9th July 2019, 03:54 PM
Procedure to apply for USTM-Assam Sahitya Sabha Postgraduate Scholarship?
Hello everyone, can anyone of you kindly let me know about the procedure for applying for a scholarship which is USTM-Assam Sahitya Sabha Postgraduate Scholarship? I am interested to apply for this scholarship. So please help me to know about this scholarship. Waiting for your response!
5th September 2022, 05:20 PM
How to apply
Visit the application page Download the application form in preferred language , English or Aasamese Take the print out of form and fill in required details. Provide personal and educational details. Provide the details of two recommending personnel Send the application by post to below address Asam Sahitya Sabha District Library Complex, Ambarish Guwahati, 781001 |