3rd May 2013, 07:43 PM
Can I get admission in any IIT after scoring 865 in JAM
My JAM AIR is 865,can i get admission in any IIT?
18th March 2014, 03:15 PM
You have to score above 60 per cent aggregate in class 12. For getting into the IIT, you have to appear in the Joint Entrance Examination (Advanced) which is a common admission test for students seeking admission to undergraduate programmes of all IITs. Initially you have to appear as a candidate in the JEE (Main) which is conducted by JEE Apex Board, in the month of April. JEE(Advanced) is conducted by IITs in the month of June. Only the top 1,50,000 scorers in JEE (Main), which includes students from all categories (GE, OBC (NCL), SC, ST and PD) will be eligible to appear in JEE (Advanced). The JEE (Advanced) have two objective type papers. Each paper will consist of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Duration of each paper will be 3-hours.
24th May 2015, 09:17 PM
Its not only depend on your score 865 in JAM exam, it also depend on category in which you belongs.
##If you belongs category other than general then you can get any IITs. ##If you belongs to general category then you can get most of IITs except one or two top most IIts. |