25th August 2010, 12:23 AM
Can I do IAS after BBA? Will it be tough to clear IAS exams for BBA graduates?
m doing bba and now m in 2nd year..i want to do IAS after bba is it possible and is it tough or so so..
25th August 2010, 11:49 AM
Hello friend,
A graduate in any discipline is eligilbe to appear for the IAS exam conducted by UPSC. Now, cracking the exam depends upon your preparation and hard work. The examination is divided into two stages. Preliminary exam Main exam The compulsary subject in the Preliminary exam for IAS is General studies. and, the compulsary subjects for the Main exam are one Indian language, English, Essay and General studies. Following are the optional subject from which one can select any subject depending upon the area of expertise. Agriculture Mathematics, Animal Husbandry & Vetinary Science, Mechanical Engineering Botany, Medical Science, Chemistry, Philosophy, Civil Engineering, Physics, Commerce,Political Science ,Economics ,Psychology Electrical Engineering Public Administration, Geography, Sociology, Geology, Statistics, Indian,History, Zoology,Law. So, you must try to work hard on the compulsary subjects and try to select optional subject depending upon your strength and interest in particular subject. There are many books available in the book stores for IAS preparation. You may also enroll yourself to a coaching centre for better results. If you could work hard and give what it demands, you too can crack the exam. |
25th August 2010, 04:25 PM
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IAS exam give any graduate person that degree is recognized from Indian government. also nationality is INDIAN. IAS exam is very tough exam, so u have to piper more, mens u start ur preparation from this year. |
25th August 2010, 04:41 PM
I beg to be excused, friend, but I must say that this is a rather silly
question to ask. Considering that the IAS Exams or the Indian Administrative Service Exams are the key to the most coveted jobs in India, it would hardly be credible if we say that the exams are not tough; but then, if you are really determined to be sincere and undertake all the hard work, there will be no stopping you. Hopefully, you have been a bright student all through and have a pretty good academic record. Here I provide you links to sites that will tell you more about the exams, syllabus, preparation, et al. http://www.onestopias.com http://www.civilserviceindia.com |
25th August 2010, 06:32 PM
my dear friend,
first of all remember when you are thinking to appear for IAS exams it is really a very decision demanding high level of hard work. So prepare mentally for that level of hard work. Each lakhs student appear and only few hard working and dedicated are selected for it. Those selected doesn't got success simply, they have workrd hard both day and night for success. so you can definitely go for it and choose only those subjects as your optional on which you have full command. the care should be taken in m,aking choice of the subjects for exam. so its just right time for you to prepare for the exam. |
25th August 2010, 07:27 PM
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The eligibilty criteria for IAS exam is graduation in any stream. Therefore, you are eligible for the exam after completing BBA. You can appear in your final year as well. A GEN category students get only four chances to appear the exam. So, try to appear only after a good preparation. The age limit is 30 years for GEN category students. There is no criteria about your marks or or your stream of previous education. The civil services ie IAS exam is assumed to be the toughest of all the exams in India. But it doesn't mean that one has to stand upside down. One just need to do one year preparation with complete sincerity. If requires may be one year more. But two year is enough. All the respective details about exam and syllabus are available on the UPSC official website. You can also visit: www.upscexam.com www.upscportal.com www.civilservices.in |
26th August 2010, 01:37 AM
hello dear
definately, you can do IAS after BBA. as minimum qualification graduation is require to attain in the IAS exam. and minimum 60% marks in BBA is require to attain in the bba exam. age limit for IAS exam is 21-29 years. all the best.............. |
26th August 2010, 07:26 AM
Dear friend,
yes you can do IAS after BBA its because the criteria is you should be graduate in any dicipline.and its nothing like that it will be tough for BBA students.it totally depends on your interest and hard workthe IAS exam is conducted by UPSC and it has three stages.1st stage consists of compulsary subject of general studies.2nd stage comprises of some compulsary and some elective subjects.the compulsary one are, any one Indian language,English,Essay and general studies.and optional subjects depends on your interest and grip in that subject. All The Best!!! |
26th August 2010, 04:25 PM
dear friend,
Yes,you can appear in IAS.. the criteria is you must complete your graduation,after your graduation you can appear in IAS..it doesn't matter you are from which stream.. and the other one is your age must be in between 21- 30 years.. if your age is in between 21-30 years then after completion of your BBA you can appear in IAS.. IAS exam is conducted by UPSC.. it is very tough exam..to crack this type of exam you have to prepare yourself very well.. read daily newspaper,magazine, keep in touch with recent affairs,increase your general knowledge.. at least daily 10-12 hours you have to spent in taking preparation of IAS.. all the best.. |
26th August 2010, 08:56 PM
dear friend
obviously u can do ias.it is not so tough,for that u have to prepare urself according 2 ias syllabus. solve ias yr question etc. good luck. |
27th August 2010, 04:20 PM
Yes, you can appear for IAS after BBA.A graduate from any discipline who is an Indian citizen, is eligible to appear for IAS. If you prepare well you can pass the exam. After clearing the exam an interview will be conducted. You can log on to http://www.civilserviceindia.com for more details.
20th September 2010, 05:02 PM
yes all graduation student are eligible to appear in IAS exam conduct through UPSC. civil services exam. so for more detail visit
http://www.civilserviceindia.com/subject/ |
23rd September 2010, 12:41 AM
The elligiblity criteria for IAs exam is any graduatye or appearing graduate with 21 years of age.
for more querry log on to http://www.upsc.gov.in |
5th October 2010, 12:52 AM
Yes we can give ias exam after completing bba(graduation).
It might be tough for bba students to clear ias exam because bba students have business related knowledge to pass i as exam. |
5th October 2010, 01:53 AM
yes you can also give ias exam any graduate person can give ias exam.in any dicipline
to crack ias you have to work hard a lot ok best of luck |
5th October 2010, 04:59 PM
why not my friend. You are doing BBA i.e degree of any deciplin student is appear for UPSC exam.
In this exam, there are two stages. 1. Pri examination and 2. mains examination If you pass the Pri examination then and then only you are eligible for mains examination, otherwise not. Now the question is where UPSC exam is tough or not? i can tell you frankly that, it the second most hard exam in the world. for cracking this examination you need hard work, smart work and consistat study. |
6th October 2010, 12:42 AM
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basic qualification for UPSC civil service is graduation.and you need to choose two subjects from the list. detailed you can get in www.upsc.gov.in good luck |
31st October 2010, 07:56 PM
dear friends,
who told you taht it is not possible to crack the ias exam after doing the BBA, if you potential ,dedication to wards the preparation for the ias exams then you are eligible and you can crack the exams.so do not think so, it is not that cracking of the ias for the BBA studnets is tough. you can choose the subjects in which you have very good commands. the list of the subjects is written or givemn on the websites.... www.upsc.gov.in |
11th November 2010, 01:12 PM
For civil service exam you only need to be gradaute and after completing BCA you will become graduate so you will be eligible for this exam
14th November 2010, 08:15 AM
Yes, a student ofBBA canapppear for IAS exam as pere the requirement aftergraduationhewillbecomea graduatewhich is the minimumeligiblity criteria for the exam.
16th November 2010, 12:27 AM
My son is working so as to pay the fees for the coaching and for the room rent But he feels that he is not getting enough time. He has been a good student always. Is cracking the IAS that difficult in the general category? As the pattern has changed this time, he is really scared. How should he prepare? How should he keep his confidence level high?
23rd November 2010, 08:06 PM
Yes, of course you can do IAs or RAs after BBM as after BBM you will be a graduate which is minimum requirement
14th February 2011, 05:21 PM
Hi...well its good that you are doing BBA.Its a management course and yes you are eligible for joining IAS after the completion of your graduation.It is conducted by UPSC board.You can select a subject related with your course.The eligibility criteria is that you need to have minimum of degree certificate from a recognized college and should obtain minimum of 60% and above marks.Since you are a BBA student i will be quite tough but don't worry you can make it through.
14th February 2011, 05:26 PM
Yes you can go for RAS/IAS after BBM.The eligibility criteria is that you need to have minimum educational qualification of degree from a recognized college and should attain the age between 21-30 years.It is a exam conducted by UPSC board. |
14th February 2011, 05:37 PM
Hi...Yes you are eligible for IAS exam.The eligibility criteria is that you need to have minimum of degree certificate or equivalent to it.It is an exam conducted by UPSC board.You can choose the subjects related to your course of interest.If you can clear the exam with good grades and get placed than its one of the prestigious job.
21st March 2011, 12:43 PM
Yes ofcourse you can do IAS after BBA.As per eligiblity criteria you should have Graduation degree.IAS exam is conducted by UPSC enery year. Age Limit:21 years must be completed on 1st August of the year, in which you are appearing. Maximum 30 for general category, 33 for OBCs and 35 for SCs/STs . Yes you have to prepare sincerely for this exam. Exam Pattern for UPSC IAS EXAM: All India Combined Competitive Examination for the Civil Services conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) comprises of two successive stages: •Preliminary Examination: It is of objective type, which is a qualifying examination. •Main Examination: It consists of written examination and interview. You can apply offline and online for this exam:
15th April 2011, 12:59 PM
Yes why not???
BBA students can also join IAS. The minimum educational criteria to join IAS is a graduate degree in any field from any recognized university... And BBA is also a graduate degree, So you can apply. This year the form fill up is over... So try next year... The official website is http://www.upsc.gov.in And one more thing is that you should have crossed 21 years of age and should not have crossed 30 years. |
15th April 2011, 06:19 PM
Since you are still in 2nd year BBA you must finish your degree to enter
into UPSC exam which is an entrance exam for IAS. You must crack UPSC exam with hard work and concentration and a nice preparation only since it is a very tough exam only. |
15th April 2011, 06:51 PM
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And final year appearing candidates are also eligible to apply for IAS Examination, But to apply for This exam, your age should between 21 to 30 years. So, if you are in final year of your course, then you are eligible to apply for IAS Examination. Number of Attempts - Four Attempts for general candidates Seven attempts for OBCs and P.H. Candidates And there is no limit for SCs/STs Candidates. And if you are intrested to get complete information regading IAS Examination, then please read the given notification or visit the UPSC official website - http://www.upsc.gov.in |
15th April 2011, 07:02 PM
The eligibilty criteria for IAS exam is graduation in any stream.
Therefore, you are eligible for the exam after completing BBA. You can appear in your final year as well. A GEN category students get only four chances to appear the exam. So, try to appear only after a good preparation. The age limit is 30 years for GEN category students. There is no criteria about your marks or or your stream of previous education You can visit these websites for more information: www.upscportal.nic.in www.onestopias.com |
15th April 2011, 07:06 PM
Yes Definitely
The Eligibility Criteria of IAS Exam is Graduation in any Stream. And Those in the final of a degree course can also Eligible. And Any Graduate Candidates are Eligible To Apply for civil Service Examination. The Age should between 21 To 30 yrs. And upper Age Limit will be Relaxed by 3 yrs for Obc Candidates and 5 yrs for SC/ST candidates. More details,Visit the official website : www.upsc.gov.in |
15th April 2011, 07:13 PM
IAS examination is conducted by UPSC every Year.
Eligibility criteria:- a) Educational Qualification: Must have graduation from recognized university. b) Age limit:- Minimum 21 years and maximum 30 years. Relaxation for category holders: 1. For SC/ST 5 years. 2.For OBC 3 years. c) Total Number of Attempts: 1. For General category 4 attempts. 2) For OBC 7 attempts. 3) For SC/ST unlimited till age limit. So you are eligible. I would suggest you first prepare well and then only paper in IAS exam This year dates for filling up form for IAS examination is over. So try Next year. For complete details please visit official website of UPSC http://www.upsc.gov.in All the Best |
15th April 2011, 07:26 PM
IAS examination is conducted by UPSC every Year.
Eligibility criteria:- a) Educational Qualification: Must have graduation from recognized university. b) Age limit:- Minimum 21 years and maximum 30 years. Relaxation for category holders: 1. For SC/ST 5 years. 2.For OBC 3 years. c) Total Number of Attempts: 1. For General category 4 attempts. 2) For OBC 7 attempts. 3) For SC/ST unlimited till age limit. I would like to suggest you please first prepare well then only apper in IAS exam because attempts are very limited. This year dates for filling up form for IAS examination is over. So try Next year. For complete details please visit official website of UPSC http://www.upsc.gov.in All the Best |
15th April 2011, 07:34 PM
Yes,you can do IAS,as BBA education qualification is sufficient,and if your age also satisfies,then you will be complete eligible for the exam.
Age should between 21 to 30 year for General category,OBC 21 to 33 years and for SC/ST only minimum age is required i.e 21 years For more detail,check this attachment: |
15th April 2011, 08:15 PM
hi dear
Yes we can give ias exam after completing bba(graduation). It might be tough for bba students to clear ias exam because bba students have business related knowledge to pass i as exam. Reply With Quote thank |
15th April 2011, 08:21 PM
All graduate candidates are eligible for becoming IAS..
detail is given below.. Qualification-Graduation Age -must be between 21 and 30 for SC/ST candidate relaxation in upper age of 5 years.. and for OBC candidates relaxation in upper age is 3 years.. Attempts-4 for General candidates, 7 for OBC candidates and unlimited attempts for SC/ST candidates... For more information you can visit www.upsc.gov.in |
15th April 2011, 08:55 PM
As you know for appearing into the IAS you must need to have graduate degree. so after completion of BBA course you are eligible for writing IAS. Well if you prepare well then nothing is tough for you even you belongs to BBA or BVA. it doesn't matters so don't worry just prepare yourself for IAS. Good luck!!! |
15th April 2011, 09:43 PM
yes you can take exam
Eligibility for IAS : Age limits : 21-30 years Educational Qualifications : Bachelor’s degree of a recognised university No. of permissible attempts : Four for general students Seven attemps of OBCs no limit for SCs/STs well all entrance exams are tough .Sometimes it is easy to score good but still many students do not able to become IAS as for that you have to be best.you have to get very good rank among those lakhs of students which are taking this exam. |
15th April 2011, 11:12 PM
Yes you are eligible for giving IAS exam..for IAS graduation is must which you completed..
yes it is little bit tough for BBA graduates but if you have knowledge about current affairs and you daily read newspaper then i think you have no problem .....you need to know how to solve aptitude typr questions... |
16th April 2011, 10:56 PM
yes you also eligible for ias exam. so, you will start your preparition. Eligibility Criteria For IAS (i) Age limits : 21-30 years as on 1.7.2011. (Upper age limit relaxable for SCs/STs, OBCs and certain other categories) (ii) Educational Qualifications : Bachelor’s degree of a recognised university with at least one of the subjects namely Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science, Botany, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Physcs, Statistics and Zoology or a Bachelor's degree in Agriculture, Forestry or in Enginerring or an equivalent qualification. |
30th April 2011, 12:56 PM
Yes you can appear for IAS after BBA.
Here is the eligibility criteria for IAS exam. Academic qualification : -One should have a bachelors degree from a recognized institute -The final year candidates will also eligible to appear for the exam. Age criteria : -One should be in the age group of 21-30 years (for General) -For the candidates of OBC : 21- 33 years -For the candidates of SC/ST : 21-35 years. Number of attempts : For General category candidates : Maximum of 4 times For OBC : Maximum of 7 times For SC/ST : No limit For IAS, one need to appear for civil services examination conducted by UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) . IAS pattern will be by -CSAT (Civil Services Aptitude Test) -Civil Services Main examination -Interview. Nothing is impossible. If you put hard efforts, you can crack IAS |
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