3rd July 2019, 02:13 PM
Important dates of GAFS-AIT Scholarship
I am interested to apply in GAFS-AIT Scholarship. So, I would like to know about the important dates of this scholarship. Can you please let me know about the important dates of this scholarship?
5th July 2019, 04:24 PM
Important dates of GAFS-AIT Scholarship:
Scholarship deadline: March 31, 2019 Application deadline: June 30, 2019 Application extended: July 25, 2019 |
6th July 2019, 06:00 PM
The AIT academic year comprises of two semesters. First intake is January and second is August. The deadlines of applications for GAFS-AIT Scholarship is 25 July 2019 for August Intake (2019) and 15 November 2019 is for January Intake (2020).
You can visit the official website link given below for details; https://www.ait.ac.th/admissions/sch...t-scholarship/ |