13th August 2020, 10:56 PM
Terms and Conditions to apply for The Dalai Lama Trust Postgraduate Scholarship 2020
Hi everyone, I have heard about The Dalai Lama Trust Postgraduate Scholarship. I am an MSc postgraduate and I am thinking of applying for this scholarship. I want to know about the terms and conditions to apply. Kindly tell me immediately.
14th August 2020, 12:05 PM
Terms and Conditions to apply for The Dalai Lama Trust Postgraduate Scholarship 2020:-
Applicant and his / her parents must have a Green Book ( GB) and the GB constitution must be paid till 2019. If the applicant's parents are in Tibet / deceased / separated, the authenticity of such information must be maintained in '' Form A '' by the concerned Tibetan Settlement Officer. Applicant must have a valid registration certificate. This scholarship does not include of Vocational courses. |
15th August 2020, 12:36 PM
Terms and Conditions to apply for The Dalai Lama Trust Postgraduate Scholarship 2020:-
> Applicant and his / her parents must have green book and the GB contribution must be paid till 2019. >If applicants parents are in Tibet / deceased / separated, the authenticity of such information must be mentioned in 'Form A' by the concerned Tibetan settlement officer. > Applicant must have a valid registration certificate. > This scholarship doesn't include vocational courses. |
15th August 2020, 01:25 PM
Terms and Conditions to apply for The Dalai Lama Trust Postgraduate Scholarship 2020 is given below-
1.Applicant & his/her parents must have a Green Book (GB) and the GB contribution must be paid till 2019. 2.If the applicant's parents are in Tibet/deceased/separated, the authenticity of such information must be mentioned in "Form-A" by the concerned TibetanSettlement Officer. 3.Applicant must have a valid Registration Certificate (RC). 4.This scholarship doesn't include vocational courses. Last date to apply for this scholarship is 31/8/2020. |