 2009. would u please send me the answers of general awareness and english sections.
good evening sir ,
sir pls send me answer sheet of s.b.i clerical exam held on 8 nov. 2009.I shall be very thankful to you.
Sir please send me the sbi clerical question paper held in 22th november 2009(first paly).thanking you.
Respected sir/madam
Please send me answers for all the 200 questions of SBI CLERICAL EXAM held on 8th November 2009
Can u send me Question paper with ans. Of SBI Exam held on 8th, 15th & 22nd Nov.2009
sir please send me the sbi clerical question paper alongwith the answers held on 15th nov,2009 so that i can access my performance. and also please inform me the date on which result will be declare.i’ll be very grateful to you.
thank you.
sir please send me the sbi clerical question paper held in8th november 2009( 2nd sitting) so that ican assess my performance.
thanking you
I reqest you inform the sbi clarkak retern test result date.
And i am complited DAE and design cources.
sir i have given sbi clerk exam on 15th nov. 2009. sir plz provide me exam questions &answers on my email id.
Sir,I would be very greatful to you if you send me the solved question papers of sbi clerical exam held on Nov 8 email id is [email protected]
i have given written examination on 22th Nov. 2009 of SBI ,i reqest u plz… inform sbi clerkrical written test result on my email id
please give me information about my sbi clerical reasult held on 8 nov.
Please i want to know the result of SBI clerical exam held on 22nd nov-09-please send the result on My ID
sbi clerk solved paper nov 8,15,22 2009.
pls i get to sbi solved paper… i waiting answer itt
Sir, plz send the result on my mail whenever it will be declared
sir, i have appeared in sbi clerk exam held on 22 nov. 2009. would u please send me the answers of general awareness and english sections.
I have appeared for the exam held on 8th Nov, please let me know the sbi clerkrical written test result on my email id: [email protected]
sir, i reqest u plz… inform sbi clerkrical written test result on my email id
I reqest you inform the sbi calrikal retern test resulat date
i have given written examination on 22th Nov. 2009 of SBI , plz i want question & answers send my mail please sir
sir, please provide the paper and answers of sbi clerical exam held on 22/11/09
i have given sbi exam held on 8th nov.pls send me the solved paper on my mailid [email protected]
i have given sbi exam held on 8th nov.pls send me the solved paper on my mailid…………[email protected]
i was written sbi clerk exam 8 nov.
please i want question and answers send my mail piease sir.
sir,i want to have solved question paper of sbi clerk exam held on 15 nov. 2009
i was given sbi clerk exam 8th nov.2009 1st sitting.
could you please send me the question and answer my email adress.
i was written sbi clerk exam 8 nov.
please i want question and answers send my mail piease sir.
Sir, i have given written examination on 8th Nov. 2009 of SBI , when the result will be declared of the same.
Could you please send me the question paper of SBI clerkship exam held on 22nov ,09?
I want to ask how we manage time during sbi clerical examination in all parts of question papers
where i can get the answers of questions asked in 8,15,22 november recruitment of clerks exam.
How to prepare for exam and please provide me a sample pattern for the exam.
I have completed B.A(hons) mathematics and secure 51% marks in mathematics and aggregate is 49.5%. I want to do M.A/M.Sc math from ignou can i do this? tell me.
I’m Amadeem Ahmad, My paper is on 22, nov 2009.Please give me some tips releted to SBI clerk Exame,if you send me sample of last exame paper please send me.Thanks you,
My date of birth has been wrongly registerd as 16-01-1990 in place of 15-01-1990 in my online application. What can i do to correct it. my registretion no. is 3977147.
hello sir,
i m tapish jain. my paper is on 22 nov. please give me some tips related to paper. if you sample paper of last exam please send me. thank you.
Sir, Can you give me the information how to get the application forms & what are the qualification & also when the exam will be held this year………
Wer do v get d application forms nd wt r d qualification
sir from where we get form and when will exam held
I want to ask how we manage time during sbi clerical examination in all parts of question papers?
how can i participate in the SBI clerk recruitement exam.
when will giv me the 2009 sbi question paper?
How would I get Information on Job opportunities in Delhi Government. I want all requirement information for Delhi Government Jobs.