5th August 2020, 09:45 PM
Important dates of International Mathematics Olympiad 2020
Hello Sir, I am studying in 9th standard and I came to know about the International Mathematics Olympiad. I would like to know about the important dates of this Olympiad. Please provide me with the important dates for this year?
8th August 2020, 06:46 PM
Important dates of International Mathematics Olympiad 2020:-
Pre - Regional Mathematics Olympiad -August 2020 Regional Olympiad - October 2020 Indian National Mathematical Olympiad - 3rd Sunday of January 2020 IMO Training Camp - April – May 2020 Pre Departure Camp - June 2020. |
8th August 2020, 09:38 PM
Important dates of International Mathematics Olympiad 2020:
> Exam - level 1 - date 1 - 1st December 2020 > Exam level 1- date 2 - 22 December 2020 > Exam level - 1 - date 3 - 19th January 2021 |
8th August 2020, 11:42 PM
Important dates of International Mathematics Olympiad 2020 is given below-
Last date to apply for this Olympiad is 31/8/2020 Dates for Olympiad exam will be notified later. Students need to apply through their schools as individual registrations are not accepted. Step 1: All eligible students can apply for the Olympiad through their respective schools. Step 2: Schools can request the prospectus containing registration form either By sending an email at [email protected], or By making a phone call on 0124-4951200. Step 3: They need to return the duly filled registration forms to SOF before the due date. |