19th November 2010, 09:32 PM
Which exam to appear to get into MS course in India?
which exam we are taken to join the MS course in india?
24th November 2010, 09:12 PM
All India PG Exam, JIPMER PG Exam, AIIMS Exam, AFMC Exam, AIPMT Exam, AIPGMET , MP DMAT Exam, AIMS, CETPPMC Entrance Exam, DUMET Entrance Test , MGIMS Entrance, Manipal Pre Medical Test , PGIMER etc are some of the MS exam conducted in India.
19th December 2010, 03:33 AM
All India PGMET and State PGMETs are conducted every year for admission in MS (Master of Surgery), DA (Diploma in Anaesthesiology), DO (Diploma in Ophthalmology), DGO (Diploma in Obs & Gynae) etc. AIIMS conducts these exams. Probably PGIMER selects students from AIPGMET only.
Regards nishant1110 |
3rd November 2012, 02:12 PM
Which exam to be taken for doing ms after BE india and aboard also rply soon to my id [email protected]
16th February 2013, 11:28 AM
I am 2011 b-tech pass out, working in software company. I want to do post graduation, but my question is if it is beneficial to do m-tech after two years of b-tech... i dont want to go for mba... so wat are the other options in my career growth if i do m-tech... ??
23rd October 2013, 07:23 PM
I have completed my BE in Telecommunication Engineering with 68% in 2013 and had taken up gre and toefl aswell.can i apply with gre and toefl scores to do MS program in India and which are all the colleges accepts gre score in INDIA?will the BITS pilani,IIT madras and kanpur accepts gre score? If so what is the cut-off score? and when to apply and how?please suggest me in full details.I am running out of time.I missed applying for GATE exam as online submission date is closed for gate.
kindly solve my queries by texting to my mail id:[email protected] |