7th November 2011, 11:59 AM
Date of ICSE Exam of upcoming year?
what is the date of the ICSE Examination 2012?
7th November 2011, 05:18 PM
hey dear check this attachment. it contained the time table for 2011-12 exam that will be started from 28 February 2012.
All the best for your exam... |
7th November 2011, 05:32 PM
Dear student i have attached time table for ICSE 2011-12. check it out , it will be start from 28 February 2012.
all the best... |
7th November 2011, 09:22 PM
dear friend,
Important Dates For ICSE Examination 1.>Sep 29, 2011 Technical papers 2.>Oct 27, 2011 Software Engineering in Practice papers · Software Engineering Education papers · Formal Demonstrations · Workshop proposals · Tutorial proposals 3.>Nov 28, 2011 Notification of workshop, tutorial and technical briefing submitters 4.>Dec 1, 2011 New Ideas and Emerging Results papers · Doctoral Symposium submissions · ACM student research competition submissions 5.>Jan 27, 2012 Notification of authors 6.>Feb 17, 2012 Workshop papers · Posters · Informal Demonstrations 7.>Mar 16, 2012 Camera-ready deadlines for accepted contributions 8.>Mar 20 2012 Notification of authors of workshop papers, posters, and informal demonstrations 9.>Jun 2–9, 2012 Conference Best of luck. |
23rd November 2011, 05:12 AM
ICSE exam will starts from last week of February 2012. Start you preparation right now & be scheduled in exam period. Be confident when going for exam.... Quote:
Best Of Luck! Regards ~brijesh~ |
29th November 2011, 04:35 PM
I am not very sure that these dates are correct or not but maybe it can still help you
29th Feb- English lang. 1st March- Eng, literature. 5th March- Hist/Civics 7th March- Geography 12th Mach- Maths 14th March- Physics 16th March- Chemistry 19th March- Biology 21th March- Hindi 23rd March- Ev.Ed 26th March- Computer All the best to all of the students who are going to appear in icse this year. |