21st September 2018, 11:48 AM
Age limit to apply for DSSSB PRT recruitment?
Hello friends, can anyone of you kindly let me know about the age limit for applying in the recruitment of DSSSB for the post of PRT? I am unable to know about the age limit. So, kindly let me know about the age limit asap.
22nd September 2018, 08:31 PM
DSSSB stands for Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board. There is no minimum age limits for it and maximum age is 30 years.
23rd September 2018, 10:55 AM
Maximum Age limit for PRT Teacher in DSSSB recruitment is 30 years.
However, relaxation will be provided as per instructions/orders issued by Government. |
23rd September 2018, 12:19 PM
Candidates with age below 30 years are eligible for DSSSB PTR recruitments. Exam will conduct in two phase i.e. prelims & Mains. Qualifying candidates will be called for further selection process.
I am also providing a pdf document of complete notification of DSSSB through which you can get all information regarding selection procedure and requirements for various posts. (Note:- It is a 2017 notification but process for recruitment is same. This document is only for reference/guidance of selection criterion.) |
23rd September 2018, 01:19 PM
As far as you are concerned about the age limit for DSSSB ( Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board ) Primary Teacher recruitment then the maximum age limit for the same recruitment is 30 years in case of general category. Further, there is provision of age relaxation for other reserved category candidates as per the government norms.